How to Plan, Scale and Launch a 6 Figure Launch

This week I’m going deep in providing strategies for planning, launching, and scaling to a six-figure launch, emphasising the importance of spending time in the planning stage and developing messaging that addresses the pain points and desired outcomes of ideal clients along to what I look at when it comes to scaling to next-level results.

Listen to this episode to hear:

  • The importance of distinguishing between what a client wants and what they actually need

  • How to analyse past data to inform content for future launches

  • How automating your business will be crucial in scaling up

  • The messaging that really speaks to my audience.

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Hello. Hello, and welcome to this episode of the Podcast. I am gonna be diving into a theme and a strategy very close to my heart, which is, of course, live launching. And today, I thought I'd share how to plan, how to launch, and how to scale to a six figure launch.

For context, I have recently had three consecutive 6 figure launches in a row, four in total in the last three years. And prior to that, I have launched many, many times over the last 6-7 years that I have been a coach,  launching initially as an Intuitive Eating and Living Coach, and over the last four years as a Business Coach and Mentor. I thought I would break it down into plan, launch, and scale, and then the three things to consider within each of those categories.

So, let's go straight into plan. What I wanted to say is it could be really easy to go straight into launch without the planning, "let's go straight to launch".

No. No. No. No. No.

What I have found to be so true over the last few years is that the more that I have spent time in the planning stage, the easier my launch has been.

And a big part of this is what I consider the pre -pre launch, which is the Messaging. So it's really easy for us to think, "Well, I know the problem -solution, and I'm just gonna create this course, or create this offer or launch my 1-1 and speak to this".

What I found is actually really going deep, and spending a lot of time in the messaging space, before you do anything, will actually inform the rest of your whole launch plan. I find with myself and with clients, if there's some complexities to that problem -solution, we're probably going to need a little bit longer within that conversion event or conversion period to speak to those things. And this is where a one-off masterclass might be required, or maybe it needs to be broken down as a five part email series, or challenge as such (not that I particularly like challenges for conversion events these days, nor do I like the name, but you see what I'm getting at here).

If there is a real complexity to that problem-solution, or if we feel that we need a little bit longer to really speak to the themes that we are offering and working with within our containers, this is going to reflect the launch plan that we put in place. So,  the messaging piece is really important.

Now, the way that I typically do this is I think of the three core pain points, concerns, challenges. And then from there, I think about, what are the beliefs? What are the beliefs that my client or ideal client is thinking at this time? And there might be a few different beliefs based on that pain point . So, the pain point might be, 'I don't feel like I have what it takes to reach where I want to reach in my business', and the beliefs might be, 'I don't know enough. I'm not good at tech. I feel like I'm not worthy of it’. etc.

And then I wanna tune into the outcome belief. What is it that I want them to be thinking and feeling and and being, after my world, (6-12 months) working with me?

'It is possible', 'I'm able to do it', ' I'm supported in my growth when I have someone beside me' - all of the things that  I know that my clients feel in working with me over that period of time.

So, three pain points, the beliefs associated to those pain points, and then the outcome belief - this is gonna inform the journey that you're taking your client on. Then I go a little bit deeper. So, where are they now? Where do they want to be? Why are they not there yet? And how do you support them? Four questions I always love to ask after I've done this piece.

And then the next piece I go into in the planning stage is, what does the client want and what does the client need? And the reason for this is that quite often,

What our client thinks that they want is very different to what they need.

Let me give you an example. You might come to me and say, 'I want a strategy. I want a strategy to scale my business'.

And actually, what you may need is the confidence to stick to a strategy. As an example,  I have our clients come to me to say,  'I feel like everything just feels chaotic, and I don't feel very structured',  and when we go through what they want, it's 'I want a strategy', and then as we go through that onboarding process, it becomes clear that actually, that's not what they want, that's what they've had many times presented to them, and they've not followed through. So actually, what they need is the confidence and the structure and the support around them to stick to that strategy.

This also means that when you're thinking about both what the client wants and the client needs, you're able to speak to both of those things throughout all of your assets.

Again, this is important because if you're only ever speaking to what the client wants and you're not informing them of potentially what they need, you may find that you're attracting the wrong clients.

If I were only talking about strategy and not sharing that we're also going to need to go to these parts of yourself in order to make that happen -  there's a certain depth  to what a client actually needs, and if I'm only ever talking to what they want, they might come into my container and be like, 'actually, this is too hard', 'actually, I didn't want to go here'. So, the more that I can voice the truth of 'this is absolutely what you want and what you do need, but there may be other areas that we need to explore so that you can see the results that you want, and it may look like this'.

And this is something I support my clients with all the time. Let's speak to what we know that your clients want, but let's also factor in that there may be things that we need to bring  into that messaging, around what they need and helping them see that what they need, may just be the thing that's going to be what gets them the ultimate result that they desire. So that's part one of our planning.

Part two is to create a strategy that works for you.

And what I mean by this is basing your launch plan on the time that you have, the lifestyle that you have and your goals.

So no 'five-day challenge' if you are a single parent of three. No pre-recorded Masterclass, straight into a funnel, with ads, if you have never converted that masterclass live. If there is only space for three women in your container, you might not even need a conversion event at all. So, what I'm sharing here is, create a strategy and a launch plan that is going to work for you based on the capacity that you have, the lifestyle that you want to live -  your life is so important , it's part of  how you work and want to work -  and also the goals that you have. Because sometimes, actually, what might be required for you to hit a bigger goal is going all in, in a slightly bigger launch plan with a few more different elements, so that you can get the result that you want to get.

One additional thing that I wanna share here is that often the simplest, simplest strategy launch plan that you put in place is the best. I see so many  women doing all of the things, stressed out during launch, not enjoying it, and then giving up because it feels so hard. Please let me know if this is you. It has been me, hands up, so many times before. And then it stops being fun.

And then you  succumb to the myth that live launching is hard, and actually, live launching gets to be really, really fun when done in the right way.

So then, the third piece of Planning is using your data to inform your launch. An example here is, let's say that I'm launching Magnetic Visibility or a new training on (as I am!) Live Launching. I am gonna go back and look at all of the content I have shared around launching. And I'm going to look, let's say, on my emails, what emails had a good Open and Click Through Rate. And I'm going to use that content to inform some of the content and be part of some of the content that I then share for that launch.

So, if a client is coming to me and it's a second launch, so it's something they've launched before, I will ask them to look at all of the data, look at what did really well on socials - what had really good engagement? What did we see results from? And then emails -  what had a good open rate? What had the best click through rate? And from that, we can  look at that content and overall, we might see a specific theme within the theme of your offer that was really landing with people. And then we're going to go and test it. So, this is an opportunity today, last time I launched this, most people were joining because of x, y, z, the tangible outcomes were this -  is this still resonating with you? And if your audience is like, 'yes, this is still a thing', then we know that that is a theme. We're using that data to inform the launch plan and some of the messaging and the content that we'll be sharing as part of it.

Now, of course, sometimes our messaging slightly grows and evolves as we grow and evolve. So,  what I was speaking to with visibility in 2021,  is going to be different to how I'm speaking about visibility now because the industry's changed, and I've changed, and there's  more depth and more knowledge that I have and things that were working that no longer work. So, there's ways that we can evolve our messaging as well.

Let's go into launch. The first thing that I want to share here is automations.

What is going to make your launch so much easier is how much you are able to automate. 

To give you a bit of a context, we will typically automate around 70 - 80%  of our newsletters. I will have around  70% of our content prewritten and ready to go during that launch period, and the reason for this is it frees up a whole load of space and time for me to be taking sales calls, following up with people in the DMs, reaching out to people who I know have signed up to my conversion event ( if there is one) and really being in the sales process.

I always see planning as our messaging, our planning, and getting everything really locked. And then launching, when everything is automated ( or as much as you can is automated) it means that ultimately, in that launch, you are able to do what you need to be doing at that time, which is really in the  sales strategy of your launch.

So automate and automate as much as you can.

Now, the second thing , based on how much you have automated, is creating space for surprising and delighting your audience. This is where, with any launch, I'm always like, 'what is our plan B?'  What is in your back pocket that you can bring out to surprise and delight your audience if you're not seeing the results?

I've seen this many times where, for example, a client hasn't factored in time to do personal outreach. And when we're a couple of days into that launch and no one's buying, we bring that out. We look at what we can automate to create some space and time for that client to do that, and then the results start to come in because we've added something additional that was required for the launch,  and - you know what I'm gonna say if you know me well -  personal outreach, personal touch points (really, really working right now), and, suddenly we start to then see a different result.

We can also look at the data again to inform this. If we are, for example, looking at the data of our emails, and we are getting a lot of click through on that sales page, but we're not getting conversions, we might wanna look at what that looks like. Or, we're getting  a good click through rate onto the sales page, and then when we're getting to the checkout page, we're losing people - we know that it's likely that checkout page that needs optimising.

Of course, if you're using Google Analytics ( which we now do in the business), we can also see how far people are scrolling down that sales page to see where we're losing out. And it can be as simple as popping a video on your sales page, taking people behind the scenes of your offer, that suddenly becomes the game changer and  people start coming in. So,  there's always small tweaks that we're doing and  bigger ways that we're optimising things as well.

The third piece of launch is mindset, mindset mindset.

What can typically happen is we're all excited in that planning stage - ' yep. I'm gonna get fifty people into my course. It's gonna be amazing'. And then you go into launch, and as part of any launch cycle it has a cycle, and maybe a few people trickle in  - and then there is like a period which feels like tumbleweed. And that's when you're like, 'It's not working, no one wants to buy it. Oh my God, okay, I'm backtracking, what do I need to do?'

What you need to do at that point is hold yourself in the yes, and that is going to come from you supporting your mindset, being in that CEO mindset  - during your launch. It's really easy to be like, 'I don't need that because I'm in launch now. Everything's gonna happen. It's all amazing',  and  then the moment you don't see the result that you want to see, or not in a way that you wanted to see it, suddenly it's really easy to think 'that's it. It's done. It's over'.

And you know what? It's not it's not over until you have fully gone all in to do the things that you need to do. And the best way that you can keep on top of yourself in that moment is your mindset. Just remember that every launch has a cycle.

  1. People trickle in.

  2. Moment of calm.

  3. Nothing's happening

  4. …and at the end, everyone else trickles in.

And  having that space and time -  so your automations, creating space, holding your mindset - will be the thing that really supports you in that process. And I'm just gonna say again, it really, really does get to be easy. And actually, the more ease that you can find and the more fun that you get to have with it, the better.

I've often done launches where I'm like, I'm just gonna throw out a new bonus. And it feels really fun to be like, 'well today this is a bonus'. And  suddenly , that's the bonus that people want -  three more people come in, and then in three days time I'm like, ' today we're gonna have this as a bonus', and  I put it out on socials and in the newsletter, another three people join. And you get to be playful with it, you know? It really gets to come from a space of magnetism where you're enjoying the process. And that holds such a resonance with your audience as well.

On to part three, scale. We're going to go back to data guys, but in a different way. When we have planned, launched, executed our launch, When it goes to our next round -  how we scale that -  what we're doing with data here is we're looking at it a different way. So for example, this is where I would be looking at our previous Return on Investment (ROI) and looking at what worked and then running the numbers to see how we could better that and what the cost would be.

To give you an example of something we recently did with a funnel that we've set up.

We spent £500 on ads and the ROI  was £7000. 

So that's 14X our ad spend. So, what I would be looking at is, if we were to spend £1000,  what would that look like? £14000. If we were to spend X more, what would that look like in terms of ROI ? And because at the time, of course, we 14X in terms of ROI, I might break that down and look at  25% less and 25% more, knowing that that is possible, both sides. I'm gonna really run the numbers to see if we were to invest more into our ad spend, what could the potential return on investment be, lowest and highest? We're looking at the data that will inform how we could scale and to what level.

The next thing is feedback. This is something that I think, again, it's a really easy thing that we forget to ask or even bring into our launch plan. So important.

First of all, there's asking people that have come through that offer. What worked? What did they love? What didn't? What could we optimise? What would be better for you?

And then for the people who didn't buy -  why? Why didn't you buy? And this will:

a) inform what downsells could support your potential ideal clients, and how you can better the next launch, but also,

b) if they didn't buy, we could look at -  'I didn't really feel like it was for me'. Okay. Well, why is that? 'Well,  because you said it was for X kind of business owner, and that's not me'.

Ah, you see what we're doing here. Suddenly, in our messaging, we can start to speak to, 'this is for you if..', and start adding in the people that maybe felt that they weren't included or right for that offer, by bringing in messaging that makes them feel that they are (if, of course, the course itself is relevant).  What did land in terms of messaging? What didn't, and why not? This is gonna help us inform the messaging for the next round, but really look at what are there for the current challenges that we weren't speaking to in this launch period, that we could speak to in the next to scale the result.

The third and final piece here is nurturing your audience in-between launches.

The consistency of your content and the value that you deliver in-between your launches is so important. As is, making sure that you are bringing as much of a focus to the awareness phase of your funnel then you are the conversion phase of your funnel. So, making sure that in-between launches, you are, first of all, attracting new people into your audience and nurturing them with value, so that by the time you get to launch again, you've:

a) nurtured your existing audience, but also brought in more humans, more leads, so that when you come to launch  there's a greater pool of people,

b) and those who maybe it wasn't right for last time, it becomes right for this time because you've nurtured -  making them feel seen, heard, giving them value.

Especially, in-between, it could be that you bring in some kind of downsell offer, which is gonna support them with the things that they were challenged with or are challenged with, but not at the price point of your bigger higher ticket offer.

Again, I just find this really, really important. I see this quite a lot if clients come to me and say, you know, 'I took the summer off, and then  in September, I went into launch and no one bought', or 'I didn't get the results'.

It's like, well, because there were two months where you just weren't nurturing your audience, and then you're coming back and expecting them to purchase from you.

Sometimes our audience need that nurturing and the consistency of that nurturing to continue to build that know, like, and trust.

If you're using Facebook ads, I do really agree and work with  using ads in between launches as well to nurture potential new audience with your lead magnets (heart magnets as I like to call them). So you're nurturing people in between those launches in a really beautiful way, and it just means that next time you come to launch, you've really set a beautiful foundation from which to grow.

So, I hope this has been helpful - how to plan, launch, and scale to a 6 figure launch. If you have any questions, I would love to hear from you. If you have questions about launching, please do come and find me, @pandorapaloma_  is the best place. And, of course, if you are interested in finding out more about the Magnetic Live Launch Method, I have a five minute video that I can send you. So, the Best thing to do is come and find me on Instagram @pandorapaloma_ , and I will send it through.

Have a beautiful day, and sending big love from my corner of the world to yours.

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