What to Focus on to Start the Year in Every Stage of Business

What do you focus on at the end of a year and the start of the next in business?

Whilst there are similar threads across every stage of business, what you’re focusing on to grow your business at each financial level can be very different for your visibility, strategy and energetics.

And if you’re waiting until next year to start planning what your first quarter is looking like, you’re going to end up starting the year chasing your tail, and January is often the time of some of the most successful launches for myself and my clients and to create re-occuring income.

In this episode I’m sharing the visibility, strategy and energetics that I coach my clients on at each stage of business: 0-5k, scaling to 6 figures, and scaling to multi-6 figures so that you can round out your 2023, and start 2024 knowing that this is the year you scale your business.

This episode is based on my Handbook Series: How to Scale at Every Stage of Business. You can download your handbook HERE.

As always if you have enjoyed this podcast please hit SUBSCRIBE and leave a REVIEW so together we can ensure more and more visionary women create impact in the world.



Download your How to Scale at Every Stage of Business handbook HERE

Find out more about my masterminds for every stage of business HERE

Check out my free resources to support your business growth HERE

Find me on Instagram @pandorapaloma_


Hello. Hello. Hello. And welcome to this episode of podcast. So, I've actually based this episode on my handbooks for every stage of business, but with a little bit of a 2023 sprinkling of magic. 

I thought it would be fun for me to share with you how I would be ending/ starting the year based on the three stages of business, so let me give you a little bit of context for those who don't know me that well, or don't know my office well…

I have 3 masterminds for each stage of business.

I have one for the early stages scaling to 5k months, one in the middle, which is scaling to six figures, and then I have one which is for six figure business owners or near six figure business owners who are looking to scale to multi 6 and 7.

And so, I have that beautiful bird's eye view of kind of everything that's going on at every stage. I created three handbooks for each stage this year, so if you haven't downloaded yours, go to the show notes and get yours now. 

Now what I thought would be fun for me to do today is share with you a little about how I would be ending and starting, as I say, the year. And I will be focusing here on the strategy, the visibility, and the energetics at each stage because that is really kind of how I coach my clients very much strategy, visibility, and their sort of spirituality, energetics, embodiment piece. So, let's begin.

Now, I use the financial markets as a guide to basically put my clients and potential clients when I'm speaking to them in the mastermind that I know is going to work for them.

This piece is also really important because what you're focusing on to grow your business is different at every single stage. Now, of course, there are, you know, a running thread of similarities at every single stage, but there are all sorts of different requirements to help you meet that next level.

So let's start with naught to 5 k.

So that kind of early stages, you might be brand new, could still be a side hustle, or you could be like a year or two into business, and you're kind of really looking to level up to the 5 k mark per month. So, this is really where you want to get super, super clear in terms of strategy, what your sales road map is. So really understanding what is your core offer, and if that core offer still going to be the same in 2024, or is that going to slightly change? And then what's your builder offer to support that core offer. And then what is your free offer?

What is that lead magnet that showcases your unique method and your uniqueness, ultimately so you can really start to nurture your audience with your expertise?

And what I will say about that kind of lead magnet is that you really want to be speaking to that core problem solution more than ever, so people really want to know the specifics. So, let's say that you're a mindset coach kind of saying, oh, I help, you know, my clients up level in their mindset. That's kind of not enough right now. What your audience want to be seeing is those case studies where it's really like I took Lauren through a 6-month journey of upgrading her mindset, and this is what it looked like. In month 1, we spent a month really rewiring her limiting beliefs by doing EFT and, you know, journal prompts that look like this, etcetera, etcetera. You got to remember that, you know…

…as the industry is really growing, the more specific that we can be in our process, the more it's going to resonate with our ideal clients.

And it's also going to build that trust, which is so, so, so important right now.

So in terms of that strategy piece, it's really, really understanding what I call magnetic sales roadmap. Like, from start to finish, what is the journey for your customer and client? And how I would be looking at this as we kind of, you know, come into the end of the year and beginning of next is really looking back and reflecting on, you know, what sales did you make within each of your different offers? 

So your intro offer, build offer, and then your core offer. And looking at next year, what is the forecast? So, let's say that you know that you had 20 people through your core offer. What does that look like in the following year? Or let's say that you had 10 people through your builder offer and, you know, on reflection, you're like, you know what? We could have had 30 people through that. You can start to think about, what is the intro offer that we need to introduce, or what is the lead magnet that's actually going to support the process of building onto that builder office, so building the results that we see?

So really starting to think about the overall kind of sales road map, what worked this year, and how can you better that next year. So, In terms of strategy, that is where I would start. Now in terms of visibility at this stage, I would really be deep diving into messaging and thinking about the real problem that you are the solution to.

And this is in line with what I just shared around the specifics. Like, people really want to know how now more than ever. So, I would be really fine tuning what are the tangible outcomes that you provide, what are the tangible outcomes of that transformation? So, for example, you know, let's say that on your sales page, you speak a lot about getting in flow. The way that you might want to optimise that right now is really thinking about how does getting in flow impact that person's relationship, that person's health. How does it affect their bank balance? How does it affect their home environment? How does it affect to how they show up at work? You know? And you can really start to tune into the more tangible benefits of the work that you do.

This is so important because it's going to speak to the heart of the people that you want to attract into your work as well, your work and your world. So, by really tuning into those tangible outcomes, you're able to upgrade what we call kind of outcome selling.

So, it means that you show that you can really thoroughly understand your ideal customer profile, you know, their personality. And from here, just really lock in their specific needs, their challenges, their interests, you know, their goals because you're speaking to them. And then from there, you're piecing it together. You're going to really understand and share, how you are the solution to suit those needs, those interests, those goals.

This will massively upgrade the power of your content, the power of your messaging because you're presenting that solution through a very compelling, like, outcome-based narrative. So it's almost like we do the research. You know, we analyze, and we take time to really understand what is it exactly that our clients are going to get from working with us? And then I like to add in, like, what I call AOB, like any other bonuses. So, the way that I typically write this in any sales page is like, here’s what you're going to get.

Here are the tangible outcomes. Here's how you're going to leave this container, and there's some other bonuses that you're like kind of there to surprise and delight you as well. So that's where I would be or what I would be thinking about. Again, in terms of coming into next year, is there an upgrade on the messaging of your core offer, your builder offer, and your intro offer? And then lastly, at this stage, we go into to the energetics. So, I'm going to say that at this stage, specifically, we're really looking at what our protective beliefs I think that this is going to be so important based on the year that we have had in terms of the change in the economy, the growth in the industry. I think now more than ever, it's so important that we clean up our energy, one and two, really learn to back ourselves.

So really, allow us to find tools to support our self-belief. And the reason for this is, you know, the market is busier.

It is going to take more of your voice to stand out from the crowd. And that's not to say that you won't see the results that you want to see, it just really is an opportunity for you to step more into that truth and that expression and use your voice to become a thought leader in your field. And so, a huge part of the energetic journey at this stage is letting go of any limitations that tell you that you can't do that, that you can't do the thing, that that's not for you.

Letting go of people's expectations of you, protecting yourself from the energy of others who simply are not playing the same game as you, and really give yourself permission to step into the new space of, like, I'm a business owner, and I have got something to say, and really step into the belief that, you know, I deserve to be saying the things that I wanted to say.

So, as part of this really backing yourself, it's an opportunity for you to tune into, like, knowing that everything is already within you, you know, and so within and so without. So, if you believe that you were already an energetic match for your next level, how would that change how you show up? You know, abundance is a frequency. Success is a frequency. Meeting that next level, it's all a frequency. It's not necessarily something that you obtain. It's something that you tune into. It's something that you feel. You know?

Our goals are not a place to reach, but a place to come from.

So, I really want you to tune in to, like, how much more of me do I get to be? What are the energetic boundaries that I need to set? You know, what do I get to trust about this next level? And if anything were possible, like, really, what would I desire? So, you're really playing with the potential here or the energy of potential. So that is part one; naught to 5 k. So, in terms of strategy, it's really tuning into that sales road map. Does anything need tweaking or upgrading as we go into the new year? In terms of that visibility piece, it's really understanding the tangible outcomes of your work.

And then step three, really learning how to back yourself and be in the frequency of that which you desire.

So, let's get into stage two, which is scaling to six figures.

So here, when it comes to strategy, we want to start thinking about how we stack from our core offer. So, at this stage, you've built an audience. You've already built your sales road map, aka your offers, and you've likely tried a few ways of working. You have an idea of what works best for you and the most powerful way that you can be in service, so the bigger the transformation that you provide for your clients. And what I will say here is, especially in the climate that we're in, you are being super, super clear and in alignment with your offers and the way that you want to upgrade your offers is really important. It could be really easy at this stage to be like, well, everybody else now goes from one to one to a group program. 

But if that doesn't align with you, your audience will feel the resonance of that. And now more than ever, resonance is so important. You are being in full alignment with what you're creating, what you're sharing is so important because resonance doesn't lie. And this is something I speak to my clients about all of the time when it's like, well, I could do this, and I could so maybe I should do this. And it's like, no. No. No. No.

What feels true for you? What feels most alive in your body right now? What is the way that you want to be in service?

And it doesn't matter whether it's really off piste, or, you know, it's like, actually, I just want to stay doing one to one. You can make that work, and you can make a success of that if it is in true alignment with your essence, with your soul's desire. So, at this stage, you really want to be thinking about, in terms of that strategy, what is the next layer? What is the next step? And does that really feel true for you?

And from here, we get to start stacking the core offer. So, there's quite a few different examples that I've got in the handbook, which you can download from the show notes. But it could be that and I'm just going to throw this in because I'm seeing this as a bit of a trend, and certainly it's something that I'm really feeling for 2024, which is like it might be scaling to do in person events or VIP days. So, for example, I have three core masterminds, and I have my builder offer, which is magnetic visibility.

I don't necessarily have scope, space, time, energy, nor the desire to add in another offer. But what I have been loving in quarter four of this year is doing half day and full day VIP days, where I basically meet with clients in London, and we map out the depth of their strategy, their marketing, their messaging, top line strategy, and then we go into the detail of the how they're going to make that happen. So, here's the goal that I have; this is what we want to do.

Basically, we spend either a half day or a full day just absolutely mapping it out in every single area and in the detail, that’s required for them to be able to go away and make that happen. So that could be what scaling your sales road map looks like. So that's what I would be considering at this stage as we go into the new year. Is it about something new, or is it simply an extension of something you already do? It might even be that there's actually a down sell to what you do, and that's going to be the thing that's going to help you scale to the next stage.

Now in terms of Visibility at this stage, it really is about owning yourself as a thought leader, becoming a thought leader. So, in the beginning, we tend to be we what know what we're talking about. We know who we are. We know what we do. When we step into six figures, it's really important for us to tune into, like, now what do I want to be known for? Because in the beginning, we're trying probably a few different things on. Like, we're trying on a few outfits. At this stage, to scale to six figures, it's like this is who I am, this is what I'm known for, and starting to allow yourself to get visible in all of the ways outside of your existing audience. So this is where you want to start thinking about PR.

You want to start thinking about collaborations, you want to start thinking about potentially book deals, and this is stuff that I support my clients with on all the time. Like, who are we connecting with? What podcast do you want to be on? What panel talks do you want to be on? Like, what are you doing to get visible outside of Instagram that's actually going to be the thing that helps you scale? So that's the visibility piece at this stage. And then finally, the energetics. So, at this stage, it really is about understanding that the energy in which you lead at is the energy in which you receive at.

The energy that you exist at is the energy from which you receive at.

So, you want to be tuning in, where is your energy strongest right now? Where is your energy focused? And I say this because at this at the cusp of this up level, you might find that your energy is still in, like the smaller details of, you know, whether clients are going to say yes or no or the small pieces of business that actually you don't need your fingers in those pies anymore. Like, where is your energy at? It can be really easy to stay in the mindset and in the embodiment of the 5k mark. But the thing that's going to get you from 5k to 10k a month is going to be a different level of leadership, and that leadership will come with the way that you lead yourself, and the frequency of that will be the energy in which you receive at.

So, some questions; what boundaries are you holding yourself to?

When you think about what Grades need to be put in place for you to meet that next level, what are they?

And then where is your current, energy currently being spent that doesn't feel good?

And finally, what are the systems and structures that you need to put in place in the business so that you can step into the leader and the six-figure business owner that you desire to be?

Because at this stage, you're working or moving away from chaos and many moving parts of kind of likely being a one man band, you know, company of one, into calm, into bringing the focus into the service that is your service, and really tuning into how you're going to make that happen.

At this stage, it might be time for you to make a first hire. How do you want to lead that person? How do you want to be the leader in your team?

And just to add a little extra something to this, at this stage, I always recommend that my clients start to write their manifesto, so the manifesto for the business. And this is something that, obviously, they have for themselves, but they also get to start sharing with the team if they start building a team at this point. And it really, really means that you're just full in the energy of your mission and the legacy that you want to leave behind. So just a recap on the scaling to six-figures. In terms of your strategy, it's looking at how you can start to stack and build out that offer. In terms of visibility, it's looking at who do you want to be and what do you want to be known for? And then also what are the areas that you can start to expand into outside of your existing audience so that you can start to be visible in new ways. And then the energetics piece, how are you going to lead? You know, how are you going to lead yourself so that you can receive at that level of energetics? 

Okay. Final stage scaling from six to multi six figures.

So, this in terms of strategy and sales roadmap, this is where I would start to be thinking global. So, at the six-figure mark, you'll have activated your thought leadership, and you really understand, like, what it is now to be a thought leader. And from a strategy point of view, this is where you get to bring focus to the rooms that you want to be in and with who? And then what does this mean for your business and your business offering?

So, in terms of that strategy piece, I kind of break this down into three areas. It's expansion, thinking global, and then grow your beach. So, expansion is like, what does this next level expansion look and feel like? Thinking global is like where outside of your current location would you like to be playing? What markets do you want to conquer and why? And then grow your reach. What spaces do you want to be playing in and with who? Like, who would you like to connect with and in what form?

It's also really important when it comes to strategy at this stage that you are planning out your years, your quarters, your months, your launches, and the timelines of those launches in way more detail because there's probably going to be a few more moving parts.

At this stage, you might be using Facebook ads. You might have a team who are working for you. There's a lot more things to consider, and you want to be really in the upgrade of that leadership and that planning so that you can kind of really be in your zone of genius. So, I would be thinking kind of bigger picture. What is it that 2024 gets to look like for you? And then I would be breaking it down as to how you are going to make that happen. I'm going to reference the last episode of the podcast where I actually map out, exactly how I map out my years. So how to map out your 2024 strategy to get the best results.

I think if you're at this stage, this would be a really, really helpful resource for you.

So, in terms of visibility at this stage, again, you want to be thinking global reach. So, this is where we're massively going to step into, media outreach, podcast collaborations. So, you know, thinking bigger picture, thinking global, what is it that you can leverage? Like, how can you leverage your thought leadership into media titles? Whether that is your monthly glossies or, you know, your daily national newspapers. In terms of podcasts, like how to leverage that. Like, do your research. You know, what podcast would you like to be on, and what themes would you like to be speaking to? Again, collaborations. Like, what rooms do you want to be in? Who do you want to be collaborating with? And what would make a really beautiful, collaboration that would benefit both audiences.

So in terms of visibility, we're kind of branching out, thinking bigger, thinking better, thinking global, and thinking about where you can expand your thought leadership further and wider. And then in terms of energetics at this stage, It's a really juicy bit. So, this is the stage of business where your self-leadership turns into very powerful leadership for your team, for your clients, for your family, for the world. Like, you go first.

So what does this look and feel like? At this stage, the support required is what will hold you in your highest frequency and in the messy middles of running a multi-figure business, it's wildly different to running a six-figure business. Been there, done that, got the t shirt. And this isn't the stage that we're holding all of the plates, but really leaning into next level support in all of the ways. So, this is the stage where boundaries are really, really key, both with your team, both with those in your in your personal world, there's going to be a lot more tradeoffs at this stage. So, when it comes to your energetics, it's really understanding, like, what does this level of leadership require from me. What does this level of leadership require from me? What are the areas that I need to clean up? Where is my energy leaking? What do I need to step into this new level of leadership? What support do I need to step into this new level of leadership? And what is your relationship to support? You know? And how can you allow more of it? Because this is something I see a time and time and time again. It's like, I can do it on my own.

And you know what? At this stage, it's so much easier when you have the support of someone holding you in all of the moving parts, so you are holding as a multiple six-figure business owner. So just to recap, in terms of strategy, it's really thinking about the strategy for global, so expansion, thinking global, and growing your reach. In terms of your visibility, it's about media, podcasts, collaborations, being on bigger stages on a global level. And then the energetics piece is that leadership piece.

So how are you going first? 

I hope that this has been really, really helpful for you. If you have any questions, please do come and find me at pandorapaloma_ on Instagram. I'm always, always, always open to questions from my beloved podcast audience. And I will share here that if you want 2024 to be your biggest year, now is the time to be joining one of my masterminds.

If you join, this is what it's going to look like. So, in January, we are going to hit the ground running with 90-day planning. I have some epic trainings for my Masterminders. We're really tuning into the power of automations and Funnels, I'm going to be doing a training on Facebook ads. I'm going to be doing a training on data so that you can be really capturing the data that you need to see what is working or not working in the business, where your people are dropping off, what needs optimizing, what's actually doing really, really well. The trainings that we have in the masterminds are just getting better and better and better. And it's not just me. I bring in kind of experts from all over to support that process as well.

And I always like to speak to, like, why now? Well, it's not too late to prep your launch for January or Q1 of next year because knowing that some of the best launches happen in Q1 of next year.

I do not want you feeling like you are behind.

So come on in, and together, we can create a rock solid strategy for your 2024.

If you join in December, there is a juicy bonus. S

o, the best thing to do is head to, book a call with me, and we can go from there.

I hope this episode has given you some insight and inspiration into the next steps. Like I said, they're based on some handbooks. So again, download yours.

If you have any questions, you know where to find me. And finally, I am sending you so much love from my corner of world to yours. Have a beautiful, beautiful rest of your day.

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