My 2023 Review and 2024 Vision


Catch the replay of the 2024 Magnetic Mastery Masterclass HERE

Find out more about my masterminds for every stage of business HERE

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Hello. Hello. And welcome to this episode of the podcast. It's not just any old episode, guys. It is the 100th episode of the Magnetic Woman Podcast. And it's really strange because the episode list on Apple Podcasts. It says a 113. But that's because we had, a former podcast prior to this podcast.

Anyway, it is the official 100th episode of the podcast.

And in all full transparency, I actually had plans for a dear friend of mine, editor of Red Magazine, Sarah Tomchak, to interview me, but, I mean, look, it's December, and the the wind down or wind up to Christmas, however that's rolling for you, meant that we just could not get the calendar.

So I decided to do something that I already had planned, which is my 2023 review and 2024 vision.

So let's just roll.

This has been a really big year.

For anyone who's listening, and is like, this has been a big year. I really feel you on so many levels. It's been huge. I'm going to take you behind the scenes of what has been my biggest year in business to date despite a massive change in the economy and huge collective upgrades. There's some big stuff moving in the world, and we are rising. Well, we're dissolving. Everything's crashing and burning, and we are rising a new into the new paradigm. So it's been a big one.

As I record this episode, I realized we are £10,000, UK pounds away from our financial goal for 2023, and that's big.

I'm recording, this is the 4th December, so we’ve still got 3 or 4 weeks left of the year. I'll be playing that game for sure. How quickly can I make that money and continue to be in service for the work that I do?

Honestly, this year has been huge, challenging, beautiful in all of the ways.

I'm going to take you through kind of what worked, what didn't, a few things that you might want to know the behind the scenes.

The first thing I want to say is, a really, really big thank you to all of you who have listened to the podcast, are listening to this episode, will continue to listen to the episodes that I create for you. We've now had it's funny, I checked in, guys, this is like you just cannot make this shit up. My favourite number is 3 and when I was like, right. I'm going to talk about the podcast, the amount of downloads, tuned in, like, 10 minutes ago. We've had 33,300 downloads. It just blows my mind.

The fact that we've had over 30,000 downloads, But the fact that it's 3333 of the threes, and 3 is my favorite number.

Again, just thank you, divine, for always speaking to me and just making me know that you know, just making me remember and trust to know that I'm on the right path. So please let that be lesson for everyone.

You're always being spoken to. Are you listening?

So thank you for listening to the podcast. Thank you to my clients. Just I just work with incredible women, who really tune into that, like, girl boss energy, but from such a place of grounding and regulation and they are so deep in the truth of their dharma, and they're not afraid to really move towards the extraordinary, which FYI, 2024 vision.

My word of the year is extraordinary.

I’ve just been really feeling into that for the last few weeks, and it just it landed yesterday. It's like word of the year. Extraordinary. And that is what I'm going to be holding for my clients. That's what I'm going to be holding for myself. That is the energy that I'm going to be playing in in 2024. But, yeah, just big, big, like, a huge gratitude for my clients, and and everyone in my community. People who have worked with me in the past. People who are yet to work with me. I just value any any woman in my world who is part of it, is listening and is taking notes and is just using what I share to be a catalyst for the change that they get to create in their world.

I say actually women, but I do have, like, I think a 7% group of men who follow so thank you to you as well for being part of the change.

This year was about actually nothing new necessarily, but it was about optimising everything that we had in place.

Optimising the 3 masterminds and just optimising a lot of the processes and systems that we were using in the business.

Now this really worked.

So 80% of our income came from our Masterminds.

I'm not giving you the specifics here, I'm still in, average mode, because I will be dialling into all of my kind of final finances for the year, obviously at the end of the year and that's typically when I look at kind of where exactly what the percentages are, what the increase is, etcetera.

But we know that we have had, we've pretty much met our our goal for the year, and 80% of our income came from the masterminds.

The remaining 20% was from Magnetic Visibility and the Magnetic Year.

I also wanted to activate more of the strategy within my work this year. So I will always always teach and coach the sort of spiritual energetics piece because my method is the inner world and the outer world. The foundations is the marketing and the strategy, and then there's who you're being and the the energetic upgrades and the expansion that you choose or not.

But I really wanted to speak more to the sort of foundational stuff that is the framework and where we build from.

And that was intentional because I think that the way that the industry was going, it was well, there was just a lot of the same narrative about the quantum leap and the energetics and it's still of course, it's true. But what I know to be true for myself or for my clients is that that is the cherry on the cake. Really, it's about that solid strategy, the solid foundation. Who am I? What are my offers? What's my messaging? What the funnels that I'm creating in the business? What are the systems that I have in place? All of that.

It's like the house. Right? You build the house and then the energetics is like the decor.

I'm going to paint this room green, and then this one's going to be vibrant red and you get to do that. So because I come from that sort of 20 plus years now of marketing experience, I really wanted to lean myself more into that space. And again, it's worked. I think the reason why I've had such a good year is because I've really been able to build that know, like, and trust with my audience, with my clients, because I'm kind of preaching the stuff that I know really, really works and and supporting people who do struggle with the marketing piece and the strategy piece.

And then, personally, it's been like it's been a big year. Again. Personally, I've travelled a lot this year. I have been really enjoying in real life events, self development as well as exploring and living a lot more of my value, freedom, adventure.

I've travelled a lot this year.

So I've done trips to Glastonbury for retreats. I've gone to Lisbon for 3 day activations. I've done trainings in different parts of the world. I headed to LA to see my bestie before she gave birth to her 2nd, which is a really special trip. And I've just really explored travel this year, and it's been very intentional.

I'm very intentional full stop with my years and what they look like.

And I don't say that that in a rigid way.

I'm not rigid like this year must be about this, but more intentional. And I knew that this year would be a year of travel for me because I've been renting, whilst I've been in between buying the ideal kind of house, which took me took me a little bit longer than I thought it was going to take. But, basically, I sold property in December last year. Here we are a year later. So I've actually been renting, whilst kind of sussing out what my next steps were and that does look like buy buying another home in the town that I live in, but something smaller and that I know that I can make my own and make money on while I start to set up some other things that I have in the pipeline for 2024.

So 2024 itself will very intentionally be less focused on travel and much more focused on home.

A lot of what I invest in will be creating a sacred space for my daughter and I. That intentional piece is really important.

I actually share a lot more in my Strategy Mastery training. The process of making sure that everything you're building in your business is in line with who you are and you’re living your values and more of those values fused with all of the success that you build. So my thing is, like, zero point burning yourself to the ground in the name of service, and it gets to be different.

So head to the show notes. I'm going link in that Strategy Mastery training. It's like £49 and basically supports you to map up the whole strategy, for the entire year, and I take you through all of the different elements of business. It's really, really power packed. So there we go.

Then other things personally, it's been a real journey of relationships. I'm not shy in saying that Relationships is an era of my life that I probably struggle with the most if I struggle with with anything, which I do because, of course, I'm human. But I take things, in my stride, and I'm very compassionate with myself. But, it's been an interesting year in terms of a journey of relationship and really understanding what it is that I want from a relationship and how I want to grow in relationships as well.

So I've taken kind of a pause, a very gentle pause with the love that I was with this year and we we're going to see what next year looks like for us, but, it feels really grown up to be kind of choosing each other and knowing that there is some growth for us both in choosing that versus just kind of saying goodbye, which is my default.

I'm very good at being like, “yeah, this isn't working all out.” And I know that a big lesson for me is really staying the course. And, this is I'm just going tp share because why not? It's on my mind, but, you know, my childhood wasn't, like, the safest. I was this person and this person and this person. My mom was a single parent of 3 children, and so I'm really, really, really good at change. Like, I'm so good at change because that's what I'm used to.

And what I'm noticing, what I'm learning as I explore relationships is that it's really easy for me to opt out versus just really being in the discomfort of stuff, basically. And t's because actually staying can sometimes feel quite unsafe. And, yes, it's an interesting space that I'm navigating at the moment.

We're just kind of seeing the patterns, the deeper patterns of myself, my relationship with myself and my relationship with others, and how easy it is for me to run versus really being in that and choosing someone despite the ups and downs. So there we go.

Some real insight into my world.

I have been removing myself from my survival self. Now I'm going to say the remnants of that because I really don't live a huge amount in my survival self anymore, but I did notice just some small remnants of people pleasing.

I think the key thing was understanding where I've been distracting myself from what I came here to do and choosing the decisions I need to decide on or the decisions I need to choose based on that. So, for example and this is where kind of the relationship piece came in. I was traveling back and forth to London, and I realized that I was using so much energy on that, and that became a distraction from doing the things that I actually wanted to do and the things that I knew that I kind of would would really create the results that I wanted to see.

So I think there's a real kind of divine and wounded aspect of that. And I found this middle ground where it's like, I still do that, but I have to do it from a place of fullness and not from a place of feeling like I have to. And just a really discerning how I'm making decisions and am I making a decision on something because it's a distraction from maybe something that I'm resisting, or am I making that decision because it's actually in line with where I want to be going?

There's been an interesting kind of growth in really understanding my distractions in life.

And that has come from so I was tuning into, like, 7 figure version of Pandora, and she reads a lot and I noticed how easy it is for me to sit down at the end of the day and put some TV on and then scroll on my phone. It's like, well, you're definitely not reading, but you're also not watching this with presence, and you're on your phone, so where's the presence, dude?

And for me, it's like presence is the portal. Right? So many answers and insights come when we are in that full body presence and so I started looking at some of the small ways I was distracting myself and I've got so much better at putting my phone away at the end of the day, not checking WhatsApp or Instagram in the day unless it's for work purposes and then at the end of the day, I give myself that time.

Like, okay. Now’s the time to scroll. Is the time to check-in here? Now is the time for this. So it's almost, really compartmentalizing all of the things that I know that I get to do in the day, but so that they don't become a distraction. I know that I get to check my phone and check-in with a friend, but, do I need to do that because I'm distracting myself from writing my email. Do you know what I mean? So it's those things have been really interesting to just upgrade, up level, really.

I have really understood what it is to be in service to love.

And I use this term. It's a term that I have learned from a wonderful woman called Sofia Sundari, who I was with for 3 days in Lisbon, earlier in the year, and just that real in service to love. I've opened my heart in huge, huge ways this year so I feel just so full of compassion and empathy and love for humans that I know, humans that I don't, strangers, clients, lovers, friends, and also really what it is to be in service to others from a place of wholeness.

The more that I have understood my distractions and release the bad habits, I've suddenly understood what it is to really be in service from a place of fullness, of wholeness. I'm so full in my being. I'm so grounded. I'm so regulated. And I feel so strong in that.

And I can really feel it in the way that I've been able to hold my clients this year because it has been a big year. There's been some challenges and I sort of have really felt like sort of the tree. Like, I'm solid and I’ve been able to really hold that. So being in service to others from that place of wholeness, it's been a really beautiful, profound to experience.

And then just a real sense of peace and belonging in life without the need for outside validation or outside anything, really.

And long may that continue.

Just really understanding what it is to be, you know, living in connection with the divine, living a a life of fullness. I've prioritized my health a lot more this year. So I turn 40 in 2025. So it's just been a just like a just there. You know? Not freaking out, but just okay. Really want to enter that decade of my life feeling really fit and well and healthy. My health definitely in terms of I would say my fitness kind of declined after I had my daughter because, obviously, you just don't have as much time as you used to, and your body changes. I’ve just become super aware of actually what my body needs and really feeding it with the good stuff.

I still started pilates with fluid form. I've created an altar at home. I pray every morning. Presence really is the portal to expansion. So I'll do an I'll do another episode for the podcast on that.

So let me talk you through then kind of the business in terms of what has happened this year.

So financials, we set a target for £300,000.

We have hit £290,000. So we're £10,000 away. That looks like £220 cash, 70 sales. So we've got £70,000 coming into next year already.

The breakdown of this? Well, 50% of that is tax and VAT.

It might be slightly more tax, but, I'll know, in the next couple of weeks when we do our corporation tax return, but I always put away, obviously, 20% VAT. For those you're in the UK, bit of a bummer, but it is what it is.

And then tax. So that's a £110, 000, like, gone. £25,000 on the team. So my staff, £50,000 for me. Business costs around 10 to 15%, £15,000. We spent about £6,000 on Facebook ads this year, and then the rest is overflow. So not huge numbers. Obviously, huge numbers, but not a huge amount of overflow because there are obviously the business costs involved.

And I think this is, really important to share because you might hear £300,000. You're like, oh my god, that's so much money. But like I said, like, 50% of that is not mine. That goes straight to VAT and straight to tax. So then what we're playing with is £150,000. And like I said, 70 of that hasn't even come into the business yet. So it's just kind of what we've got sales in into next year already.

So in terms of what worked.

We have had a 70% retention rate in the masterminds this year across the board.

So I know that by prioritising, optimising the way that the masterminds work, it is really working and prioritising my clients in this way. So because I'm not launching lots of smaller products all the time, I'm basically just in my clients, in the masterminds, like, in their businesses.

And because it works on either a 6 month or a 12 month basis, or length of time I'm with them for the entirety of that journey. And so for the results that they're seeing, they're staying for another 6 months. So the retention rate has been really high and that is obviously a lot easier for me because I'm not necessarily having to be in launch a huge amount because my clients are staying with me for longer periods, and spaces are limited.

So in terms of from a business model perspective, it's really, really worked for me.

This year, I went from a VA to an OBM, so Online Business Manager. That's been an absolute game changer in terms of the support that I have got in the business. It's been huge, in terms of just having that support and also having someone to direct me as well. So it's less reliant on me. We're still a really small team considering the number that we bring in. We're a pretty lean team. We obviously, do you have kind of other freelancers who support us. We've got our podcast editor. We have support with, our ads and various other kind of freelancers that we use.

But in terms of core team, it's me and my OBM and then we're actually just about to employ a, design led VA to support us on socials and the podcast.

That feels really, really good as we go into 2024.

I would say that kind of systems within the team, so we started using Asana in a much better way. We're setting much clearer timelines, and we're giving ourselves a lot more time. So I've been very much leaning into the energy of, my coach who is a Virgo and setting myself up with what I need there in terms of more space, more time to really get into the ideation phase, but also in the deliverables. So making sure that we're really ahead of ourselves when it comes to the assets that we need, the content that we need, and just making sure that with every launch, it's a lot more methodical.

There's a lot more planning, to make sure that we've kind of covered everything.

A couple of weeks ago, I did a mastermind the training for my masterminds. I show showed them basically this, start to finish. Pre prelaunch to post-launch spreadsheet that I've created. Half of them were like, this is really scary. Like, how did you even create this. And half of them were like, this is the best thing you've ever created.

I'm kind of sharing a lot of, obviously, the ways that we've optimised the business with my masterminders as well to make sure that their systems and processes are optimised too. But, yeah, kind of what's worked has really been giving myself and the team kind of a lot more time for the launches that we have done.

Facebook ads, we've been working with Dynamic Creative, in the last, in the last particularly in the last quarter, so from September to December. It's a new way of working with Facebook ads, and it's been really, really good. And the reason why I've put this in kind of what worked, engagement has been lower, we haven't really grown numbers on social media.

So that's been really supportive to grow numbers in our newsletter, which was a focus for us for this year, and also just to generate some new faces, in our world. So that's been really, really powerful.

And then the final thing that's really, really worked year that we've just introduced in the last 2 months has been moving away from 3 emails per week to 2. And 1 being my CEO Reflections newsletter, which is much more kind of themed and thorough.

Instead of just kind of speaking to certain themes, and, obviously, a lot of that was guiding to what we were selling, I actually decided I wanted do 1 newsletter a week, which is basically, everything you need to know today or this week or and it's based on a theme. So it might be like how to build your strategy or, how to plan your 2024. Last week's was all about the marketing trends. So what they are, how to use them and then how I was implementing them in the business.

This has really worked. We've seen, our open rate go up 10%. So from 30 well, an average of sort 30% to 32% up to about 42%.

So really, really pleased with that.

In terms of what her what we could have done better.

Now I felt a little bit sticky saying this, but I'm just going to say it because it's the truth. So we have, a container called the Magnetic Year. And, in July, I launched Shamanic Business, which was a 6 month Shamanic Business journey, and we put those women into the Magnetic Year.

It was basically the final 6 months of the magnetic year was the journey of shamanic business. We have about 21 women in that group, and I'd say we probably have about 5 people alive and so this is something I've spoken to.

It's not something that we could have done better. We've kind of prompted and made sure that people are aware of the dates. The dates are all in the diary, but it's something that I'm seeing and I'm going sort of call it, like, a business prediction, but I think people are prioritizing, like, the real intimate groups of coaching. And so whilst the results that people have seen in that group have been amazing, I think because it's that lower price point, £133 a month. It's the easiest thing to be like, do you know what? I won't do that. Like, I'll do something different.

And I also think time of day. We've been running it in the evenings, and I'm just not sure whether that time of day works anymore. And it's not to say that this is done wrong, I think that what I've been feeling into is, like, if I want to now do a shorter course or a course on something outside of the masterminds, I'm going to do it into a shorter window.

That's been a learning, for me in terms of optimising attendance, the attendance rate of my programs, basically. So that's kind of one thing that I would say could have done we could have done better with.

I could have launched again, but, you know, focus had to be the masterminds. So that's what I did.

In terms of what I could have done better, we set up some ads in a learning a phase during Black Friday. Like, literally, what was I thinking? Totally stupid idea. So I just want to share stuff like this because it's like, yes, I also fail. I do really silly things. Like, oh, yeah. Let's just go into the learning phase and spend £2,000 on ads during Black Friday. Like, Pandora. Come on. Check yourself.

And in the last quarter specifically, there's been quite a big piece around prioritisation. So what are we prioritising in the business?

So the things that actually move the needle, we have been, we have missed a couple of episodes of the podcast because we've basically been recording them week by week, so we are going to be prioritising content batching or batching content, especially when it comes to the podcast and the CEO Reflections newsletter because obviously, there's only been one of me and just making sure that those things that I want to be consistent in, I'm actually being consistent in.

And then in terms of kind of what I'm going to be upgrading or what I've been kind of upgrading for myself or my clients behind the scenes.

A data course. So I'm really getting, very, very good now at understanding Google Analytics and so really looking at the back end, the data aspect of business, and also Facebook ads.

So I've been doing a course on Facebook ads, and it's really helped me to get better results in my own business, but, of course, in terma of clients. So, you know, our funnels working better because I've got that insight. I'm able to so early next year, we'll be doing a data training. So I'm going to help them to set up their Google Analytics so that they know what to look for when it comes to their launches.

So I feel like I've kind of just really furthered my development when comes to the kind of digital marketing space and what I needed to, what I wanted to learn to be a better coach, basically.

What are my 2024 goals?

Well, we've had 33,300 downloads of the podcast. My goal is to get a 100,000 downloads on the podcast in 2024 total.

In terms of revenue, I'm working t5owards £500,000, UK.

And big thing for me next year will be creating my sacred space, creating my new home. It's not a big refurb, but it is a it's a medium sized refurb. It's like there's a medium amount of stuff to do. So, yeah, be prioritising that.

Continuing to be in service to love and to women who really want to create freedom through the work they do, whatever that means for them.

And then really continuing to understand consciousness, the power of oneness, living from the heart. These things are so important to me. Am I being my best version? Am I being my best version for me? Am I being my best version for others? Am I really living from the truth of my essence and in my heart?

That's just number one priority for me to really being service to love.

And then I'm going to continue my journey of getting fit. So who knows what that looks like, certainly more Pilates and, maybe some more weight training at some point and I really do want to get back on the pole. I want to do pole dancing so much more. So, yeah, watch this space.

In terms of business expansion.

We'll be focusing on more numbers within the masterminds.

So we're at a point now where, the calendar is really spacious, which means that we can open up to 3 cohorts of The Magnetic Business Method, on 2 of the Expansion Accelerator.

Expand to 7 will stay the same. I work with typically 5 to 6 women within that space. It's my most intimate space, and, of course, numbers are limited because of that.

But what we've been introducing in Q4 of this year that's worked really well, has been VIP days and half days. So, that will be something that we're introducing when people do want 1 to 1, or do want that kind of short, sharp, like, building your strategy, building, mapping out everything that you need to go and get the results that you want. It's working really, really well.

And then we'll be optimising Magnetic Visibility as our builder offer.

So we've just set up an ads funnel for that, and we will start the ads again in the new year.

Then there may be a 6 week course somewhere in there about the energetics and shamanics piece, but I've left that in the strategy as like a TBC because it's brewing, but it's not, it's not landed yet. You know that feeling when it's like, there's something coming, I'm birthing something, and I'm not sure what it is. But I know that it will be around the energetics and shamanics piece of business because the more that I have let's say the more that I have explored my my inner world, integrated my shadow, lent into the heart, the more expansion I've seen in my business.

So, yeah, a beautiful journey.

That is what it looks like for me in 2024, and that is what 2023 has been for me this year.

I hope this has been helpful. I hope there's been some insight in here and, like I said, if you missed the Strategy Mastery masterclass. I'm going to pin that in the show notes.

It's a really, really good way for you to see how I map out my years and and all of the different elements of the business and what to focus on within each.

So thank you so much for listening.

Thank you so much for being here my 100th episode.

It means so so much.

Wishing you all a beautiful day and, also, thank you for listening to me whilst I've clearly got a cold. This just had to be done, is what it is. But, yeah, I really, really appreciate you being here.

If you have enjoyed this episode, please do rate and review.

Those reviews really do help to share this podcast and get it heard by more and more people around the world. So I would so appreciate a little review.

Thank you so much, and have a beautiful, beautiful day.

Sending so much love from my corner of the world to yours.

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