I Invested £84,000 in My Business. Here’s What Happened.
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Have you ever had that moment where you’re faced with a decision so big it shakes you to your core?
Well, I had one of those moments recently, and it’s time to spill the tea.
I invested £84,000 in business mentoring – the biggest financial leap I've taken yet. And trust me, it wasn’t just about the money (though that number is hard to ignore, right?!).
I had to move through fear, doubt, and every limiting belief that popped up.
And that’s what I’m sharing with you in this episode: what it means to truly trust yourself, even when the stakes feel sky-high. I’m opening up about what it felt like to sit with that discomfort and how, just two months later, I’m already seeing the fruits of that leap.
Here’s a quick rundown of what we dive into:
How I processed the biggest investment I’ve ever made and the feelings that came with it.
Learning to trust the physical “yes” or “no” that your body always knows.
Why it’s never really about the money and how we often hold ourselves back in ways we don’t even realise.
How taking bold steps (whether it’s investing £84K or sending that pitch email) changes your reality.
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Hello. Hello, and welcome to this episode of the Magnetic Woman podcast.
I have a very, very juicy subject to talk to you about today.
Are you ready?
I have been sat on this for a while, but I needed to process it myself, and I also needed to come through the other side of this process to be able to feel embodied in the truth of it and the result of it, ultimately, before I shared it with you.
So, as the subject of this podcast episode has revealed, I invested £84,000 in business mentoring two months ago. £84,000. And to date, the most that I have invested in the business has been £30,000. Not a stretch. Pretty easy. I make the decision, we roll with it, and I often spend.
I have spent £30,000 probably, I would say, three of the five years over the last four or five years that I've been really accelerating the speed of the results that I see in the business. And I did Listening to Life with my dear friend Nicky Clinch, and I had actually signed up to work with a maturation coach, and then I decided to do Listening to Life, and my maturation coach was, like, perfect. You know, this is exactly where you can start from. It's going to be really magical for you to explore that four day training, and then we'll continue the work together.
I was like, great. Okay, we're going in.
And at the end of that four day training with Nicky, she messaged me and said, Pandora, you know, you're meant to be in Emanate, which is the mastermind that she has with her partner, Nick, who is an incredible photographer. And I said, yes, I know. Yeah, I know, I know, I know. But I can't do that. I just. I can't do that. I'm not there yet, was my exact words. I'm not there yet in the business. Like, I'm just not. I'm not there yet.
And I really wanted to share this story with you because, interestingly, of course, I'm currently in launch, as I'm recording this episode of the podcast. And there's been considerations, as there are always considerations when we invest in business, mentoring, when we invest in coaches, when we invest in anyone, really, there is a consideration, and the considerations can often be,
is it the right time?
Do I have the money?
Am I ready?
Am I personally ready?
I support my clients to speak to those considerations with their potential clients all the time.
This was the first time that I actually felt shit scared about making an investment.
What I want to share is that it wasn't about the money. It's actually never about the money. A question that I often ask people if they are giving me explanations of the consideration, which is, I'm worried about the money.
And I would say, well, if it weren't for the money, what would it be? And the reason why I say that is, of course, of course it is 3D, or from the 3D lens, about the money, but it's not really about the money.
It's about the deeper levels of fear that we are experiencing about investing in ourselves, about being in our truth, about taking the next step. And I say that because most of the time when you hit the conversation about the money, that person has already watched your content. They have already booked that call. They already know how you can support them to reach the goals that they have so they are ready because they've just taken those first three steps.
And I, in this situation, actually really hadn't taken any steps. I had been invited. But I also knew, I knew from a mindset point of view, from a spiritual point of view, from an energetic point of view, that I was meant to be in that Emanate mastermind room. And what came up for me over the course of the next week was all of the feelings, all of the emotions. Emotions are energy. I had to process so much and really hold myself in fear, in scarcity, in my desires, in everything that I was experiencing.
My mind went to, what if I can't afford it?
What if I have to remortgage my house?
And I moved through it, and it was very, very interesting to hold myself and fill myself in this process, knowing that, you know, I'm supporting potential clients in this all of the time. I was doing it last week - someone was like, oh, my God, this feels so scary.
I'm like, you're okay. I've got your back. We're going to make that money back,
and I'm going to work with you until we do.
That's the level of intimacy that I do provide with my clients, especially if there is a bigger fear factor.
But I also knew my truth. I knew my truth. And this is the piece that is really important for you to listen to.
You always know the truth of what is available for you.
You always know the truth of what is possible for you.
And fear is always going to be there. It's always going to be in the way of that if you let it. And in that moment, over the course of that week, I went through every single scenario, but I also just allowed myself to be with the physical sensations of the emotions and let it move through me, witnessing it, but without giving it meaning. And this is a real mastery of energy. Okay? You feel it. You don't make it mean anything. It's not, oh, my God, what if this happens and I'm gonna be this and people are gonna think this and…. No, it's like, oh, okay, I'm feeling that in my left shoulder. What is that telling me? Oh, I'm feeling that in my belly. Oh, I feel a bit sick. This is fear. Okay, let's just be with that.
And over the days, I came back to my truth again and again and again, which is, I believe that this is possible for me. I believe that I'm gonna get to the place that I want to be. I actually, at this point, hadn't invested in something that was going to both support me with the business elements and help me to outgrow my story. In a sense, there was a little piece of the missing link there because I've done everything else.
And so over the course of the week, what was interesting to witness within myself was how big all of those emotions were.
By the end of the week, everything was soft. Everything was, yeah, okay, I can make this work. This is what we're going to do. I'm going to take this money from here. I'm going to pay that first portion. And I sat with a mantra, an affirmation that I share with every single client that comes into my world, which is,
how quickly am I going to make that money back?
And I sat with, how quickly am I going to make that money back? And in two months,
we have generated £80,447 into the business.
We're £4000 short, but we're only halfway through launch, so I think that's gonna be okay. I think we're gonna meet that.
I wanted to share this story with you, because I definitely feel like I've been the person who looks at people in the industry, looks at people who are seen as being ahead of me, or earning more money than me, and thinking, I wonder if they just don't ever feel scared. I wonder how they invest £50,000 or six figures into their business mentors. I wonder how they feel spending that amount of money.
I have just been the person who has stretched myself to a place of discomfort in order to get to the other side of expansion.
And I want to tell you that, yes, it was really, really scary, but the level of trust that I have in where I'm going is everything.
And that, and my willingness to do things differently, my willingness to choose it, to say that gets to be, for me, accelerated the speed at which I made that money back two months.
And this isn't to say, because I've seen this narrative and it's not, I don't think it's a great one, you know, you're just not investing in yourself enough.
That's not a thing.
But what is a thing is trusting in yourself enough to know that if you desire to be somewhere that you are currently not living as a reality, you desire to be somewhere else, it is going to take you to do something differently.
And it might not be investing £84,000 in your business, it might be investing £10,000, it might be investing £5,000. It might be building a sales funnel because you haven't done that yet. It might be sending the email, pitching yourself to the podcast, because you know you want to have that conversation with that person, whatever it is.
The one thing that I want you to take away from this podcast is you can do it.
You can do it.
You can trust yourself and trust in what your body is telling you.
The mind is always going to want to get in the way because it is attached to the story, the context from which you are creating your reality from.
But when you dissolve that, when you let that soften, you're left with the physical sensation of a very clear yes and a very clear no. If it's a maybe, it's a no. If it's a no, it's a no. If it's a yes, it's a yes.
And what often happens is we know it's a yes.
We feel the yes of it, and then the mind makes us think it's a no when it was always a yes.
So, trust in yourself, trust in where you're going, and trust that you have everything that you need to get there.
I hope this has been helpful.
I haven't shared a personal story for a while.
I hope it has inspired you today.
At the time of recording this, we're halfway through October. We've got a few weeks left until the end of the year, you might be thinking about the support that you're ready to create for yourself, to receive for yourself for 2025 and the results that you want to see.
We are in a very exciting time right now. We are in a very exciting time. New paradigm, new leadership, a totally new way of being where we really get to choose what it is that we want and how we want to live and how we want to serve.
And you get to trust yourself that all of that gets to be possible for you.
So I hope this has been helpful. Oh, it has felt really good to share it.
If you have any questions or if you have enjoyed this episode and you feel like leaving a little review, every little helps.
It really does support us to get this podcast further and wider in the world.
And if you have any personal questions for me, please come and find me @PandoraPaloma_, I would love to hear from you.
This is my story. Here's to next chapters, here's the playing big, and here's to the growth that we all get to see as we move into this new paradigm of leadership, the new earth.
Sending you so much love from my corner of the world. Take care.
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