38 Lessons in Life & Business (for my 38th year)

This week I'm celebrating my birthday week and when I was thinking about what to bring to the podcast, I thought it would be fun to share 38 lessons in life and business, for my 38th year on earth (this lifetime!).

With 20+ years under my belt in communications and marketing, 7+ years running a now multiple 6 figure business (and set to have our best year yet!), and a whole load of ups, downs and messy middles, I've learnt some valuable lessons.

In this episode, I'm sharing them with you.

Expect a mix of some of my aha-moments, perspectives and lessons from what has been a wild ride these past 38 years.

As a special celebration, I'm doing a flash 38% off birthday sale for everything on my self-leadership page, so head to the link below to claim some powerful resources to help you grow your own business.

Thank you for listening. I really hope this gives you a source of inspiration today.


Claim 38% off everything in my Self Leadership resources here (using the code BIRTHDAY38)

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Hello. Hello. Hello and welcome to this episode of The Magnetic Woman Podcast.

At the time of recording this, I am 8 days away from my 38th birthday. I know, I do not look old enough.

I thought it would be super fun to bring 38 lessons in business and life for my 38th birthday celebration and podcast.

I'm going to say that these are not in any particular order, and some might go in to more than others, and some are going to be short and sweet, but here goes with my:

38 lessons in business for my 38th birthday.

The first one is stay the course. If I could sum up how I have got to where I've got to. And listen, I'm saying this, at this present moment knowing that there's also so much more that I get to grow into in the coming years. But I would say that it is that I have given myself the opportunities and the environment to stay the course. You know? Life is not easy. Business is certainly not easy, and the one thing that I know and I speak to this a lot in terms of that consistency piece, stay the course whatever it is that you want to grow into, new realities that you want to bring will happen when you stay the course.

Number 2, simplify everything. I'm now in my 8th year of business, and my business strategy and business model is the simplest it's ever been. The simplification of everything is something I bring to my clients all of the time. Our monkey minds really to make things complex and that's normal. We're human, but my second lesson would be, where can you simplify something in your business today?

The third is build your self trust muscle. I believe that everything in business comes down to self trust. From the moment that we invest in our 1st coach or business mentor, we're really trusting in ourselves to be able to show up and be able to pay that person when we're scaling in business, and we maybe hire our 1st VA or content manager, we are ultimately having to trust ourselves that we can hold that next level. When we are scaling to that next revenue bracket again, we are trusting in ourselves that we're able to hold that. So, number 3, build your self trust muscle.

Okay. number 4, stay regulated. Your nervous system regulation is your number 1 priority and I am telling you this from a very long journey to understand really what it is to be regulated. In the beginning of my business, I was not a regulated human. I mean, corporate life, first one in, last one out, burning the candle at both ends, really not understanding what it was to feel regulated, and it's now something that is number one priority because it not only enables me to support my clients and help them to co regen late with me. But, also, in that regulation, it's enabled me to be able to hold more more wealth, more women in my world, more everything that comes under what it has meant for me to scale or required of me to scale, and everything everything everything comes back to that sense if I'm regulated, then everything feels safer. So if you want to get to whatever that next level looks like for you, prioritise your nervous system regulation.

Number 5 is getting comfortable with trade offs. I speak to this a lot because whilst I'm all over the narrative of ease and flow, there are trade offs and I think that the more honesty and transparency we can bring to the world in terms of what it actually takes and the compromises that we make. as mothers, as women, as business owners, there are trade offs. And the the sooner and the easier you can get comfortable with those trade offs, the easier it's going to be for beautiful safe expansion, whatever that looks like for you. I say that because the fear of judgement, the fear of what people would think is always going to be there and the clearer you can get on, this is what's required of me in order to meet that next level. It means that you're so, so solid that all of those fears of what people would think would dissolve because you're choosing it, and the energy of choosing is so strong. So get comfortable with your trade offs. Really be okay with the compromises that you're making in order to have your version of having it all.

Number 6, repetition builds the habit. Repetition builds the habit. If you want to create a new habit, you have got to repeat it. Now whether that is mindset using mantras and affirmations, or it is a morning routine, or an exercise routine, whatever that is, repetition builds the habit. So make sure that if you want to create change in your world, you are giving yourself the opportunity to continue repeating the thing again and again and again and again. And you know what I'm going to say, especially when it comes to business messaging, repetition builds the habit, actually the best and most successful business owners that I know are those who say the same thing over and over and over and over again.

So number 7, build in weeks into your schedule, into your calendar with no need to be on. The biggest game changer for me in my business was when I shifted my calendar to have client weeks and non client weeks. This enabled me to always have space to be able to take holidays without interfering with my client schedules and, also, those whole weeks where I'm able to really go into the details and the things in my business that are going to move the needle, such as building courses, building sales pages, having CEO days. Absolutely, the biggest game changer for me in the business has been building in those weeks with no need to be on.

Number 8, a little gentle reminder here that nothing is missing. Nothing is ever missing. It just hasn't formed yet. I say this because when we are thinking that there's something missing, thinking that we are missing something, it's the energy of scarcity and not enoughness. Whereas, it's forming is the energy of potentiality. So always tune in and notice where your energy is, what you focus on expands, and you are always, always cocreating.

Number 9, get visible. You knew that was going to be in here, of course. Get visible, be visible at every single stage of business. You being visible, is you building thought leadership, building trust with your audience, and ultimately leads to the sale. It leads to people choosing you because they know, they like, they trust you. Get visible, whether that is getting visible in a room that you want to be in, a panel talk that you want to be on, a podcast that you want to be interviewed for, get visible.

Number 10, strategy first. I will say this again and again and again, you do not build how on sand. Businesses must have solid, solid strategies in place in order for you to grow, and then that really delicious cherry on the cake is the energetics. For me, that business, coaching, mantra, and my very unique method of spirituality meat strategy has absolutely, hands down been such a beautiful way for me to continue scaling my business year on year because I have the really solid foundations in place in order for me to grow.

Number 11, release the drama. Release the drama. Notice where you're holding drama. Notice where there is drama in your life. It's all a reflection of what is going in in your inner world. The more and more and more that I have released from any and every drama in my life, the more I've been able to stay regulated, the more inner peace I've created in my life, in my heart, in my being, release the drama, release the drama.

Number 12, stop looking outside of yourself. All of the answers are within, and that's not to say that people cannot support you. I love that my coach guides me and gives me insight and inspiration and answers when I need them, but, ultimately, the answers and the truth will always be guided by me. I say this a lot with my clients like, I'm here to help you scale to your next level in business, but if there's something that I'm sharing whether it’s a marketing campaign idea or messaging around a sales page that doesn't feel true for them, I always always always want to and work to hold them in the authority that they can say, “Yeah, that doesn't feel true for me. What else?” That's ultimately the biggest lesson here. It's stop looking outside of yourself. The way that we do that is even when we're looking at inspiration and we're looking at others for support, asking ourselves, does this feel true for me?

So number 13 is create your own rich life. What I mean by this is really understand and know what does a rich life look like for you? What does true wealth looking feel like to you? For so many of us, I think there's just that narrative that it's certainly in the online space where it's like, if I'm successful, it will look like this. We all know the 1st class flight selfies, business class bitches. And you know what? I think about this all the time. Absolutely. I really do love some some luxury in my life, but I also love holidays camping in Cornwall with my daughter. I think I say this because your rich life is your rich life, and the more that you can create whatever your next level wealth is for you and you only, the more that you can live your values, you will feel more wealthy. Right? You will absolutely feel more wealthy. If we're always attaining and working towards somebody else's version of success, it's never going to feel good when we get there because it's not true for us. So know your values, really tune into what a rich life looks and feels like for you. and work towards it.

Okay. So number 14 is take time away from family, take time away from the online space, and the way that I recommend this is a day, a quarter, a weekend, at least every 6 months, and a week a year. The reason for that, and I'll share my personal thoughts on this one, is I'm a lot of things for a lot of people, a partner, a mother, a co parent, a coach, a mentor, a friend, a daughter and when I give myself that time and space, to be me for me, it anchors into my 13th point, which was creating your rich life. It anchors me into me. It anchors me into my intuition, my knowing, my truth and that's what I'm going to say about that. I actually don't want to share much more, and you suddenly overthink it. Just go be on your own and learn to listen to yourself. Trust yourself. Tune into yourself. Just do it. Okay. Where are we?

Number 15. Don't make yourself wrong. But if you're wrong, fess up. What I mean by this is it's so easy to make ourselves wrong in our business decisions in our life decisions and all of the things and you don't need to make yourself wrong in those situations, right? Know that you're always choosing something, and even if you get that wrong, you're human, we all make mistakes and I say, if you are wrong fess up. I think there's just such a beautiful energetic spaciousness that we can give ourselves, when we allow ourselves to be wrong, to apologise, to accept, to forgive. So don't make yourself wrong, but if you're wrong, fess up.

Number 16, let the body lead, but get the mind on board. What I mean by this is we know that the body sends more signals to the mind than the mind does to the body. We know that the body leads. I personally find that when we can get the mind on board, it's so much easier for the body to work with the mind. So an example that I'll give you here is when I'm supporting my clients to map out that next level version of wealth, we will quite literally look at how that is possible. How do we get to that next revenue bracket? And so what this does for my clients is it helps them see, helps their mind get on board like, “oh. Okay. I see that this is possible.” Then it's much easier for them to work on that layer of embodiment because the mind has seen how it can be possible. Okay?

Number 17, short and sweet one. Read many books. Read many books. This is something I shared with my clients recently after a training on what I do with my finances kind of from yearly to daily and one of those things is that I read money books, money mindset books. They all pretty much say the same thing in a different way, but I read money books every 6 months. You will always always find more of your expansion and of your up leveling of your mindset every year. Every year and with every way in which you scale, there's always, always more that you get to explore.

This leads me really nicely onto number 18. which is do your mindset work daily. It's really simple. Do your mindset work daily. What am I thinking? Is it true? What else could be true? How do I want to feel today? What am I thinking today? Do mindset work every single day, every single day, and you will find that growing and evolving is so much easier.

Number 19, really simple, really boring, really basic, has massive, massive benefits. Move your body, eat well, sleep well. I find that it's often the simplest things that we can do that have the biggest impact and I often laugh with my friends that I'm genuinely quite a boring person, my life is very, very simple in its essence, and of course, I love adventure. I love all of these things, but, I move my body every week, I eat well. I sleep well and, actually, that has, again, been one of the components of allowing me to be so regulated so grounded in order to grow my business. I think sometimes we think that there's something missing, and it's going to be this really sort of huge thing that we need to do and, actually, the needle mover is just really basic stuff. You being really well prepared mentally and physically for your day, your business, your clients. So move your body, eat well, sleep well.

Number 20 is celebrate your wins. So this is something we do in by Masterminds. Every single Friday, we celebrate our wins. I often say to my clients, what wins are we marinating ourselves in this week? And, also, when you meet your milestones signify that moment by doing something that's really, really unique to you, and this will be in line with your rich life. Right? Whenever I have a successful launch, I always put a little sum of money, a bonus sum of money in a pot for travel because travel and adventure is one of my biggest values. I've recently got into when I have these sort of small little wins, it might be a client pays in full or I have a cluster of new clients come into my world, I put a little bit of money aside to buy some jewelry, knowing that that's something that makes me feel really happy, and it's something that's just for me. So number 20 is celebrate your wins.

Number 21 is take time for CEO day. This really is in line with that whole strategy concept of, are you giving yourself the space and time to lay the foundations from which you can grow? Those CEO days reconnects you to your why, anchors you into that vision. It's so delicious to give yourself time for your CEO days and allow you to be in the energy of, I am the CEO of my business, and this is where we're going this year, this is where we're going next year. So number 21, take your time for CEO days.

Number 22, this is going to be a short and sweet one. Take action. Take action. Take action today. Take action tomorrow. It might be small, it might be huge, but just keep the momentum of taking action every single day.

So number 23, be kind, but boundaries. I believe that we, as business owners, get to always have kindness on the forefront. Right? It's a business value. It's like we are kind, we are compassionate, but this doesn't mean that we are not boundaried. I think if you can find that sweet spot of being super, super gentle, super kind, being in the absolute best possible service, and energy of service and the action of service for your clients and really super boundaried, you will always always find yourself able to grow your business. So be kind, but boundaries.

Number 24, don't take yourself too seriously. Shit happens. We fail slash not fail because failure is not even a thing. Things are hard. Life is hard. Business can be hard. But, if you can find a playfulness and a humour and not take yourself too seriously everything just gets to feel so much juicier and delicious. So short and sweet, don't take yourself too seriously.

Number 25, which actually leads really beautifully from number 24 is find the lessons in everything. Something that my coach often reflects to me. She's like, one of the things I just love about you is even when you haven't met the goal or even when something's not working or I have something that feels really challenging, I always find the lesson in it. I'll always come to her and be like, “This has happened, and I know that this is the lesson can you support me through it?” And I think that if you can sort of see the gift in everything, find the lesson, it just helps you to be able to handle the things that feel challenging.

So number 26, create the right environment for you to work. Now listen. This is definitely a personal one, and this might not feel true for you. Home, again's up there in my kind of top 3 values, but I find that the environment in which we work has such an impact on how we feel and how we feel gets the lead and leads the results that we see. So whatever that environment is make sure that you create the right environment for you to work and feel really when you are in your CEO mode.

Number 27, ask for help. I don't know if I've shared this on the podcast before, but I, in the early stage, of business, I was definitely moving, I was definitely out there, I was definitely visible, but it wasn't until I got my first coach that everything up leveled in a really major way. A big thing for me was asking for support and being okay with asking for support and help. I've got to a point now where, I have so much help at home, I have so much support in my business, and it has just made everything feel so much easier. I think there's also kind of that energetic exchange here. In Shamanism we call it Inie, reciprocity, give and receive. And for me, sort of knowing that I want to grow the number of women that I support every year, it was really vital for me to, in that energetic exchange, allow myself also to be supported. So number 27, ask for help.

Number 28 is don't overthink content. I think that this is something we certainly do in those early stages of business, but you get comfortable in the action. I think even at every stage of business, just don't overthink your content. Just share. Just be visible. Share your voice, share what you're thinking, make it relevant, give loads of value, do not overthink your content. You get comfortable being in the action of being visible, and, of course, there's a whole load of other layers that we might need to explore in allowing the safety of being visible. I definitely recommend my course, Magnetic Visibility for that, but, don't overthink it. Just get comfortable sharing as often as you can in the online space, whether that's your social media content or your newsletter or your podcast. Just don't overthink it. because you're constantly growing and evolving, how you think, and how you feel is going to change and I think if we stay in, like, “oh, but, you know, is this right is this perfect?” It's just, it's not, and it's never going to be. So the more comfortable we can get in being a thought leader, the better.

Number 29 is release readiness. You're never going to be ready, it's a myth, just like you get comfortable when it comes to being visible, you become and nurture your readiness by doing it, by being in it, by taking action. So release this idea that you will ever be ready to do something. It's like, “Oh, once I've got all of this other stuff lined up, then I'll be ready. “ It's not true. Readiness comes when we take the action and nurture the safety in that action that ultimately builds on our sensations of readiness.

Number 30, see beauty in everything. Failure, success, the good, the bad, just see beauty in everything. Right now, wherever you are and unless you're driving, take a pause, look around you, what can you see that's just really beautiful. You might see a butterfly on the window or some fly is in front of you or the shape of a mug, sharing some things that I can see in front of me right now. But see beauty and everything. You will really learn to understand the frequency of abundance, when you see beauty in everything.

Number 31, it's okay to change your mind. I'm going to leave that one there. It's okay to change your mind. Kinda simple.

Number 32, and this leads really nicely from number 31, is the universe doesn't understand good or bad. Spirit, creator, source, universe, it understands frequency. Choose love. Choose love. Choose love for yourself. We only ever have, fear or love. Right? What am I choosing in this moment, and am I choosing from a place of fear, or am I choosing from a place of love? Because the universe doesn't understand good or bad, it understands frequency, and you being in the frequency of love will always get you closer to where you want to be. You will always be able to cocreate, manifest, build new realities when you are in the frequency of love and abundance.

Number 33, forgive, accept, let go. And, yeah, I'm going leave that there. Forgive, accept, let go. I always think, what am I holding? What am I holding here? In Shamanism, we call it Hoocha. Hoocha is stagnancy, and it's often the things that we're holding, the limitations, the grief, the sadness, the fears that we hold, and so much of that can come in actually what we're not forgiving in ourselves, what we're not accepting, what we're not letting go of that doesn't serve us. In doing that, we can activate more Sami Energy, which is our love, our light and our our magnetism.

Number 34, learn to compartmentalise. I'll share what I mean here. I have had to hold my business whilst going through some really, really hard stuff. Miscarriages, a sister dying, really big, big stuff. Stuff that had me experiencing a whole load of grief. In those moments, I really allowed myself outside of the business space to feel the feels. I really went to where I needed to go to feel those feelings and to support myself to dissolve them by feeling them. I compartmentalised at that time knowing that I still wanted to show up for my business. I still had to show up for clients, and I think that that's just a really powerful practice for us all to lean into, which is, we're always going to be holding hard things in life and in business, and the more that we can allow ourselves to compartmentalise, the kind of easier it becomes to hold those things. There is something here in the polarity. Right? The more pleasure that we can hold actually comes when we're fully able to hold pain too. And I know that in compartmentalising a lot of the things that I'm holding simultaneously in any moment has been the thing that's really supported me to build the capacity to expand in my business.

I'm going to lead on from that one with number 35 which is we can only grow to the extent that we can be present with discomfort. Presence requires capacity. So growth in all forms, I have found is dance between the holding and the strengthening of our capacity to hold through, nervous system practices, rest and play. So remember that, we can only grow to the extent that we can be present with everything, with the comfort and the discomfort, and that requires capacity. So if you're at stage in your business where you know that you want to grow into the next layer, that's going to require a certain upgrade of capacity. Know that you absolutely have everything that you need to build that capacity to hold more.

So number 36, be in love with the process and the journey, not just the end result. I'm going to leave that one there. It's such a good one and so true. If I'm not enjoying this, what's the point? So be in love with the process and the journey, not just the end result. and everything will feel so much more delicious.

Number 37, another short and sweet one is nothing that is meant for you will pass by you. Listen, if something keeps tapping on your door, if the universe keeps nudging you on the shoulder, listen. Listen and take action. You're always being guided to that next best step, you're always being guided to your truth. It really is up to you to listen, and I always believe that nothing that's meant for me will pass by me.

Number 38, I'm ending on a short sharp, beautiful, simple lesson, which is you're magnetic. You are magnetic. I am magnetic. You are magnetic. We are all magnetic.

So I'm going to leave you with that one for today.

That gentle reminder, you are a very beautiful and powerful being. I hope that you have enjoyed this episode. It's been super fun having to write out my 38 lessons. I'm sure there's so many more.

I also want to share with you that in the spirit of celebrating my 38th birthday, I have a very special offering for you guys. Over the last couple of years, I have compiled, recorded, created a whole series of self leadership, tools, and resources to support women at every single stage of business to scale to their next level.

I call it my Self Leadership Page on our website and for my birthday from the moment that you are listening to this podcast until the 4th August 2023, I am offering 38 percent off everything on that resources page. which consists of 1 off masterclasses and money programs, 3 day sales trainings, and also up to Magnetic Visibility, which is one of my signature courses that also has a live element of 3 group coaching calls.

Head to the Self Leadership Page and land there, knowing that with the code, birthday38, you get 38% off everything that you purchase.

If you are unsure of what resource could support you, please do drop yourself in my DMs on Instagram and let me know what your objectives are in meeting your next level, and I will guide you to what I think the best resource is for you.

Thank you so much for listening today.

I so appreciate you chiming in and joining me for the magnetic women podcast. sending love from my corner of the world to yours have a beautiful, beautiful rest of your day.

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