Behind the Scenes of my Masterminds 

This episode of The Magnetic Woman podcast takes you into the behind the scenes of my masterminds; how they work, what systems and processes we use to put the SERVICE in service and the magic we see when these women come together with similar intentions of growing sustainable and profitable heart-led businesses.

Yes it's magic!

I go into detail about how I was guided to create a mastermind business model and why I believe it works so well as a model and for me as a coach being able to see the entirety of the online space through the lens of clients at every stage. 

I talk you through our onboarding process and the ways we run the back end, how we use touch points of magnetism throughout, our processes and how we keep everything fresh based on industry trends and changes in climates.

I also touch on how to know whether a mastermind is for you.

If you're looking to scale your business in 2023 and know a mastermind space is the right space for you, you can find information about my masterminds here


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I am currently in the middle of the launch for my masterminds, and I thought it would be fun to take you behind the scenes and share a little bit about how coaching with me works, the kind of results we see, how I create the processes within my masterminds, from onboarding to the client processes, what's included, why I include it and do it in that way. Just give you a real depth and insider scoop on what my mastermind looks like behind the scenes.

I always believe that business and our business success is the person that we become, and that is a Hal Elrod quote.

Your level of success will rarely exceed your level of self-development because business is the person that you become. And I believe this to be true because no business can thrive unless the leader, the CEO, is in the right frame of mind, has the right support, and feels safe in their expansion.

I tried it all. Courses, webinars, handouts, books, and all of these things have been supportive in the journey of entrepreneurship. But one of the most useful growth tools, personal growth tools and business growth tools has always been surrounding myself with the right people. So being in a room with people who can support me. For me, being surrounded by women who are in the same space, in the same frame of mind, having the same experiences that I have always helped me feel less alone in that entrepreneurial journey.

For me, building a series of the three masterminds, for every stage of business, has created so much for me. And I say this on a personal level, so I mean on a business model level, it really works for me. But personally, it has been the best thing for my coaching practice. It has been the best thing for my fulfilment. I swear nothing fills me up as much as supporting women at every stage of business. It's such a joy, and I feel like what's been so unique is that it enables me to see a complete landscape.

Because I'm working as a coach across every single stage of business, I'm able to see things from that bird's eye view and really understand what's happening within the industry, within the online space, at each of those different stages.

For example, if someone is saying, “well, no one's buying at the moment, at that multi six mark”, and I know that I've got clients in the early stages seeing results, I'm able to see what the potential gaps might be. Likewise, I see trends coming through in buying behavior. I see marketing that is working across the board. I see what strategies are working across the board because I'm seeing it at every single stage. So if I know something's working with one of my masterminds, then I can use that data to support and influence and inspire those in a different mastermind space to be trying that too. So, it really gives me that bird's eye landscape, which I love.

I thought I would share a little bit more about behind scenes, how it works, how to know whether a mastermind is for you, the magic that we see, and a few other things that might inspire you.

First I want to speak about how to know whether a mastermind is for you.

If you're anything like me, I love being in a room with people, and I know that this is so important because energy is contagious and at every stage of business it's so important to have people around you who are at that stage, experiencing similar things, going through the motions of, similar experiences.

For me, being present and participating in these mastermind groups has helped me transform my business and navigate the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur. So a mastermind will work for you if you are self-led. If you are open, you are curious, you're open to being inspired and energized by people around you, and you are really open to learning because there's a lot that can be taken when you get people with certain skill sets and wisdom in a room, sharing that skillset and wisdom, and you really have to be in it to learn because there's so much gold in the conversations and learnings that gets shared with the group. It's actually, I believe, one of the fastest ways to grow.

In any mastermind you'll have a lead coach, i.e. me holding the group, holding that space. Then you've got the people in it who are giving their gold too. You also have to be committed. I think it's really easy to sign up to a mastermind and then drop the ball on attendance. I always say the more you put in, the more you are going to get out. Every business person needs a support system and a mastermind can be just that. But the commitment must be there, especially in ones like mine where there's a limited number. The intimacy comes from everyone being fully in.

I actually get a lot of clients coming to me to say that they were a mastermind. That had maybe, you know, 25, 50, sometimes a hundred people in it, and that they never felt fully seen. They never felt heard. They never felt like they were part of something because it was just almost too much like it was almost dysregulating because they just never felt that they could really have presence and be present with such a large number of people.

That is personally why I keep my numbers low. For me, there's an integrity piece there and I want my clients to feel like they are in an intimate space.

Lastly, you have to be open to receive. When you sign up to be in something like a mastermind, there's an openness that's required to allow inspiration, allow growth, allow the lessons, and allow yourself to fully receive from the energy and wisdom in the group. And something I'll always be super aware of, is that, if I can see people leaning back, is to remind them that, “Hey, I'm your support. What support do you need?” And this is because when things get hard or we aren't seeing the result that we desired, it can often be easiest to hide.

We've all been there, right? I've totally been there. Things aren't going the way that I wanted them to or I don't really want to have to tell my coach, what is she going to think of me? I've been there and again, the power of my masterminds is that intimacy piece, which is so important to us and one of our company values is that we're so on top of this with clients because ultimately that's what I'm devoted to.

I'm devoted to you getting results. If you are in my world and for us to be fully open to receiving is a huge part of what enables that juicy expansion, whether that's more wealth, or moving through the hard stuff to build capacity to hold more of the good stuff. So that's how to kind of know if it's for you.’

Now, the way that I work my masterminds.

I now have three. If you've been in my world for a while, you'll know that my core offering to date, up to mid 2022, was The Expansion Accelerator. And I had actually created something similar to a mastermind back in 2021, called Evolve, but the way that Evolve worked needed refining. So I did it twice and then I knew that there could be a better way to serve women who were at that stage of business. I actually parked it for about a year and then, in September of 2022, that's when I opened up and created three core Masterminds, and that is now my business model.

And the reason for this is that I knew that I wanted to support women at that early stage of business, but I also knew that that was a time where we tend to have the capacity to be very self-led. And I also truly believe that at that stage of business, you really want to be learning all of the different components of business so that when you are fully ready to scale to six figures or multi six, you are able to ascertain which elements of the business are your zone of genius and which elements of the business you are ready to outsource and what is required to outsource in order for you to scale.

And so that's where The Magnetic Business Method came in. The Magnetic Business Method has a whole self-study portal of all of the different elements of business so that you can ultimately pick and choose what you want. We have some clients that come in and they do it step by step, and we have other clients who maybe say, right, my priority over the next six months is sales, and so I'm gonna go all in on this element of the business.

And then of course we have The Expansion Accelerator, which is scaling to six figures.

And then we have Expand to Seven, which is for six figure business owners who are ready to scale to multi six. And that space was opened and birthed because I just knew that it was time to support women who were ready to get to the level that I was at or were at my level and looking for support from someone who works in the way that I do.

Onto our processes and client processes.

One of the key things that I believe is the most important, if not one of the most important processes, is the onboarding process. I personally get a little bit ruffled when I sign up to something and nothing feels clear, so let's say I don't get an email with confirmation. I'm kind of like, well, I've, I've just spent my money on this thing, did the money go through? What's next? As soon as someone pays you, you need to have that next piece. Even if it's very simply an email that says Welcome and then giving people the context of what's to come.

Now this is important to me because I am all for safety and regulation. And I know that that onboarding process is going to be one of the things that people remember you for. How you made them feel when they chose to spend their money with you, when they chose to invest in you as a service provider, as a coach, as a nutritionist, as a mentor, whatever that is.

I was an interior designer and a photographer, it doesn't matter what it is. Someone's choosing you, and there's something really special about making that onboarding process feel really, really special for the person who has stepped into your world. We really like to prioritize context and connection when we are looking at the onboarding process.

We will automate elements of that process like an onboarding email with all the details, but then we will also create a personal approach. In that I will personally reach out to welcome each person in and that has always worked for us. It's really worked for me knowing that there's a personal touch that comes with joining my world in this way.

We use Add Event, which means that all of the dates go automatically into my client's diaries, the Zoom links are all in there and it means that if anything changes, we can simply change that Add Event Calendar and then we let them know, on the weekly email or in the group chat.

And then we always make sure to have a questionnaire. It's quite lengthy, but it really gives me an understanding of who that person is, what their business looks like, where they are, where they want to be, and then we are actually this time round creating a handbook, everything will be in the handbook. It means that if there's any questions or there's any, I'm not sure what this is. When you go to the handbook, everything's in there. It’s really giving people context to know what to expect from the next six months. We throughout create a lot of structure to the Masterminds, but this also allows space for flexibility.

We also have quarterly planning where I bring all my masterminds together. We also have a monthly training, which again, I bring all my masterminds together and this is where we get to speak to things that are happening in real time. It could be that we're looking at marketing trends or creating sustainable practices within your business. We will do live training on Facebook Ads or reels and Instagram content creation. Really understanding the algorithm. Things that feel very, very timely, but also are timeless, in terms of what we get to learn as business owners.

Then we have group coaching in all the masterminds, and then there are extras for The Expansion Accelerator and Expand to 7.

And this has been created from what is required in terms of that level of support at that stage. In the Expansion Accelerator, we are in scaling mode and so there is a group chat, meaning that the clients have access to me Monday to Friday to ask those questions in real time.

Then when it comes to Expand to 7, there is also a one-to-one, and that is because at that level there's a lot more moving parts to the business and so we tend to need that time to really double down on what's working, what's not, what that bigger picture is. There is an opportunity to upgrade, to have a one-on-one with me across all my masterminds for someone who does desire that level of support.

But that is the way that I've designed the masterminds, knowing what has worked for me and what support I've needed along that journey as well. Something I feel really strongly about is nurturing that client journey and really putting the service in service and once people are in my world, I get to be really generous within the framework of my boundaries, and I really love that.

The way that this looks is if I see a particular theme coming up across all three of my masterminds, I'll speak to it and I'll speak to it throughout. Or let's say that there is something shifting in the marketing space. I might do an additional mini training on marketing, and it also means that I can be reactive to what is going on because I have the space for that flexibility.

What I love about The Method portal that everyone has lifetime access to, is that I'm constantly tweaking, refining it, adding new things in based on the shifts and changes that we see in the industry, that we see in buyer's behavior, that we see in trends, and it means that I can always be speaking to where people are at and making sure that they are equipped to be growing their business based on what is happening within their industries and markets in real time.

And that's sort of a real personal touch and part of that intimacy piece.

Another thing that I believe we do really well in terms of the processes is the monthly feedback form. And that makes sure that if there is anything that isn't quite working or something that we could be doing better, we are always first to know. I want to be the first person to know if my client feels that we could do something better. What this often looks like is, I would love to know more about X theme, or could Pandora share more on what she's doing in her world?

And that's where I get to create that one-off training or additional training in the method to speak to that. Something else that we really prioritize is the offboarding. Making sure that that process is smooth. So, this can look like, “Hey this is the second last call, is there anything you definitely want to cover within this timeframe?” We always make sure that we speak to people about a month before the container ends and invite them back in, ask them if they have any questions, if they'd like to have a call with me to look at what the future next steps could look like.

We do that because of course I want to prioritize the people that are in my world before I'm opening those spaces to the outside world. We will always do that around a month before the container ends so that we can gauge numbers and the types of people that might be staying and what that's going to look like for the overall launch of the masterminds.

We recently introduced a weekly email, so every Monday morning all the masterminds get emailed their schedule for the week. Again, it's these little ways that we can make things a lot easier for our clients. We've all been there when it's, oh, where is the zoom link or what should I be doing here? Do I need to attend this? What's it gonna look like? And so, making sure that we are giving them as much information as possible and those gentle reminders of this is what's on this week. Copy clinics on a Wednesday. Make sure you give us your copy. This just means that we are supporting them and also respecting their time as well.

So not sending an email for every single training, but actually just bringing everything into that one email that they can keep on file so that everything is there. This is all part of the service piece and ultimately the systems and the structures and the processes that we have in place to make sure that, again my clients feel safe and really held.

So what about the magic that we see?

The people around you certainly don't need to have the same goals. And I think what's beautiful is that even though everyone's on a different timeline with different objectives, they're all of a similar energy and mindset and they're all going after something more. And I love that more looks different for everyone within the space. And, of course, the purpose of a mastermind is to surround yourself with like-minded people. So seeing this is always really brilliant. I love that there is a variety of people and how the energy of some affects others in the group.

Everyone gets to have a positive effect and always brings something different. The results, of course, are to be able to celebrate the results at every single stage, and then the results within that group, knowing that people are at slightly different stages, celebrating different things.

We often have people who are celebrating deep internal work, and then we have people that are celebrating sell-out training and it is all welcome within that space, and it all gets to be celebrated. There's something very powerful about that. And everyone is on a different timeline and ultimately, the more surrounded you are by people who are moving through the same things as you and scaling in the same way that you are, it's going to help you move much, much, much quicker.

Then finally, having the right people by your side significantly increases your chances of success. You surround yourself with the mindset, with the energy needed to work on the life and business that you desire to have and lead in a certain way.

So it's always, always really, really magical. I hope this has been helpful. If you have any questions, I would love for you to pop over on Instagram @pandorapaloma_. Please do ask me if you know that you are ready to scale and meet that next level in your business, whatever that looks like for you.

The Masterminds are open. We are filling the last few spaces. Now there is one for every stage of business, so if you are interested, you can have a little at or again, let's book a call.

Know that you will be fully supported, fully held, and be in an environment which enables you to grow because you are surrounded by people who are doing the same thing as you, walking the same walk, talking the same talk, and really ready to meet those magnetic milestones and I'm so, so ready to hold you.

You can book a call with me right here.

If you want to get a flavour of what working with me might look like and what I support you with at every stage of business, I have a free handbook series called How to Scale At Every Stage of Business. There is a different one for each of the stages and you can get your copy HERE.

You can download one, you can download them all, whatever feels good for you

Have a beautiful rest of your day, love and magnetism from my corner of the world to yours.

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