The Practical, Mindset and Energetic Tools I Use for Expansion in my Business
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How do we balance it all? How do we as business owners, mothers, partners do it all?
This week's episode of the Magnetic Woman podcast is inspired by these questions that I was asked in the Magnetic Live Launch Method group last week.
How do I do it all? How do I do what I do, in the way that I do it?
And for me, as a nosy person, I'm always really interested in the real intricate details of how people live their lives.
How they think,
What structures they bring,
What systems they use to run their business.
So here’s my personal experiences and insights on how to "do it all" using practical, mindset and energetic tools.
In this episode we cover:
✨The significance of boundary setting in work hours
✨Why I’ve introduced a digital detox between 8PM and 8AM
✨How I manage my yearly and quarterly goal planning
✨Why knowing where you invest your energy is so, so important
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Hello. Hello. And welcome to this episode of the podcast.
The context of this episode is actually based on a question that I was asked in the Magnetic Live Launch Method group last week.
And the question was, how do I do it all? Like, how do I do what I do, in the way that I do it?
And I think, for me as a nosy person, I'm always really interested in the real intricate details of how people live their lives.
You know,
how they think,
what structures they bring,
what systems they use to run the businesses that they run - in the way that they run them.
What was interesting is in my response on this live call, I shared some some very practical things, some practical elements. And then on reflection of that question, I thought about some really big factors that actually I believe have got me here, and continue to hold me in my own expansion. So, I'm gonna go through and talk to you about some practical, some mindset, and then four key factors that I believe make up for an entrepreneur that that holds a lot, which is ultimately what that question was based on. You know? Like, you are a co-parent, you run a business, you're doing a house renovation. How do you do it? Do you sleep? I do. I do sleep. I sleep very well, thanks to my Oura ring. I 100% recommend that if you want to improve your sleep, an Oura ring is the one. It's incredible how it's telling me how much deep sleep I'm getting, how much REM sleep I'm getting. What I'm noticing actually is, when I'm using my phone late at night, I sleep worse. So, I have a bit of a new rule that I don't use my phone or any device between 8PM and 8AM. Yep. Full on granny over here, but it's really working for me. Really, really working. Sleep is everything in my household, you know? I feel so nourished, alive, vibrant when I've had good sleep.
So anyway, I digress, but,
Practical elements that I believe have supported me to hold more in my business.
Well, the first is I'm very boundaried with my working hours. I work Monday to Thursday, 10 - 4. And I don't really go beyond that.
I've become very structured, (and I've shared this before many times in the podcast, but I think it's really good to share again, because it might land with you in a different way). I have a structure around my days and weeks. So I have non-client weeks, and then I have client weeks.
One of the non-client weeks, there is nothing added to my diary, which means I have a whole week every month;
to integrate,
to self-develop,
to build out programs,
to optimise my services,
to rest,
If that is what I want to do.
And that really, really works for me.
And then on my client weeks, I have my group calls, my Expand to 7 1:1’s, and then any other business, any other group work or 1:1 calls that I want to do. It also frees up space because I am more in demand.
I do VIP days. So this is where I work with a client for a whole day, typically in London, and we go deep in their business and really look at rebuilding their strategy, business model, their marketing plan, their sales plan, and any kind of funnels and automations that need setting up so that they can meet their milestones. And by having those non-client weeks, I obviously have the space and time to do that.
So yeah, real structure around my days and weeks. Something I'm just about to implement is;
Mondays are for content.
And then Tuesday, Wednesday, I coach.
And then Thursday is any other business, really.
And then Fridays, I'm off.
And what I found creeping in at the end of 2023 was, ‘oh, I just do that little little call on Friday’. ‘I'll just do that little bit of work on Friday’. And, I said to my team a month ago, I was like, that's it. No more working Fridays. I said I'm off on Fridays - I am off on Fridays. So, now my clients have access to me Monday to Thursday, not Monday to Friday, because that was something else that I was noticing - I'm trying to take that Friday off, but really I'm contracted with my clients to give them access to me on a Friday, which means technically I'm not really off.
So, structure is a big practical thing
that allows me to hold what I hold within my life and business.
I prioritise my health, my sleep. I typically am in bed by 9 - 9:30 PM. I read my book. I'm asleep by 10 - 10:30 PM, and I wake up between 6 and 7 AM. Like I said, a new thing for me is no phones between 8 PM and 8 AM, which is just so delicious. Really helping me to switch off at the end of the day and kind of wake up without reaching my phone first of all.
I like to wake up and just breathe into my body, do some gentle journaling, some gentle stretching, and just really start my day as I mean to go on, in this place of softness and delicious feminine energy.
Another practical thing that I do is, I set my yearly milestones, and then I break those down into each quarter, and then I set time each quarter to check-in with them.
And now this is a key piece. How often did you set the vision? You're like, this is my goal for the year. And then you have no time in your diary where you actually check-in to see where you're at with those goals, and how you're feeling about those goals, and have the goals changed or is there anything else that you want to weave into a world that's going to really support you to make that vision a reality in your life?
So, I do set time each quarter and each month to check-in with those those milestones.
In terms of mindset,
I'm really compassionate with myself. And this is a very learned behaviour because for a very long time, I was not compassionate with myself. I was, quite frankly, awful to myself. I've really learned to just sit in trust of where I am, trusting that what is meant for me will not pass by me, and just be compassionate with who I am and where I am in life and business.
I've really learned to discern what's for me and what isn't.
I think for a long time, I was highly influenced by what everybody else was doing in the online space, what everybody else was doing in their business. And I've really learned to discern what is for me and what isn't for me. And if you have listened to last week's podcast, I actually talk about why I'm scaling down my most scalable offer, and, you know, this is part of it.
It's really knowing what's for me and what isn't for me, and trusting in that alignment.
So, I hope this piece really lands with you because it's so easy to think that we want these things because other people are telling us that they have them. And actually, when we really tune in - is that really what I want?
And, is it really what I want and and how I want to do it? You know? It might be that you do want that, but you really wanna do it a different way. And that's why I love the spaces that I create for women, because there's no one way. You know? There's no one method. It's - here's all of the different ways that you can scale your business to six and multi-six figures. What feels good?
And that’s ultimately it. What feels good? You know? What feels really good right now, knowing that that's gonna grow and evolve and change as you do?
So, I also don't make things mean anything they don't need to mean. I don't make things mean anything they don't need to mean. I think I anchored this concept when I did the self-belief training with Sas Petherick (which is an incredible training. I highly recommend it), where we really went into the fact that we are mean-making machines. I don't allow myself to get caught up in the drama of what things could mean when they don't need to mean that. You know?
I have something I'm gonna share in a moment about decision making, which I think has really come from not making things mean anything they don't need to mean. I've got very good at questioning myself in the sense of, if I find myself going, oh, well, that's not gonna work. Well, why? Why is is that not gonna work? You know, or, oh, that's just not that's just not for me. Okay. Well, why is that not for you?
I'm always self-inquiring with the why.
Why do you want that? Why do you not think that's possible? Why are you feeling this way?
So, a lot mindset work. I do mindset and somatic work every day, whether that's journaling, meditation, energy release through the body. I look after me, and I think that's probably one of the core components of being able to to grow in business and scale in the way that I have is, I look after myself. I've got the physical ability, the mental ability, the energetic capacity. I'm gonna speak to that in a moment.
So a few other factors that came through when I was in reflection of this question.
I think the first one, is that,
I make decisions really quickly.
I've really learned to make decisions quickly, and this has been built through a continuous journey with self-trust. I asked my partner about a month ago, if you could describe me in three words, what what would be the words? And the first word he shared was quick. He said - you're so quick. I was like, oh - can we can we have a different word? I'm not sure I like this word. But actually, yes. I am a quick person. I don't sit with things for long. If it's a yes, it's a yes. And if it's a no, it's a no. And again, it comes with that being able to discern what's for me and what isn't for me, and really, really, really building the relationship I have with trust, and trust in myself.
So there's trust in myself, and then there is trust in my path, and there is trust in spirit, and there is trust in my soul's calling. And I'm not gonna say that this has been an easy journey. It's been very shadowy at times. But, if something feels off, I self inquire. I check-in with my higher self, like, is this for me? What am I not seeing here? And as part of this I've invested in myself a lot. And every time, I trusted it. You know? So I make decisions. Like, if I'm being called there, it's a yes.
This year, I've invested about £50,000 in support from two very different mentors.
I have more of a tantric energetic mentor, and then a very business specific mentor. And both of those were just a full-body yes. And I don't question myself in those moments. I make that decision and I stick by that decision. This is because I know in making the decision and trusting in it, I'm activating the energetic pathway between my mind and heart, and I believe in myself. I'm creating that evidence that I believe in myself and the path that is meant for me. So, I also trust that I am meant for greatness, and I really hold that for all women in the world.
We're all meant for greatness.
That's why in my work I really hold women in their potential, because I do truly believe that we are all meant for greatness, and I get to be an expander for women to help them see that too.
So the next piece is,
I'm willing to be a teacher and a student.
I think this is a really important one. I don't believe that I know everything, and I'm always always open to learning more, and from lots of different people as well.
So it means that I allow myself to become an energetic match for success because the curiosity leads me to the expansion. So, you know, seeing more new perspectives. I don't get stuck by living just one way, or thinking one way, or thinking that one way will work for me. I'm always really open to learning from people who are where I wanna be energetically, spiritually, financially, within their leadership, within who they they are in the world. And that's grown and evolved as as I have.
I think what I saw as an expander in my twenties is very different to what I feel and see as an expander for me in my now late thirties.
So, I'm really willing to be that teacher and student all at once.
And then another piece is that,
I am both aware and in action.
I really sit in awareness and the action piece. So, I implement what I learn really quickly, and this is because I believe that there's one thing to be aware of stuff, right? I'm aware of what is stuck, I'm aware of what needs actioning. I'm aware that I'm feeling this way. I'm aware that I could do something different in this moment.
But, there's another to actually do it, and I don't really hang around in that awareness phase for too long, which comes back to I make those decisions really quickly, because I know that the action is what will always accelerate me towards the new reality.
So, there's a real bravery and a real courage in action - because it really is the accelerator.
And, for the most part, it's quite easy to sit in the comfort of the now. But, if there is that desire for something different, that desire for more, (whatever that is), action becomes the accelerator.
We have to hold ourselves in our courage, in our power, to to be able to to move forward to get there.
So, I'm in with it both awareness and action, all at once.
And then the final piece is,
I work with my energy body daily.
For those of you who know my work, and the way that I coach, it's very much based on building the strategy and holding ourselves in the spiritual practice, in the energetics, in the quantum realm, in the field of limitlessness and potentiality.
This is so important. I'm so, so clear on on where my energy is, how I spend it, with who, in what environments.
I don't leak.
There's no leaky energy, and when there is, I clean it up really quickly.
Because to hold more of anything,
you have to build the capacity to hold more of everything.
I'm gonna say it again,
to hold more of anything, you have to build the capacity to hold more of everything.
More pleasure comes with more pain.
More joy comes with more frustration.
There is a process, and this is a process of expanding your channel, because it takes a lot to hold big energy.
You know, I hold multiple thousands. I hold multiple problems at once with my clients. I hold more big decisions, more responsibility every every time that I scale in my business. This isn't for everyone. And I think that's also something you get to discern for yourself. Like, is that really what I want? Because it is not for everyone. It is for those who want to meet that in themselves, and it is for those who want to experience a life that perhaps feels kind of extraordinary.
And for me, it's always been in my chart. My tenth house is, like, really being able to to hold both the material and the spiritual. And it's so funny that, of course, in my work, I'm strategy meets spirituality. So, it's really building your capacity to hold. I really allow myself to go to the depths of my darkness in order to hold the highs of my lightness, the highs of my celebrations, of my expansion.
So this also means that I have to look after my physical body, my connection to spirit. The raising of my frequency comes when I am in good health. So, I am really looking after the temple that is my body, the vessel that is my body.
I hope this has been helpful. I know that there is so much more that we get to talk about in really, like, what are we sitting with? How do we make decisions? How are we moving through the world? That real living embodiment of our work and our power. I wish that on all of you who are listening today that you really anchor yourself into that power that you have within, that you anchor yourself into the potential that sits within you.
You are one powerful woman, person, human.
It's such a gift when we we allow ourselves to build self trust, to be in the awareness and the action, to be the teacher and the student, to give ourselves the gift of working with the energy body, and understanding the energy body.
So, I hope this has helped.
At this point of recording, we are currently moving into launch for The Expansion Accelerator, which is my signature mastermind.
This is where we play with strategy and the energetics piece. So, if you are looking to scale your business, you wanna do it sustainably, you want to be calm, everything that I have shared in this podcast today - this is the space.
This is the last time, that The Expansion Accelerator will be available at this price point. I haven't raised the price for two years now. And so this will be the last last round that it will be at this price before we put the price up.
There is an application form because spaces, as always, are limited. And so, yes, I would love for you to come and connect with me if you really feel like 2024 is is holding something new for you, is a year that you're gonna meet more of yourself, hold more, live more, you know, really experience whatever more looks and feels like for you this year.
So head to the shownotes, and please do apply for The Expansion Accelerator.
The results that we see in that space are so magical.
The women inside it are magical.
At the point of recording, we have a 50% retention rate, which means that 50% of the women who are already inside are staying for another round, which is so testament to to the experience that they have in our world.
It's beautiful.
Head to the shownotes if you would like to apply for that.
I hope this podcast has landed in your heart today, in your in your cells, in your being, and sending really big love, reverence, lightness, kindness from my corner of the world to yours.
Of course, if you have any questions, then please do come and find me, @PandoraPaloma_. I would really love to hear from you, and answer any questions that you might have on this, The Expansion Accelerator, life, business, anything. I really love hearing from my community.
Thank you so much for listening. Have a beautiful rest of your day.