What I Learnt on Retreat…
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In this episode, I will be drawing from personal experiences, as well as insights gained from these powerful women, and diving into the topic of why simplicity is your greatest ally in scaling your business. This is a revelation that many of us overlook, but the key lies in focusing on what truly matters, shedding unnecessary complications, and streamlining your path to success.
In this episode, we delve into:
How to embrace a CEO mindset, no matter the size of your business
The need for simplicity, focus, and clarity in your growth strategies
My stories and personal experiences from the retreat that illuminate the power of a simplified approach.
DM me for more information on the CAPTIVATE Retreat @pandorapaloma_
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Enrol for the May cohort of The Expansion Accelerator HERE
Enrol for the next cohort of Expand to 7 HERE
Check out my free resources to support your business growth HERE
Find me on Instagram @pandorapaloma_
Hello. Hello, and welcome to this episode of the Magnetic Woman Podcast. This is the second podcast I am recording here from a very sunny Los Angeles. It's my last day here before I fly home. And something I know to be true for me is I love travel. I love travelling alone. Freedom and adventure is up there. It's my biggest values.
And what I also know is I have created a life that is so delicious and a life that I love. And the reason that I know that is every time I travel, I am always so excited to come home. On this particular occasion, I'm incredibly excited to come home because there has been a lot of movement with a house renovation that I'm currently doing. So when I get back, my lounge has been painted. My kitchen has been fitted. My carpets are gonna go in in the bedrooms tomorrow. So feels like we are like 80% there, which is so exciting. And I just simply now need to do the finishing touches, which is the lighting and the switches and all of the things. All of the small things, that really make a house a home.
Anyway, I digress. Let's come back to what I wanted to speak to today. The reason why I have been here in America is I have been on a retreat with my coach, Danielle Canty, and I have spent two days in a room with 35 plus women, 6, 7, and 8 figure entrepreneurs. And I wanted to share with you today what I have learned from being in a room with these women.
Now let's just begin by saying this has been one of the most incredible experiences of my life, of my career, and has really inspired me to run my own retreats. I have done day retreats in the past and what I realized that by doing it over two days there's just so much more inspiration and kind of depth that we get to receive and also go into.
So, if you're listening to this and you are a female entrepreneur who wants to connect, wants to collaborate, and wants to create and learn the words and content that's gonna captivate and convert your dream clients…
Drumroll, please...
There is a two day retreat in London or Kent called Captivate, and it is coming within the next three months. So, if you're listening to this and you've wanted to come on retreat with me before or you haven't, but you really want a lower cost way to come into my world, then come inside in my DM's at @pandorapaloma_ and let me know, and I will send you the details of the Captivate retreat.
But let's continue.
Being on a two day retreat, it really taught me a lot about the power of bringing women together, the power of expansion and having expanders in your corner. So I wanted to share with you today the key five things that I learnt being on this retreat.
Things that I know I feel like have been really anchored.
And the first is that,
you get to bring a CEO mindset to your business, to yourself, even if you see yourself as a small business.
And in fact, I would say that this is required. Like, as CEO, what you are bringing is the vision. Right? You're bringing the vision. You're bringing the culture of the business. You are bringing the priority planning. You are doing the evaluation and ultimately leading.
You know? You're allocating the resources. You're delegating, but you're leading the team. And I know that even in the very beginning of my business, I really tried to adopt that CEO mindset. Because what I realised that even though it was me doing all of the things, even though it was me deciding the priorities and, you know, taking action in each of those areas, no one was gonna do it for me.
And what I saw in all of these women is that every single one of us, over the course of that two day period, realised that we could elevate our CEO mindset even more. Whether that was in how we were not delegating or whether that was in our mindset and thinking more like a CEO. Whether that was in stopping people pleasing. All of us found a way in which we were limiting ourselves because we were not adopting that CEO mindset.
And so if you're listening to this and you are a solo entrepreneur, a company of one, just remember that, you get to see yourself as a CEO and bring that CEO mindset. And that is gonna be the thing that will accelerate who you get to be and the results that you get to see.
If you want some support in doing that, please come and find me, on Instagram, @pandorapaloma_. And I am gonna give you a template for a manifesto, which I created as a template for all of my clients to really anchor themselves into their vision, into their mission, and, ultimately, the manifesto of what the business is and where the business is going.
So, if you want that template, come find me, and just pop ‘manifesto’ in my DMs, and I will send you that.
So, Lesson 1, you get to bring the CEO mindset, even if you see yourself as a small business.
Lesson 2 is -
that all business owners at every single level are going through the same challenges. You are not alone.
And what makes all of these women different, is that despite the challenges, they keep going. Despite the challenges, they choose to take the action that is required in their business to get the results they want to see. And I think that what can happen - and I had a conversation with a woman that I had a discovery call with this morning that just encapsulates this so beautifully - we had a conversation, and then her response to not joining The Expansion Accelerator was that she felt like she wasn't in a position to prioritise that expense. She wasn't able to justify the investment at the moment. So, what she was gonna do is, she's gonna go free up the time to spend on levelling up and see where she is in a few months. And what I can see instantly in this message is, of course, you can't justify the investment.
We can never justify the investment
because we don't know what's on the other side of that investment.
But the way in which we go, I'm just gonna free up the time to spend on actually doing the thing that I need to do because that's what I wanna do, is why you came to that person in the first place. Right? Because you're not where you wanna be. So if you're not finding the time now, how do you think you're gonna find the time moving forward without having the support in place of someone helping you do that?
And this is what is so interesting. We are all going through the same challenges. But every single woman in that room knew, this is a challenge right now, and I'm gonna invest in the support that I need to find a solution.
This is a challenge right now, and here's the action plan that I'm gonna put in place to make sure that we can overcome it.
We are all going through the same thing.
And I think in entrepreneurship we can think, oh, but it's just me that must feel this.
Or, you know, we can scapegoat ourselves. Right? Like, oh, you know, it's only me that's having this problem, and it's always happening to me.
The reality is, no. It's not. We're all going through the same thing. And if you want to hit that next level, you've got to start choosing to find the solutions, whether that looks like support of a coach, whether that looks like employing a new team member. But just know that we're all going through the same thing all the time or variations of that same thing.
And that's going to keep showing up again and again and again and again. And the only person that's going to be able to support you to really move through that is you and you building that self trust.
So lesson 2, all business owners at every level are going through the same thing. You are not alone. But be the person that finds the solution to get to the place that you wanna get to.
So lesson 3 is -
the simplest way to scale is to work from the mantra that simplicity scales and complexity fails.
And it's funny because I wrote that sentence in a sales page that I've been working on for Expand To 7, which is my mastermind for 6-figure business owners to scale to multi 6 and 7. And what I realised as I was writing that sales page is that when we hit the 6 figure mark, we tend to have done quite a lot of things.
Right? We might have done a couple of different courses. We've got a low price point thing. We've got our signature offer. And when it actually comes to the multi 6 figure mark, simplicity is key. So I'm on the road now to hit half a million this year and one million in 2025. And my business model is becoming the simplest it's ever been. And I really want to impart this wisdom with you. Share it with you.
Because the simplest way to scale is really finding the simplest strategy. What one thing can you go all in with or all in on to get the result that you want to see?
Because every time we decide that we're gonna have a new offer or, decide to (and this came up quite a lot in the retreat) burn it to the ground.
Don't ever burn anything to the ground. Right? You're never starting from 0. You're always starting from the space in which you're at. And I guarantee everyone listening, you've built yourself or built the business to a certain point. I would say if you're listening to something you do want to scale, what is it that you can remove that's gonna help you have the time, the energy, and the resources to go all in with the one thing that really will accelerate the speed at which you see your business grow?
I know clients who have hit, like, multi 6 figures from one product. I know some of my peers, 7 figure business owners, who got to 7 figures with one $29 product. It is possible.
And so lesson 3, simplicity scales, complexity fails. What is the simplest strategy that you can weave into your business to get the result that you want to see? And when you find yourself in the drama, when you find yourself at the chaos, ask yourself, what do I need in this moment? How can I keep this simple?
It's such a big game changer.
What I found in using the two days to really map out, how I was gonna hit that goal for myself this year is that I have everything I need.
I have everything I need.
I simply need the time as a CEO to build it out so that I can pass it to the team, and it's done.
And so, for me, the simplicity is coming from keeping my diary simple, my schedule simple so that I have the time to piece together the things I need to piece together to pass to the team, to build up the funnels, to get the results that we wanna see.
So there you go.
There's my personal example of what that feels like and looks like for me.
So lesson 4,
you really are the byproduct of the people that you surround yourself with.
Now, obviously, I know this because I have two masterminds, which is all about bringing women together to connect, to collaborate. And being in that room, being able to ask those questions to and with so many other women was so valuable. And what I've realised is, you know and we know this.
We know this in business energetics.
Who you're surrounding yourself with, what you are seeing is possible, supports you feeling and believing that it's possible for you. And so being able to speak to multi-seven figure business owners and say, hey.
How many emails did you have in that funnel? How did you build the most lead generation towards that masterclass?
It's priceless. Priceless.
And, I share this so often, but be in a space where you're gonna feel inspired and supported by women who are playing the same game as you.
I have an incredible network of friends, like, the most beautiful relationships.
But hardly any of those women are playing the same business game as me.
And that for me is why being on retreat, being in masterminds is so important.
Because I thrive on having women like that in my life. You know? It's why, in part, I suppose, I do what I do because get to surround myself with a whole bunch of ambitious women through my work.
But it's really great for me to then also have a bunch of women who I surround myself with, who are ambitious and are playing the same game as me, but are also not the women that I'm coaching.
So, I think it's really powerful for us to think about, who am I surrounding myself with right now? Do I have expanders in my immediate field?
Not someone that you follow on Instagram. Someone who is in your back pocket. Do you have that person?
If you do not have that person, find that person.
And I guarantee once you find that one person,
you will continue to find more and more and more of these people, and you will see your life elevate.
You will see your results elevate because what we focus on expands. The people that we surround ourselves with help us expand. So don't be afraid to really choose to surround yourself with people who are playing the same game as you. Okay?
Lesson 5,
sisterhood is everything.
I'm gonna tell you a personal story. I walked into that retreat feeling really emotional, And I feel the emotion come up as I share the story now. It was an air of impostor syndrome. Right? There was a little bit of, oh my god.
I'm here. Do I deserve to be here? And I'd say that was, like, a 15%. But the other 85%, (and I feel really feeling the emotion now, so just bear with me) was I'm here and I got myself here. It was like a real anchor point of fuck I did this. I did this.
And I walked into that room thinking I look different.
I feel different.
You know, I've always had this thing of, like, I'm not like a girly girl.
You know? Just there was an apprehension of are people gonna be like me? Are they gonna get me? Am I gonna get them? You know, they're so successful. They're more successful than me. You know, I'm this person in the room. And sisterhood is everything because the love and kindness that I experienced in that room was the most powerful thing of the whole two days. There was no gatekeeping. There was no judgement. It was pure love. Pure, let's share what we know with everyone in this room.
Let's all rise together. And what I realised is I had people come to me who, you know, on paper were (and I'm quotation marking with my fingers) “more successful”. Financially more successful in their businesses - Come to me and ask me questions.
I really like how you've been doing your content recently. What's changed? Or, you know, I heard that you were talking about this with someone else. Can I ask you a couple of questions about that?
And what I've realised is that we are all learning from each other. We're all learning from each other.
And just because one person on paper makes 8 figures and someone else makes 6, it doesn't mean that they know everything. And, again, this comes to how you get in the room with people. Be both the teacher and the student. You know? We are all going through the same thing and having the same challenges and we've all got different ways in which we've overcome that challenge or those challenges. And being in a space where there were so many beautiful women who were just so open to sharing their insights and their journey, it was just nothing short of amazing.
Sisterhood really is everything, especially for those of you who are like me, who are really ambitious and really want to meet that potential. You know, you realise that when you are in those rooms where there's no gatekeeping, it's just such a tonic for growth and for love and for everything.
Pleasure, joy, realising that we are all in this together, and we are all rising together and supporting each other in that process.
And at the end of the day, we are all people trying to make a difference in the world with a desire to experience what living, our purpose, and potential looks and feels like.
My word of the year this year is extraordinary.
And I am putting myself in places that feel extraordinary because the results, the life, the business, everything I want to create in my life, I want it to be extraordinary. And I'm still anchoring into the deservingness of that and what it feels like to really deserve it. And I know that being in that room with those women really supported that.
So, if you have a desire for more, whatever that looks like, keep going. And I really hope that this has supported you today to just remember that, you know, your success is the person you become. It's a quote by Hal Elrod, which, basically, I based my business mentoring on.
Success is the person that you become. I won't ever stop learning, evolving, and becoming. And, you know, I just want you to remember these five key points and make sure that you are choosing to put yourself in rooms where this gets to be possible for you as well. Thank you so much for listening. I hope it has been helpful. If there's any insights, let me know.
Come find me @PandoraPaloma_ Really would love to hear from you.
And like I said, if you wanna get in a room with me where you're gonna connect, you're gonna collaborate, and you are gonna create with other female entrepreneurs, please do come and ask me about Captivate The Retreat. It's gonna be very, very deep on messaging and content. The content and words that we need to captivate and convert our dream client. Not only that, we're gonna do a live content creation session where you are gonna be creating content in real time. Yes. The venue is gonna be very Insta worthy. And I'm also gonna be bringing in a photographer who is gonna do some headshots for us.
So, we'll have a videographer to support us with creating video content and a photographer to get some new headshots, and I am gonna be there supporting you to create content that is going to captivate and convert your dream clients. So this is gonna be a one of a kind retreat.
Come and find me on Instagram @PandoraPaloma_ if you want the details. Thank you so much for listening. Sending you so much love from my corner of the world to yours.
Stay magnetic.