Navigating Business Through Personal Change
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If you’ve ever felt like life is getting in the way of your business goals, this one’s for you. Today’s episode is all about how to navigate business while life is doing its thing – especially when you’re going through a breakup.
Yep, I’m sharing that I’m single now, and I’m taking you behind the scenes of how I’ve handled business when your personal life feels uncertain.
Here's what I talk about:
Why trusting yourself through change is so powerful.
The art of being present in your business, while leaving personal matters for later – and why this has been key to my growth.
How the right support systems help you stay grounded when life throws curveballs.
Why waiting for “the right time” is an illusion and how to build your dreams despite the chaos.
Follow me on Instagram @PandoraPaloma_
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Join Be Reel HERE
Hello. Hello and welcome to this podcast.
You might have noticed that the podcasts have actually been somewhat sporadic over the last three to four weeks.
And the honest answer to that, or reason why, is that I just had a lot going on and we mapped out all of our August episodes and it got to September and I had some commitments and I moved office and I just didn't get round to recording the episodes.
And that is life.
Life is always happening.
Which kind of brings me very nicely into the theme that I'm going to be sharing with you today, which is a very long time coming,
I might add a ‘I'm single’, and so today I thought I would share with you navigating business and breakups.
So first of all, a personal share.
Of course. I'm fine. I am fine.
The reason why I haven't really shared very much about where I'm currently at and where I've been in the last three months is that I haven't really had much to say.
The whole process was very neutral and I just knew that this wasn't it for me and that it just wasn't part of my highest timeline.
So the first body of inspiration code shares that I want to infuse you with today is there is so much power in knowing ourselves, choosing ourselves, knowing what feels right, what is a yes, what is a no, and trusting ourselves enough to let ourselves outgrow old patterns, old stories and situations that we find ourselves in that simply are not part of who we are becoming.
I have been experiencing my biggest up level to date.
This year, 2024, for me, has been a series of major up levels.
I have been gifted opportunities to outgrow so much old stuff, so many old patterns and stories.
And this is just the beginning.
I feel like I say that every year, this is just the beginning.
But right now I really am on the precipice of a totally new beginning.
And even in the last two weeks, that has occurred to me in a very profound way.
I've just invested in my biggest investment in my business, in a mentor. To date. I will do a whole podcast on that.
And I've also, this week alone, just had a £30,000 week, and I'm going to share that in a different podcast because there's so much context.
But relating it back to navigating business breakups, navigating life as an entrepreneur, as a CEO, is that we are constantly given gifts to outgrow and constantly given gifts to choose ourselves and trust ourselves again and again and again.
So in a way, I really didn't know what to share because there wasn't really much to say.
I wanted to protect him.
I don't obviously just want to share my version of the story, which at the end of the day, in reality, there is only the story that comes from my context. But equally, I was kind of okay, you know, it just felt so true. I followed that calling and followed my truth. And that's a gift that I can give you to give yourself permission to follow yours wherever you are at in life, business, relationships.
I thought it would be interesting for me to share how I have navigated this.
The first thing I want to share is something I speak to my clients a lot about in various forms, which is compartmentalising.
Quite literally being able to compartmentalise my life, my business, my life, my emotions, all of the things.
I was able to quite literally leave my personal stuff for evenings, weekends. I would say I'm only really able to do that because I have invested so heavily in support over the years in therapies, embodiment, energetics, mentoring, maturation, able to really be with my feelings without collapsing into them. This is a big part of my own maturation process that I will be continuing into 2025.
There is something in, as a CEO, as a business owner, to be able to compartmentalise.
Being with life, because life is always happening, but knowing that I don't need to collapse into life happening when it comes to my business, because actually my business doesn't stop when I do, and I have created it in that way.
I am able to be consistent and support my clients, be in my zone of genius, and then at the end of the day, come back to the things that are occurring for me and the reason why I'm able to do that.
It really comes from what I'm explaining as this maturation and a level of trust that everything is happening for a reason.
Everything is happening for me and through me.
When you are able to cultivate that incredible level of self trust, you are able to go through stuff knowing that life is always happening.
Life is always happening.
And we are able to hold that.
A way that I can explain it is what we call considerations in my business.
A lot of my clients are service based industry providers, right?
Coaches, nutritionists, designers, photographers, interior designers. They're a service based business.
What can often happen when we are speaking to potential new clients is their considerations.
I'm on holiday this month, so it's not a great time to join.
My child is sick, so I'm not going to be able to make that.
And actually that means I'm going to be really behind…so maybe I'll start next month or next quarter instead.
Oh. I think is I've got a training that, that week, that month, that quarter,
I just don't think I'll have capacity to actually grow my business.
You know, all of the things, do we have the money? Is it the right time?
Our readiness, all considerations that we make.
And the reality is that life is always happening.
There is not a month that goes past wherever I don't have a sick child or potentially a holiday that I'm on or a training or things in my calendar, things that aren't in my calendar that suddenly occur because life is happening. And I don't make it mean anything ever about my readiness and the results that I get to see in my business.
So I really wanted to share navigating business breakups, navigating business with life, because there is a power in you being able to see that the limitations that you see are only limitations that you are putting on yourself based on the context of your story.
If you feel afraid of the next level, it doesn't matter what time, you will never feel ready.
It's not about finding the right time, it's about choosing for it to be the right time and nurturing your fear so that you give yourself permission to be ready and go build the evidence along the way that you can meet your goals and live your dreams, whatever that looks like.
Life is always happening.
I've got to the level in my business because I've built my capacity to be with it whilst life is happening.
I don't make it mean anything about the results that I get to see in my business. What this boils down to ultimately is that you get to choose you, I get to choose me, we get to choose we again and again and again and again.
For many of you listening, you might be parents, mothers. And I want to share with you that there is just such a gift that we give our children for them to see us fulfilled, soulful, enriched by living our purpose, infused by life itself and in service to life itself.
I just had a conversation with a friend who is working. She loves her job, she's an events director. She loves her job and it takes her all over the world. And she is going to miss being there on the day of her daughter's birthday.
Now, the weekend before, there is a party. We are going to have the best time. This is my daughter's best friend's mum and I'm lucky enough to live next door to her. We are very, very dear friends. And she came to me with this.
Oh, I feel like the worst mother.
And I was like, babe, you are giving your daughter such a gift in showing her how fulfilled you are by the purpose that you live in your life every single day.
My daughter asked me the other day why I don't do parent reading. Because, Romilly, it's at 2.30pm on a Wednesday and that's not really how I want to spend my time because, you know what? What do you think mummy's doing at 2.30pm on a Wednesday? She said, what are you doing? I said, I'm working. I'm servicing my clients, or I'm building trainings that are going to help more and more women build multi-dimensional wealth and support their confidence to be visible and in their expression in the world.
And you know what? One day I might have time to come to parent reading on a Wednesday, but right now, it's just not priority for me.
I love my job and by doing that at 2.30pm on a Wednesday, it means on a Friday and a Saturday and a Sunday, I can be totally present with you. Because that's when mummy doesn't work.
And I could see her really taking it in and she said to me, mummy, it's so nice that you love your job. And I said, yes, darling, it is.
It is so nice for me to love my job and it is so nice that you get to experience mummy so fulfilled in life because she gives herself permission to do the thing that she likes to do, and it just is such a gift.
And again, it comes back to compartmentalising.
Compartmentalising, prioritising and not making things mean anything that they don't need to mean.
I don't even entertain the idea that I'm a bad mum because I don't go to parent reading. It's just not even in my field. Because you know what? That's not how I feel. That's not how I want to feel. There's no evidence that that makes me a bad mother.
And so today in this episode, I've really wanted to share with you how I operate as a CEO, how I operate, servicing my clients, supporting my clients, being a single parent, co-parent, and being with life, whilst also pursuing the things that light me up.
That's not just my work, you know, that's exercising (I'm training for a half marathon), reading, being in the bath, lighting candles, cooking, you know, all of the things.
So, navigating anything, navigating life, you may need to learn how to compartmentalise.
You might need to build systems and strategies in your business
so that your business doesn't stop when you do.
You will need to find a place of consistency and maybe, just maybe, give yourself permission to know that life is always going to be happening.
That doesn't mean that you have to stop or slow down the rate at which you live out your purpose or create the reality that you want to see.
So what does this look like for me?
There's been some really big changes occurring in my world.
I have been feeling into fulfilment and satisfaction over goals.
And so what that means in terms of my business and my business model, we will be moving into a new 1:1 offering.
This looks like a unity model, which means a lower base rate, so a lower investment per month and then 10% of any additional revenue that is created in the time that you work with me.
Which ultimately means that my success is your success.
And that feels incredibly satisfying.
As we move into 2025, the spaces are super limited. So if you are feeling called to that, please do come and let me know, because I love training. I really love teaching women the ‘how’ of marketing. Not just doing it with them, but really teaching them.
We are moving the Magnetic Live Launch Method over to a new training, which is called the Six Figure Sales Strategy.
What we realised in the Live Launch Method is that actually it's not just about live launching, it's about building out your repeatable sales funnels as well, because it's all the same assets. It's all the same in terms of what you build, how you plan, and how you execute.
We'll be going into launch of that in October. I'll link in details of that in the shownotes.
We will be scaling Be Reel, which is my membership. We are seeing incredible results in that space. This is ultimately your weekly template for all of your content creation for the week, with additional trainings.
And we pepper in some bonuses throughout the year as well. It's £47 a month.
It's an absolute no brainer investment, and it takes all of the guesswork out of content creation so that you can literally plug and play and optimise the results that you see from your content.
As I shared earlier the next season of business for me looks like having made the biggest investment that I have made to date. And I will do a whole podcast episode on that in the near future.
Thank you for listening today. It is a short and sharp one, but I just wanted to give you a bit of a personal update on where I'm at and how I've navigated it and all of the things that is happening when it comes to being human and living life.
I hope this has been helpful. If you have any questions, I'm more than happy to answer them. Come and find me over on Instagram, @PandoraPaloma_, I would love to hear from you and all of the things that I shared about the next season of my business.
Have a beautiful, beautiful rest of your day. Take care.
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