What to do When You’ve Hit a Plateau in Your Business

Have you ever felt like you’re at a business plateau? Maybe your revenue is stuck at the same place. Maybe you can’t quite see how you could create more revenue because you are literally working day in and day out and there’s no time for you to put your CEO hat on and build a new strategy? Maybe you just feel…stuck.

Then take 10 today to tune into this week's episode where I’m sharing ‘What to do When You’ve Hit a Plateau in Your Business’.

In this episode, we delve into:

  • The three strategies for overcoming ‘the plateau’ in business

  • How you can action from imperfect and why that’s actually important

  • Why I believe learning and evolving has impacted my client retention and success in my business


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Hello. Hello. And welcome to this episode.

You may have noticed (or you may not have noticed), but if you are an avid listener, or avid weekly listener, you may have noticed that we have missed a couple of weeks.

Now, if I'm perfectly perfectly honest, I know that we as humans can be walking, talking, contradictions.

And here I am often talking about consistency, and over the last two weeks have just not been able to be consistent with the podcast.

If you follow me on the gram you will probably have seen I'm in the midst of a house renovation. And one of the things that I probably underestimated was actually how much it would affect my working week. Obviously, working from home and a lot of my work being recording based, it has meant that because there are (what feels like) endless tradespeople in the house, there's just a lot of noise and not a huge amount of downtime for me to record.

So, I seem to have managed it, with being away at Mallorca, and I'm currently just in a really beautiful little Airbnb for the week while quite a lot is happening in the home. But, yes. There we go. Nice little bit of honesty for you that I've not been able to be consistent.

So, I did want to come in today with a short and sharp quick one for you, which is speaking to the the plateau.

I've had a lot of connection calls with potential clients, a lot more than ever this month, thanks to a really good rock solid automation funnel that we've set up, and also the growth that I'm seeing on Instagram.

If you go and have a little cheeky look at my feed, you will notice that I have been really playing the rules game and noticing a lot more engagement, a lot of growth, and way more calls being booked in because of, not only the growth, but also the value that I have been prioritising, let's say, in the business.

What's interesting whenever you're having a a connection call with a potential client, of course, the conversation is naturally gonna start with where are you at and where do you wanna be? And it always starts with whatever their version of a plateau is. I created some content around it this week and wanted to bring it to the podcast as well.

What do we do when we are feeling stuck at a plateau in our revenue, or feeling stuck in a plateau in your business?

Here's three things that I would consider.

The first is to stop waiting to do ‘the next best thing’ and just try something.

I very purposely say ‘the next best thing’ here, because it might not be the thing, it might not be the solution, but I guarantee it will help you to build momentum towards what is. So, some of the best results happen when we have an idea and run with it.

And I guarantee that most of you listening to this have something in your Google Drive, have something in your Dropbox, have something saved gathering dust on your desktop that you could share as a freebie that would be valuable to one of your ideal clients right now.

So find the thing.

Talk about the thing.

Build it into an automation.

But just make the move.

Because whenever we are waiting to do the next best thing, what normally is happening is that we are trying to control or predict the outcome. And the reality is that business by nature is playing with both uncertainty and certainty. And most of the time, it isn't about making everything perfect, and waiting until it's this perfect thing. Actually, it's about going - I've got this thing, let’s run with it. I've got this thing, let’s run with it. With a bigger strategy in mind, of course. But equally, just taking the next best step.

The next would be to trust yourself.

And I've spoken to this a lot, but it's increasingly important. I've got an episode coming when we're gonna really focus on the key things that I was building, focusing, nurturing within myself to get from the £200,000 mark to the next layer. The £300 - 400,000 mark.

And it comes back to self trust.

Trust yourself.

Everything in business leads from self trust.

And for the real deal, trusting that you can handle when shit hits the fan.

Because it will.

Like it absolutely will.

So, can you trust yourself enough to get things wrong and not make it mean anything that doesn't need to mean?

Can you trust yourself to try things, even if you know or don't know what the answer is going to be?

Can you trust that you are able to hold that?

Can you trust yourself to invest in where you're going?

Can you trust yourself to take the next step?

Can you trust yourself to hold more revenue, more clients, more responsibility?

You know, when we allow ourselves to anchor into trust, we choose to believe that there is infinite potential. We choose to believe that we have everything that we need and if we don't we will still be okay. Everything becomes easier and the success that we see in our business will grow. It will accelerate. And this idea that we can't possibly fail, we can't possibly get things wrong, is the thing that I see time and time again that people get wrong.

It might fail.

It might go wrong.

And you get to pick up the pieces of that. Or if it doesn't go to plan, you simply get to look at the data and go, okay. Well, how do we optimise it? I think taking away the drama, or the mind stuff that comes with what we think about getting things wrong.

And ultimately, what we make it mean is what supports us to continue growing. You know? So, there's a real neutralisation and a trust in oneself.

And then the third thing that I really feel is so important when we are at a plateau, is to get inspiration and get support.

Like, nine times out of ten, when we hit that plateau, it's because we are trying to find a solution from the same place that created the problem. And then we get stuck in what we know, and that's ultimately why we find ourselves in problems. Right? We're doing the same thing again and again and again and again, which becomes a problem, but then we're not doing anything different or thinking of a different way to do it, or being supported to think of the different thing.

So, we stay in the same place. We get stuck in what we know. And without sourcing that inspiration to know something different, we often stay stuck.

I personally have found that learning, evolving, really choosing to grow in so many ways in my business has not only helped me to scale exponentially, but it's a big part of why I believe I have a really good retention rate with my clients Because my clients know that they can grow with me, because I am the one that's continuing to grow and evolve. And because I gate keep nothing, I share it all with them. And I feel like that real sense of I wanna feel inspired by what I do. I wanna feel inspired by my next step step, is where support can really come in. Whether that is a training or whether that is being coached or whether that is simply allowing yourself to put the laptop down, get outside, and allow source creator god to move through you with ideas. It's all an opportunity for you to be supported, an opportunity for you to move through the plateau, and find a solution from a different space, and often from a different frequency.

You know, it's like thoughts create reality. If I'm in the same thought, that's gonna create the same reality.

As soon as I get to start thinking something different, I might just see a different reality take shape.

So, ultimately, if you have a desire to be moving forwards towards a different destination, towards new goals, new dreams, you really have to say yes to you.

You know?

Stop waiting to do the next thing.

Stop waiting for someone to give you permission - because no one's gonna give you permission.

It's always on you. And no one else can do you for you.

I really hope this has landed today. It's a real sharp and short one, just a hit of inspiration.

And if it's landed, and you want someone with two decades of marketing experience, a decade of building a multi six figure business, and a whole load of no BS business advice to give you, we are taking on three more women into The Expansion Accelerator mastermind on 1st May. It ain’t called the accelerator for nothing, and in Expand to 7, which is my space for six figure business owners to hit the multi-six level mark, we are opening up space for three women in that space too. So, two different ways to work with me from 1st May.

I promise from next week, we will be back on normal schedule for the podcast.

Thank you so much for listening today. If you have any questions, please do come and find me at @PandoraPaloma_ . I would love to hear from you.

Thank you for listening and sending big love and magnetism from my corner of the world to yours.

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