How to Double Your Revenue in Six Months
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This week we are in full launch mode for the Expansion Accelerator, my 6 month mastermind for ambitious women who desire to build smart, sustainable and scalable businesses with a method that doubles revenue in 6 months. You can find out more about that here.
We’ve had an epic 988 sign ups for our SCALE masterclass this week and in full swing welcoming 3 new hearts into the space.
These results haven't always been the case though. Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of ‘meh’ launches and have devoted myself to learning methods that have supported me to scale in a smart and sustainable way.
In this weeks episode of the podcast, I’m sharing these with you.
Here’s what I talk about:
The 6 key components of a scalable strategy that builds predictable income and more time freedom (goodbye feast and famine revenue patterns)
The proven marketing methods that stand the test of time (no matter what the algorithm says) and that have seen my clients doubling revenue, have sold out launches and hitting the 6 and multi-6 figure milestone
My go-to systems and processes that actually make a difference to free up time and space a.k.a. a sustainable business
Join The Expansion Accelerator HERE
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Find out more about my masterminds HERE
Find me on Instagram @pandorapaloma_
Hello. Hello. Hello. And welcome to this episode of the Magnetic Woman Podcast.
Now you might have noticed there was no ‘jingle jangle’ ahead of me chiming in with my voice, and that is because this week, due to being in launch for The Expansion Accelerator and having been in London yesterday and today, the opportunity to share the podcast was either unedited or not at all. And because I like to be consistent with my delivery, you are getting it in your inbox, in your ears today, as per usual, on a Wednesday.
However, it is unedited. It's very simply me, and my phone and my headphones right now.
I am in launch this week for The Expansion Accelerator , which for those of you who have been in my world a while, is my signature program mastermind hybrid, where women build smart, sustainable, and scalable six figure businesses. Or for those of you not quite ready for the six figure mark, double your income within that six to twelve month period.
So I thought today, given that I am in launch (and have been sharing with many of you, we had 988 people sign up to the scale training!) I thought I'd give you a little bit of a snapshot as to what I was teaching in that space. And, of course, a really good opportunity for me to say if you would like to watch the entire training, then please do pop in my inbox over on Instagram @PandoraPaloma_, and I will share you the full replay.
So, the goal for the SCALE training was to give my audience, you wonderful humans, everything you need to build a smart, sustainable, and scalable business with a timeline and action plan that can support you to double your revenue in six to twelve months.
If you would like my timeline and action plan, again, come and find me over on Instagram, and I will pop it over to you. The reason why I wanted to share the smart, sustainable, and scalable piece was I am at a point in my business now where we have made 1.5 million in the last six years. I've helped 30+ women hit that six or multi-six figure mark in the last four years. Hundreds more double their income through my business mentoring, but it hasn't always been this way.
And in 2021, I doubled my income versus the year before. So 2020 was a very successful year for me. 2021 was a doubly successful year for me. However, I was really frazzled by the end of it, and I had spent £30,000 on Facebook ads without much of a return on investment. It was working wonderfully for me when I was in launch.
But when I was out of launch, I actually didn't have anything to sell.
And because my containers at that time were open and closed containers, I had ultimately signed up to a retainer with a Facebook ads consultant, and it was not working for me when I had nothing to sell in between those launches.
So, I've very much got stuck in a cycle of having to launch again and again and again. And I also had a couple of what I would never consider as failed launches, but not quite hitting the numbers, which meant that for revenue purposes, I needed to launch again something different.
I also at that point was just launching a lot of stuff.
And what I know to be true now about building a smart, sustainable, and scalable business is really focusing on one to two things is so much more sustainable, so much more scalable.
In 2021, I also had the lowest profit margin I'd ever had. And I had my first (and thankfully only) success hangover, and we all can imagine what that's like.
It's like, yay. I made it. Oh, god. This feels really shit.
I very much thought, is this it?
So back in 2021, there was a lot of scrappy kind of live launching. I hadn't really developed the live launching aspect like I have now.
And for those of you, again, who know me, I'm very much known for my live launching. It's really a strength of mine. But back then, you know, that was three years ago, I didn't have the skills that I have now.
So, I was launching lots and lots. I felt like I was starting from scratch again and again. I didn't track data in the way that I do now, and and I didn't have many funnels or automations set up other than a welcome email sequence. And because the business was growing quite rapidly at that time, I was outsourcing to keep up with the growth.
All in all, it was a wonderful year, but it wasn't smart.
It wasn't sustainable.
It wasn't scalable.
My reality now in 2024, as I shared, 1.5 million in sales, three consecutive six figure live launches, smart funnels that work for me behind the scenes.
I work a four day week.
I love my business.
I love my clients,
and I'm continuing to grow year on year.
So, I wanna share with you ultimately why I believe that using my method, the Smart, Sustainable, Scalable Magnetic Business Method is the best way. And it's because you don't need to have lots of offers. You don't need to spend lots of money on ads (although I do believe in in the Build, Buy, Borrow method, and obviously Buy is is part of how we grow our audience), we actually don't need to spend more time at our laptop, and we don't need to be an expert. That's why we get support.
And you can get started in scaling your business in this way straight away.
Ultimately, everybody wants to to build revenue and freedom. Right? That's what we want. We want more revenue. We want more clients so that we can be in service more. But, also, we don't wanna do it in a way that doesn't align with how we wanna live, and that comes at the sacrifice of our time and freedom.
And for me, that's really what I mean when I talk about building a business that feels like home.
I love what I do, and I'm super devoted to supporting women to build businesses in this way. It doesn't always feel like work. It is something I love, and that's because I have built these systems - and the processes that I'm gonna share with you in this episode - that make it so enjoyable. It's not gonna be enjoyable if it isn't smart, if it isn't sustainable, if it isn't scalable.
So what does this mean?
Smart is really where we move into what I call the Smart Sales Strategy.
So one offer, one live launch, or one funnel.
Until you have scaled one offer to the point that it is working for you in a really big way, do not launch anything else.
When I talk about a Smart Sales Strategy, the Magnetic Business Method itself, ultimately, it is that mix of live launching and building funnels and automations in your business. And the reason for that is so that you can have those cash injection wins and then a consistent revenue building in between those live launches. Yeah? If you're only relying on live launching, that's gonna get exhausting. If you're only relying on funnels, automations that ultimately are are fueled by ads, you're gonna lose out on profit.
And the sweet spot is a mix of the two. And the reason for that is your live launching is incredible for increasing your growth on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, increasing that Know, Like, and Trust. I know that I am good at converting clients because I am so visible on my Instagram. So, it's a free space where people can come and learn about me, learn about my work, and it increases that Know, Like, and Trust.
And I hands down believe that it's through the consistency of how often I show up.
Also, when it comes to live launching and that live visibility aspect, you're building your thought leadership. You're enabling yourself to become known. And other than, obviously, the time and the effort that it takes to create content, it's free. It's a free platform. I'm a big fan of of Instagram, as you know. Live launching, being visible in that way can increase your collaborations and partnerships, which, of course, is a really beautiful way to grow your audience as well.
So then why would we build out the automations in our funnels? Well, it's lead generation. It's an easy win. Building and borrowing your audience takes longer than buying your audience. Automations and funnels create more time, more freedom, and a business that ultimately works for you behind the scenes.
Who doesn't like waking up to sales?
So, what I've really spoken to in SCALE the Masterclass, is that if you choose one quarter to scale in the next six months and use this method, you could double your income.
But ultimately, what you need is that one epic offer.
So think about, do you have the offer that solves a problem for your clients? Like, where are they now? Where do they wanna be? Why are they not there yet? And how do you specifically support them.
So if your current offer doesn't solve that problem, if it isn't getting results for your clients - the kind of results that speak for itself - do not create another offer.
Optimise the offer that you have.
I'm gonna give you an example of this.
We already see incredible results in The Expansion Accelerator. However, one of the biggest considerations and challenges that my clients are facing (my new clients that are coming in and existing clients), as a rule across the board at every level, is ‘my audience isn't growing’.
And so what we've done to The Expansion Accelerator this time around is we've built in a new monthly live training with a Facebook ads expert. So you can come in, join that call, and say, ‘hey, my ads aren't working’, or ‘I wanna start using ads. What's the process? What audiences do you recommend?’ So I've optimised my current offer so that my clients, within the six months that they're with me, get even better results.
And this is what we get to really hone in on when it comes to building that Smart Sales Strategy, right?
Create an epic offer and then build out your smart launch plan and and a smart funnel to scale it.
And then the other thing that I'm speaking to in building a smart business is the Triple S system. Again, if you've been in my world a long time, I talk about the Triple S System. Systems and Structures create Spaciousness, and this is like a rule in my business.
If this doesn't have a system or a structure to create me and my team's spaciousness - I don't wanna know.
And so this is the smart systems that have enabled us to grow because we have systems like planning tools and automations and our finance systems and our review systems. We have a feedback form for clients every month that I then look into. I draw all of that data and I make sure that I'm optimising The Expansion Accelerator and Expand to 7 so that my clients are happy. Right?
Systems, things like business process tools. All of these things are really important because it's ultimately how you'll enable yourself to scale with more ease. Otherwise, things are gonna feel scatty, dramatic, chaotic. No one wants that in business. It's not gonna feel good in the process of scaling.
And then your structures are things like your onboarding, your offboarding, your calendar structures, the ways of working, your CEO time.
And that ultimately creates that spaciousness.
So, a bit about me and my CEO life. I have a week on and a week off with clients. Two of those weeks of the month then are kind of non-client weeks. However, one of those weeks tends to be an overflow. That's typically where I'll do my 1:1’s for the Expand to 7, Masterminders and also the 1:1’s that I hold inside The Expansion Accelerator, and then any VIP days or one off sessions that I do.
One of those weeks per month is completely call free, and that's really where I can go in and build out all the things I need to build in my business, like a new offer or a launch plan for SCALE, for example, which I'm currently in at the moment.
And then in terms of my working week, on Mondays is a CEO day. I have no calls. Tuesday, Wednesday tends to be calls and execution, so I'm very much in the delivery for my clients. Wednesdays is the day that I do my Pandora review. So every two weeks, my clients get a review, an expansion accelerator where they have my eyes on anything in their business. And if you're in Expand to 7, they get that weekly.
So, Wednesday's my call day and execution where I'm very much in the business of my clients.
Thursday tends to be content and what I consider Any Other Business, and then Friday I'm off. Other things that we have is a really consistent time frame for clients to have access to me, 10 - 4, Monday to Thursday.
And then we do things like weekly reporting.
We have spreadsheets and Googles and systems and SOPs for everything in the business.
I take myself on a CEO retreat every six months.
I do quarterly planning.
We have a monthly CEO day, you know, weekly team meetings.
You get the the gist.
And the thing is, I find that building these systems are actually really, really easy. I have templates for all of my clients to save them time, energy, so that they can build out their smart solutions with a lot more ease. But really, if you wanna build, if you wanna scale your business, you have got to have those smart, systems and strategies in place. So if you don't, start somewhere, optimise it to grow. It is possible. So that's smart.
And then sustainable is really where I'm giving people the opportunity to follow a method that means that they see incredible results in the sense of those cash injection wins and then a consistent flow of revenue in between.
And this is what I call The Magnetic Business Method.
So the problem tends to be here - you don't have a strategy, you're relying on live launches, or worse, you're relying on content.
Content only is not a launch plan.
I love - I love you. I love you. If you're listening to this and you feel like I'm calling you out, I care about you. But, you know, just showing content is not a launch.
And a lot of people are not seeing results because they're relying on live launching content only launches. They're not building automations.
So building a sustainable business looks like one live launch that you do first live.
Now, you might wanna run some ads or use ads to support that live launch. I'm totally down with this. I use that in my strategy a lot. But then what you do with all of those live launch assets is you then build out an automation, a funnel, knowing that the assets you've got evidence that live launch worked, those assets worked, you build that into an automation.
And, again, the reason that we do it in this way is I see a lot of people building out funnels and automations, putting ad spend behind that masterclass, but that masterclass has never been tested to see if it actually works and people have converted. And then they waste a lot of money on ads because they don't see results, but they never tested it in the first place.
We always run the live launch first. We use those assets to then build out a funnel and an automation based on the assets that we know worked. And, hey, presto. Cash injections and a consistent flow of revenue in between.
Ultimately means that you are able to support your clients, so you have those bigger wins where you're very much live. You know, it's a busier period for you, but then you're building out funnels and automations behind the scenes.
Now this doesn't always look like a huge funnel that needs ads running to it. It's as simple a lot of the times - like lead magnets and freebies that really solve a problem with a follow-up email sequence to follow-up to ultimately speak to the problem, the solution, and obviously then the call to action is your offer.
So this can be for your high price point offer. It can be for a $29 product. Ultimately, you can scale to six multi six, seven figures with one $27 product. That's totally, totally possible. It really is in how you build out your launching and your automation. So that's a sustainable piece. Okay?
And why? Why do I believe in this?
Relying on live launching can exhaust your audience.
And the reason why is that there's 1 - 3% of your audience right now today who are ready to buy from you. So you can work that out. If you've got a thousand people, you know that 10 - 30 people are ready to buy from you today. Okay?
30 - 40% of people will buy from you at some point.
And then 50 - 50% will never ever buy from you. They just follow you because they like you or they're interested in you. Or it's like, your mum and your cousins and all of those people that, you know, they're just never gonna buy from you and that's okay.
So, what that means is that if you're relying on live launching without your audience growing, eventually, over time, you can (and I hate this term, guys, but just let me use it for the context here) exhaust your audience.
Ultimately, you're selling the same thing to the same people again and again and again. And if you have already sold to the 1 - 3%, the 30 - 40%, all you're left with is the 50 - 60%. Okay? So that's one part of it.
And then if you're relying on ads only, which a lot of people can get trapped in, it can be expensive especially in the months that we know ads become very, very expensive and cluttered like Christmas and November for Black Friday, etcetera, etcetera.
Also, by using ads, you are reducing your profit margin. And you you can stop building that Know, Like, and Trust because so much is happening behind the scenes.
Anyone who comes in through an ad, comes into your world, they are going to want to absorb your content. Whether that is your podcast or your Instagram, or they get your email sequence, they are gonna start being nurtured by you from the moment that they come into your world, and that again is why that live visibility piece is so important.
I believe the sweet spot is building that ecosystem in your business that can rely on both the live launching and the automations.
So then we go into Scale, and I've touched on this earlier.
The biggest challenge that I am seeing across the board with business owners right now (I work with multi six figure business owners to newbies in business) is a no optimisation or a low optimisation of the awareness phase of the marketing funnel, AKA not enough growth.
Their audience isn't growing, and so they're not making the sales that they want. And this is where my Build Buy Borrow method comes in.
I've spoken to this before in the podcast, but let me just recap.
Build is your valuable content, shareable content, an engaged audience. It's increasing really, really smart, supportive freebies, lead magnets. It's setting up those automations. It's ultimately building an audience that Know, Like, and Trust you. Okay? They recommend you. They share your content. You know, the kind of content you ultimately wanna be the person that if they don't see you on Instagram that day, they come and find you because you give such valuable, valuable insight and resources.
And then Borrow is your collaborations, and that's both online and offline. It is being interviewed on podcasts, being seen in media, it's creating things like a series on IG live, like where you're interviewing people. So, you know, you're receiving new followers from them, and, obviously, they are receiving new followers from your audience. So it's really about how we borrow, how we collaborate, how we partner up with people in our industry, outside of our industry, to speak to certain themes that support both both individuals.
And then Buy, of course, is your meta ads, your Google Ads, and advertorials. You need one rented, and one owned. Rented is Instagram. Owned is is your email list. If neither of these are growing, you have got to consider utilising the Build, Buy, Borrow method.
And if you choose one, great. If you choose all three, great.
I personally work with all three throughout the year because that for me feels like a really solid strategy. But if you're not seeing the results that you want and your audience isn't growing, this is a really good place to start in the strategy. Okay?
So another thing that we see in the scale phase of business, is overcomplicating it and forgetting what actually works.
And, again, this is where I speak to the smart solution, which is one offer, one up, down, or cross sell, one launch. One funnel and those dialed in proven marketing methods that stand the test of time. I've been in marketing 20 years, and there are some things that continue to work. They worked twenty years ago, they still work. And there's other stuff that just doesn't work anymore.
I'm gonna give you some examples.
So trends that we see is using money metrics as a marketing tactic.
Proven methods stand the test of time are showcasing testimonials and case studies with how and storytelling.
Trend is like jumping on the new social media platform.
A proven method is to choose to go all in in one owned and one rented.
A trend that is not my favourite trend. This is not my favourite trend. Showcasing how little you work.
Like, ‘I work twelve hours a week and make seven million pounds’.
You know what? Maybe that was a thing for a bit, but most of my clients want me to showcase that I actually care about them, that I actually can deliver on what I promise.
So, a proven method is to continue to showcase that you actually care about your clients and you can actually deliver the promise that you promise. Right?
I think something that we're quite quite over in terms of a narrative is - I manifested it. ‘How I manifested my six figure business’. No one manifests a six figure business. Right?
There are strategies. Even if you are full on at teaching energetics, there are strategies.
So a proven method continues to be your ‘here's the behind the scenes of how I did this’. Giving value through showing the tangible step by step of how you do the thing. And this is relating to business or more non-tangible things, like supporting people to find more joy. Right? No one understands I help you find more joy. Go into the tangible aspects of that. You know, you're gonna wake up without fearing that something wrong is gonna happen to you that day. Most people who aren't feeling the joy will resonate with that.
So it's really about showcasing the behind the scenes of how you did it and also as part of this, really dialing in on a strong message.
And then another trend that I see is creating what you think a client wants. Do your market research to find out what they actually actually want. We speak a lot about this in my masterminds.
So we have smart, which is your systems. It is your Smart Sales System.
We have sustainable, which is the Magnetic Business Method, your live launch, and your automation.
And then we have scalable, which is the BBB method, the Build Buy Borrow, and your magnetic marketing.
Okay? So I talk about all of this in way more detail and give you lots of case studies, lots of examples of how this has worked for my clients in the SCALE masterclass training. I'd say it's more of a training than a masterclass, but hey ho.
If you want this, come and find me over on Instagram @pandorapaloma_, and I will send you the replay. We will have it for the probably the next seven days. So you might wanna, get on over and introduce yourself quite soon.
The reason why I think that this is so important right now is we have got to July, nearly, and we have six months left of the year.
There is so much that can happen in six months, and I guarantee that every single one of you listening has an offer that's ready to be scaled. I actually guarantee that you have an audience with at least ten to thirty people ready to buy from you, to invest in your services. And I actually also guarantee that you have all the assets that you need to start, or you have an idea for a lead magnet or a conversion event that would help sell that offer to those people in your audience. Okay?
It's not that you can't do it. You just don't don't have the knowledge to know how to do it yet.
But that is knowledge that you get to master as part of being a CEO. So, if you do really want to see yourself at the end of this year having doubled your revenue or scaled in a way that feels really delicious to you, then take some time to watch the SCALE masterclass. I also have a timeline and action plan that will support you to do that and that I invested quite a lot of time in. So if you want that, again, come and find me on Instagram. I would love to send that over to you.
And, of course, because we are in launch, I can't not speak about The Expansion Accelerator. If you do wanna spend the next six months building out a solid launch plan, a funnel that sells behind the scenes with all of the trainings, all of the templates, all of the tools to make it easy. You're waking up to new sales because of the systems and funnels you've put in place, and you're doing all of it without working more hours on your laptop, this is what The Expansion Accelerator offers. Okay? I'm gonna pop the details in the shownotes.
We have optimised The Expansion Accelerator every year. In fact, probably 2 - 3 times per year every year since 2020. It is bigger and better than ever. We will soon be sold out, and then it will go to a waitlist. So if you wanna work with me, if you want to use a proven method to double your revenue in the next six to twelve months, then come on over. Come say hi.
Get the details in the shownotes, and have a little look at The Expansion Accelerator. It is waiting for you. It's such an incredible space, and I would love, love, love to support you in there.
I hope this has been helpful. There is so much more to speak to, but for now, smart, sustainable, and scalable is the way forward.
Please do let me know if you have any questions relating to this, relating to The Expansion Accelerator, relating to the training, I would love to hear from you, and I really wish and hope that you have a really beautiful rest of your day.
Thank you so much for tuning in and sending big love and magnetism and smart, sustainable, and scalable deliciousness to you from my corner of the world. Take care.
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