The 5 Upgrades to Make Now to Hit High Multi-6 or 7 Figures in 2024
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Hello. Hello and welcome to this episode of the podcast.
I have been talking strategy and upgrades with my clients in all masterminds, but specifically in my Expansion Accelerator and Expand to 7 masterminds where I work with women who are scaling to 6 figures and in expand multi-6 and 7. And a lot of what we have been exploring in all of these conversations. It's really kind of what are the upgrades that I need to make to to hit those goals in 2024?
So I thought I would bring a few of the things or the core things that we have been speaking about in these conversations to you in this podcast today with the 5 upgrades that you need to make now if you want to hit multi 6 or 7 figures in 2024.
So let's begin, shall we?
The first thing that you want to be feeling into as an upgrade is a team assessment.
Now the team that has got you to where you are now might not be the team that's going to get you to the next level. And I say that actually, especially if you are at that 6 figure mark and looking to scale to multi-six.
What I'm going do throughout all of these is give you both a personal example and a client example to kind of give you some context as to how this supports you to upgrade the results that you get. So, like I say, the team that gets you to 6 figures isn't always the team that get you to that multi 6 or 7.
A really good first step here is for you to understand what I what I call kind of CEO mapping.
Which is a document that I I share with my clients at this level, which pinpoints who is doing what to these key areas of the business, from sales to marketing to finance, who is doing what and you as the CEO get to own, these are the things that I want to own. These this is my zone of genius and then you, from that space, can look at the gaps.
Where are the gaps here, and then who is going to fill those gaps?
From there, you can start to identify what is it that we need supporting within the business? Where are the gaps, and and how are we going to fill them?
Something that I find is really powerful at this level is writing a business manifesto. So we created running the business, and when I took on my new OBM, not so new now, she's been with me about a year, I wrote a manifesto, which is this is what the House of Paloma stands for. These are our values and why and this is, as a from a business perspective, how I expect you to behave and treat our community and our clients.
It really is that kind of big mission statement, but also, the real depth of who you are and how the business is run, on how you want the business to be run. And you can get a real sense of someone as you're reading that to them whether they are your person or not.
It's really, really important and and and equally important for you as the CEO to really know, why are you here?
It's that beautiful reminder of I'm here because this is our mission, and this is how you, as my OBM or my VA or my PA or my Social Media Manager is going to support that mission, and it really kind of gives everybody a sense of belonging and knowing that they're here to support about mission.
Then at this point, when you're reaching specific upgrades in the business, you might want to start setting some KPIs with the team.
So this is your key performance indicators.
How will you know that they are performing well? What does that look like for each of the teams?
So I'm just about to start writing those for 2024 as we're actually expanding the team, with a new sort of design led VA. So it means there's going to be more of us. And, of course, I want to make sure that everybody knows what performance looks like for me from them.
So a personal example of the upgrade of team assessment, personally, I was actually already at the at the multi-six stage. At that point, I had a kind of VA/PA, and I knew that the level of support that I needed in the business was was more than I was receiving.
I needed an Online Business Manager so that I could focus more on my zone of genius, which is content, visibility, clients.
Obviously, supporting my client's strategy, ideation, and sales. So they're the kind of core elements that I drive within the business. And what was happening with a lot of that back end tech stuff, funnels, systems needed an upgrade, and so that's really where an OBM comes in. They're a business manager.
So what was really supportive was, obviously, I was being managed as much as I was managing that person. And I am not going to lie. It was a really, really, really difficult decision to make and My VA at the time had made some noise that actually, she didn't feel that she was the right person, and that really gave me permission to make that decision, which needed to be made.
So it's not always going to be easy. I'm telling you then that now that there will be people who have got to where you are and supported you to that place, but they may not be the people that get you to the next place. And that's really a choice, self leadership, you know, as a CEO that you have to make.
So a client example here, it tends to be quite similar, really, really similar with a lot of my clients that the VA isn't the OBM or actually, they need someone managing the business and them.
What I see a lot is that clients like to hire people based on the skills that they already have and then it doesn't quite work out because they haven't identified the things that they want to own.
What they've done is they've hired someone who has those same skills, but actually, it means that that person can't go and do the things that you as the CEO, can already do. So it really is a case of making sure that you look at the gaps. Because, for example, I'm ideation, I'm the visionary. I want to move things forward, but I need someone behind me, making that happen so that I can continue to be in my visionary phase.
If I had someone as an OBM who was a real visionary, but wasn't able to put things to bed, I complete those tasks, complete those cycles. It would be basically me. So I know who I am, my strengths, my weaknesses and as such, I choose a team who can basically do the things that I know are just not my zone of genius.
The second thing when it comes to the upgrade is a visibility check-in.
Are you truly showing up at the level of that income?
This is a really huge piece as you move into multi-six / seven because there's a big upgrade in you owning your authority and really stepping into your legacy, the legacy that you are building. This is where you're owning your truth in a way that you haven't before.
It's edgy. It's really edgy.
The healing of the inner world that really stops you owning it has got to be a priority.
And I see this, where we get an up, we go to the next level, we upgrade to that level and all of that stuff that we thought we healed, the not enoughness, the feeling safe to be seen, it comes up again because there's bigger risks when you get to a bigger level, whether that's in holding more clients or having a bigger audience.
All of those things upgrade, simultaneously. So your priority is really giving attention to that inner world and really undoing the knots of limitations. Big things can come up at at this stage, new levels of imposter syndrome, but at this point, you're really going to want to know what makes you unique, your unique approach, and feel really, really safe to say that with real gusto.
Your priority is really understanding that you came into this life with this dharma, and you get to trust that that is. That that is your dharma. That is it.
This is what you're here to do.
And you get to be really discerning over what is going to support that journey and what is simply a distraction. Because let me tell you, at these big up levels, so many distractions will come up. Oh, you say you want that? Oh, but what about what about being over here? What about taking this direction? No. No. No. No. No.
This is the thing I want.
The amount of times you hit that up level and all of your old stuff comes up, it's because there's more for you to work through, to nurture, to dissolve so that you can hit that next level ready and able.
I don't believe that the universe ever tests us, but I do believe that there are lessons.
And sometimes we get the thing that we want, but there's just a few hoops to jump through to be able to really hold it.
So a personal example of the visibility piece for me, was really allowing myself to be okay with being polarizing.
I'm heretic in human design, which means I'm meant to have quite polarizing opinions. When everyone's going right, you'll often find me going left in exploration of a different perspective. That's what makes me a good coach.
I see possibility everywhere. I see solutions everywhere because I'm really good at looking the other way and being open to other avenues.
A bigger piece also in my personal uplevel with visibility was being okay with people not liking me.
In being quite polarizing sometimes, it means I'm not for everyone. And a big piece of my own inner journey has been really being okay with that. What can often come with that is knowing that there are often some jealousy, some envy, some evil eyes in my field. And I manage this by clearing my energy field every day, every evening, and sending those people love.
In knowing that I'm always moving more towards my truth, it has helped me continue to feel safer to be okay with people not liking me. And that's that. A lot of that came from me being quite jealous and envious of people that I saw who seem to have it better than me. And another really beautiful body of work that I did in my a world was finding the pain in that. So why does it trigger me that they have more than I have, or they have a seemingly better life? And nurturing that part of me that also just really wanted to be seen and wanted the thing that they had and then turning that comparison back into my own power, knowing but there is nothing outside of me.
So a big piece here, you can see in my own inner world of allowing myself to become more visible.
In terms of a client example, I thought this would be a really good one to share.
So I have a client who was incredible in her automated systems, but wasn't really owning enough of what she wanted to own online. So we created a really sweet spot of activating live launches through her visibility along with how she was being visible through her funnels behind the scenes, and the results have been really huge.
She's pretty much doubling her income every month.
And I think the reason why here is that automated systems are great, but you have to remember now that building know, like and trust is so important. And personally, I believe that there's no point building these amazing funnels if and when people land on your website, your Instagram, your podcast, if you have one of those, if no there's no value or content.
Also at this stage, you're likely going to want to be really known for your work.
So whether that's in the form of becoming an author or exploration of panels and events, you know, going global with your reach. The bigger visibility piece here really supports that.
So just to kind of be aware that if you want to be visible and really build that authority at that stage, there's the visibility in your, kind of, in your community currently, but also how you get to be visible in other avenues, whether that is through automations or whether that is through, PR, media, events, collaborations, and so forth.
So the next piece is self-leadership.
Really big one. I spoke to this in in last week's episode of the podcast where I really spoke to how much I actually prioritise the business.
My life is pretty much built around the business.
I'll book my holidays in and around the business. I will, build my days off around the business. I'll be building my personal times around the business.
This has really supported me in the fact that I am able to do what I do in life because of my business. So I have to prioritise my business, and I like in prioritising my business because of the life it enables me to live.
That has really come from a place of understanding what my truest version of self-leadership is, and it really comes from self discipline. I'm solo parent / co parent. So obviously, I run a household alone. And that means that there are certain priorities that I have that maybe someone who shares a household or the responsibilities of a household maybe experiences differently.
For all of these things, I know what it comes down to in terms of, how am I able to live in the way live and do business?
And the way that I do business is self discipline.
It really is kind of how much I prioritise me. And often, it's I mean, it's very healthily selfish, but I prioritise myself, my needs before anything else. It is the only way that I am able to hold what I hold in my life and in my business, as co parent, mother and running a multi-six figure business into high sixes now. I'm holding a lot, so my self leadership is the anchoring of a daily practice.
It is the continuation of my regulation practice. It is knowing my needs and meeting them. Whether that is eating well, sleeping well, or massages and energy healing on a monthly basis. All of those things are my priority because they enable me to be who I am in the world.
If you want to upgrade to multi 6 and 7, you've got to start to tune into how much more you are going to have to hold.
There's more responsibility at this point from clients or money and what comes with that is also certain trade offs. So my self discipline means that I am in bed by 9:30, 10 o'clock every night. My self discipline means that I do prioritise eating well and exercising because if I'm sick, I'm not able to run my business in the way that I want to run my business. I prioritize my pleasure, and I give myself space for that, but only with the solidity of the foundations I've built in my business. So you can see it's that self discipline. No one's going to get up and do it for you.
This is something that I know has always been a part of me, but it's something that I have really fine tuned more and more and more as I have grown in the business. Naturally, getting to the multi-6 and 7 figure mark there is going to be more to hold.
Who do you need to be to be able to hold that?
That is going to come from the way that you lead yourself, the way that you look after yourself. It has to be a priority. So that's my personal example, and I thought it'd be interesting to share with you a client example of self leadership.
Honestly, I've had clients leave partners after a year of working with me because the clarity they had of knowing that this person simply wasn't part of their story anymore was just too big to ignore. I have had clients who know that they are in the drama. They're still in the drama and they have spent a year with me dissolving the drama in their life, in their business, knowing that that was the thing that was going to enable them to hold that multi six mark.
Self leadership is self trust.
I'm going to say that again. Self leadership is self trust.
Can you trust yourself?
And if you can, then you will be able to meet the next mark of success, whatever that looks like for you, but you have to trust yourself because there will be people around you who will not trust it. They might not be playing the same game as you, so you have got to trust yourself.
I've had clients come to me, and we've reworked entire offers because it wasn't in line with who they were anymore and then boom, first 6 figure launch. That came from them trusting that the way that I'm working isn't serving me. It doesn't feel right. It doesn't feel good. And we tweak it, and then they get the biggest result they've ever got.
And the big piece here again is that inner work, the inner love for yourself.
You have got to get comfortable with the uncomfortable and really owning your shadows as much as your light because this is your freedom and this is your truth, and this is what will unlock your truest truest potential.
So the next piece is our systems and structures.
We have something in the business which is the triple s system.
Systems and structures create spaciousness.
I always say to my clients, every problem that arises is a gift. It's a gift for us to see the lesson, and how we can create solutions to problems. If there's no problems, If we're not presented with problems, we can't refine our structure and our systems in order to create more spaciousness in the business.
So at 6 figures, you'll likely have a smaller team, maybe you're in a VA. At multi six, you will need more people or you will need an OBM. Maybe you'll start needing kind of brand designers or social media supporters and at this point with your clients, you either will be holding more clients or less people, but they're paying more. So the access to you will be different.
Your systems really is what allows you to hold that next level.
Thought I'd give you a personal example.
So we are in the process of kind of refining a handbook for all of our masterminds. And we refine our onboarding process all of the time to make it super, super, streamlined.
We use Asana for the team.
We make sure that we have monthly data reports.
An upgrade when we moved from 6 figures to multi 6 was moving from Mailchimp to Kajabi.
All of these things have supported the uplevel.
Some of the bits or some of the systems that we've put in place that have been, like, totally game changing for me have been AddEvent for calendar management, and the weekly emails that we send as a reminder to the team. So these things are kind of systems, small systems and structures and bigger ones that we've put in place to help us hold that multi 6 figure mark.
A client example. I see this a lot, but I'm going to use this one as an example, a client that's still in what I call, the nuts and bolts.
They're still in the tiny details, and it's like, girl, like, this is not going to support your growth because your fingers are in so many pies.
And again, this comes down to that team assessment, but also what databases are you using that will support the growth that you want to see?
So this particular client, we helped get clear on where she was spending most of time, why some of her clients weren't keeping up with the, direction, the work within her course, and what support that she needed that could support that.
So this looks like actually getting a co coach to support the day to day management of her clients and some of the weekly calls. And then we looked more at what she could pass over to the team. This really basically, meant that she had a much, much, much better onboarding system for her clients so that it it was easier for them to keep with the calls.
So she was supported. Her clients were supported. And the process of start to finish of her container was top notch.
So systems and structures.
The 5th and final piece here is support.
When you are looking to hit the multi-6 or 7 figures in your business, the biggest upgrade you're going to need is the level of support that you have. And, of course, so much of what I've shared in this episode of the podcast is the support within the team, from the team. But there's also the support that you yourself have.
So my clients who are at this stage, they're in Slack with me pretty much every day and the reason for that is there's moving parts. So we have the self leadership. We know what we're leading and why we're leading it, where we're going with it.
But there is something incredibly special about having a really deep level of support in your business as you are moving through all of the things.
So a personal example. I mean, I have been an, obviously, an advocate for coaching over the last 5 years. The first few years of my business I've been running a business for 8 years now. In the beginning, I was doing various things, teaching yoga, for clubs, it was only really when I got into my intuitive eating and living coaching that I realised that there were just a lot of things that I knew I could accelerate the speed of results being one of them, if I had someone who was a few steps ahead of me, paving that way.
Obviously, coming from a marketing background, so that stuff, like, I had nailed.
But there was a lot in mindset and sales and that leadership piece of really knowing how to set my boundaries with my clients and saying yes to the right things, there was so much that I was able to grow into with the support of someone who could guide me in that with their with their knowledge.
So as a personal example now, as we approach 2024, I now have 2 coaches.
I have just invested, about $47,000 into 2 levels of support, 2 very different types of support. And that is, of course, a lot of money, but in line with the year that I know that we will have next year, which, will be around 500,000 in revenue. I always expect, to get results that match 10% of what I've invested. So if I invest 30,000, I make 300,000. If I invest 20,000, I make 200,000 and so forth.
I cannot tell you how powerful it is to, I think have that right community, I'm a real big fan of of Masterminds, both as having a business that has a mastermind model and and being part of Masterminds, and also the support of someone in your corner who knows you, your business, your weaker spots of which we all have them.
So many of us wait to feel ready for that support, but the wait for the readiness is in fact the limitation.
It's the thing that it's stopping us seeing the the the results that we want to see.
I thought it would be helpful here for me to give you sort of 3 questions that I would consider asking a coach that I was considering working with.
And the first would be when is the last time that you failed?
A coach who says she's perfect is hiding something and you want someone who, a, understands problems and solutions and, b, has like, is authentic and in integrity enough that she can admit or they can admit that they have made mistakes. So the first question would be, like, when was the last time you failed?
What support do you have?
I think it's also really important. I'm always really interested in who is coaching my coach and I think that that's a really valuable question.
Ultimately, we, as coaches, are always growing and evolving. The best ones are growing and evolving and so someone asked recently and I was like, yeah. I'm actually doing a data course, and I'm supported by this person and also this person. And, actually, it kind of really showed them who I was, as well in the support that I bring in in in in into myself and, of course, the business because it's the ripple effect.
And then the 3rd question would be, what's your biggest value and why?
I feel like this is a really good question to understand and build that know, like, and trust. I want to work with people who have similar values to me. Have a really similar mission statement, a really similar mission in this world and knowing what their biggest value is means that I know that we will be aligned.
So support in terms of a client example.
Well, I thought about this one and a lot of my clients have been kind of burnt in bad masterminds or coaching programs. And so a reason why we don't allow ourselves the opportunity to upgrade in the level of support that we have is because we do have evidence that we weren't supported.
A lot of my clients, when they come into my world, they say how they they didn't expect to have so much contact with me or so much of my eyes on their business. And, really the results that they get speak for themselves and the fact that my clients stay with me for long periods of time.
What I do know as someone who supports women at every stage of business is that the clients that do come into my world, they are women who know that they want to make a difference.
So the example here is going back to something I've shared in this episode and continue to share, which is self trust.
Can you trust yourself enough to choose the right person, choose the right support, choose the right team?
Can you trust yourself enough to make that investment and know that you'll make that money back?
I have a bit of a game with anyone who comes into my world. How quickly can you make that money back? Knowing what you've just invested, let's play a game. How quickly can you make that back? And it just ignites a really, really incredible energy within them of anything is possible, I am limitless.
Let's do this. Let's do the thing.
Can you trust yourself tough enough to put your energy into these upgrades that will get you to your next level?
Can you trust yourself enough to go to the depths of your being you need to go to to dissolve the knots, dissolve the limitations?
So much of entrepreneurship comes down to self trust.
I hope this has been helpful for you today.
I'm just going to do you a quick quick recap the 5 upgrades you need to make now if you want to hit your next level, but I'm specifically speaking to the the the multi-six or seven figures in 2024.
The first is team assessment.
The second is the visibility check-in. Are you really showing up at that level of income?
The self leadership piece, what are you prioritizing for you?
The systems and the structures in the business.
Then, of course, support.
Even if you are not at the multi-six or 7 phase of growth, I know that this episode will have given you some nuggets of inspiration and hopefully a catalyst for change in your world and in your business.
A couple of things to share before we finish.
If you are looking for support in building your 2024 strategy, I am holding a 2024 live strategy creation session next week.
So head to the HERE and claim your space.
For anyone who books that, you will get my 6 to figure a launch report for free,
And if you have listened to this today and there is a fire in your belly to get yourself from 6 figures to multi 6 and you would like my support in helping you do that, again, head to the Expand to 7 Mastermind.
I have 1 space opening up in January and I would love it for for it to be yours.
That's all from me today.
Wishing you so much love, so much magnetism from my corner of the world to yours, have a beautiful, beautiful day and a beautiful rest of your week.
Remember that you are magnetic.