How to Make August a Revenue Generating Month
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Many of us in the coaching and online service industries see sales peaks typically in January or September. The summer months can feel uncertain, especially if your business doesn’t have recurring revenue. When I work with clients it's actually one of the first things we address when looking at their business strategy.
But August doesn't have to be a slow month. On the day of recording this episode, we signed a new client into The Expansion Accelerator and just yesterday, a new client into my redefined mastermind SCALE (formerly known as Expand to 7).
This is possible when you have sales strategies in place all year round, and don’t rely on launch months, which can be the exact thing that keeps us feeling like we are in the ‘ feast and famine’ cycle.
PLUS, August can be a great time to optimise your pre-pre launch phase ahead of your launch in September / October.
You just have to focus on the right activities within your business.
In this episode we talk about:
Shifting your mindset and setting intentions
The Pre-Pre launch phase and why it's important not to forget it and what to do IN IT
The right questions to ask your audience to gain valuable market research
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Hello. Hello. And welcome to this episode.
We are officially in August, and I know that many of you listening as CEOs, entrepreneurs, business owners might be thinking, oh, bum clench.
Is this going to be a quiet month?
I know that that there are one 100% best times for sales. We typically see September and January. I would say kind of end of Q3, Q4, and Q1 have long been considered the busy periods in the online service industry space along with, let's say, Black Friday, for that short term cash injection.
So when August hits, it can make us feel a little bit wobbly. When I build up my strategies with clients, certainly those who commit to working with me for a year, we will often have the conversation about summer in that first session. Because if you don't have a business model where there is reoccurring revenue, the summer's period - July and August - can tend to be quite a triggering space, a time of year where lots can come up.
And so, ultimately, the solution to that is either making sure that you have revenue generating months prior to the summer, or have reoccurring revenue that you are building within the business all year round.
Now saying that, August does get to be a revenue generating month. And that's what I wanted to share with you today. If you have hit the month and you're not seeing sales, not seeing cash flow projected to come into the business, and it's making you feel a certain way, this episode will help you to perhaps shift your mindset and understand what you can do within this time period to generate some revenue.
I think because we've normalised quite a feast and famine cycle for entrepreneurs,
it has led many of us to believe that we can't make money outside of those key times of the year.
Typically, we will do a big launch at the beginning of the year, and then we would do a bigger launch September/October. We have smaller launches in between that. But for many of us there is that feast and famine cycle, and it gets to the summer season and many of us will think, ‘well, I can't make money now because everyone's on holiday’.
I'm gonna kind of counteract that. I really don't think that that is true. I think that if you are speaking to a solution and you are a solution for your clients, whenever that client is ready, they will come in. We just signed a new client into The Expansion Accelerator today. As I'm recording this, it's the 30th July, and we've had another two application forms come in this week.
So, ultimately, what you focus on expands.
If you are going to decide that you do not make sales in August, then the likelihood is you will not make sales in August, because what you focus on expands. And so the first invitation for you is to tune into the mindset required for you over the coming few weeks.
Do you set the intention that August is your best month in business?
Do you set an intention that you call in five perfect dreamboat clients?
Whatever it is, you get to decide. And what is it in your mindset, in your beliefs, in your embodiment that you get to lean into to support that to happen?
I also think that what's important to share within the context of this conversation is that we wonder why launching is so heavily hassle and exhaustion when we've been led to believe that our sales will only be concentrated into two intense periods.
There are twelve months of the year.
And, you know, real business, the way that I coach my clients is in what I call sustainable and consistent growth. We lay the foundation to make sales all year round through our automations and our funnels. We also implement, live launching, live elements to have those cash win injections and scale our numbers, scale our clients in-between. Obviously, the beauty of this is that you have those cash injection months, but you also create reoccurring revenue and opportunities to be in service outside of those periods.
We personally find that even when we have the bigger launch, we might not convert someone at that point. But two months later, when they're ready, they come to me and say, I can't stop thinking about that masterclass. I know that I'm ready to work with you.
So everything you're doing in your business is is part of an ecosystem. That's how I like to see it. Everything I'm doing is supporting and serving people, and when they are ready, they will come into play with me in my world, in my mentor ring. It's a really beautiful way to sit and anchor into trust that all is happening in divine timing and also sit with a strategy that works for you so that you don't feel like you're constantly in that feast and famine cycle.
How can we ramp up some revenue?
What is it that we should be focusing on in August?
Well, the first thing that I would be considering is how you sow the seeds for September by warming up and prepping your audience with teasers, with valuable content, with the messaging relating to your launch in the autumn.
August is a really beautiful month for you to collect your data, analyse those past launch metrics, such as ads, emails, anything else that you have, look at
what went well,
what didn't,
how can you optimise it,
how can you refine your marketing?
How can you refine and optimise your messaging?
And then start to build the momentum throughout August ready for the launch that you then do in September and October.
Hands up. I've definitely done this.
If this is you, you think, well, August is just a no month, but I'm gonna launch in September.
And then you get to September, and you're scrambling around trying to build out all of your assets because you're trying to launch and build all of the assets that you need for your launch in a period of four weeks.
I've definitely been there. Could have maybe done a little bit of this preparation a month before so you can start to build the momentum rather than springing your offer at your audience out of nowhere come September.
This is also gonna be really supportive for you to create action in what I call the pre-prelaunch phase. You have your launch where you have your conversion event, obviously, where you share the offer that you are selling. But, actually, so many of us miss out on the pre-prelaunch phase where we can be converting humans into our world behind the scenes.
It also means by the time that we get to launch, the majority of the time so many of my clients are actually 50% full because they've done the groundwork. They've built the momentum. You know, they've been speaking to the hearts of their ideal clients about the transformation that they facilitate the client's in. You know? And so when it gets to launch, you're not grasping for these numbers because you've already created some of those results in the month prior to that. Pre-launch phase is really important.
Now another thing that you can be doing is conducting your market research.
And I cannot emphasise this point enough.
Is your offer as good as you promise it to be?
Is there a market demand for it?
Is your audience problem aware?
Does your offer solve it?
Now more than ever, we really need to tend to our market research to deliver clear targeted offers that provide tangible transformation. Something that we work with in my masterminds is message mining, where we go through a practice of really understanding the language that our ideal clients are using about their challenges, about what they want that solution to be for them so that we can obviously create assets, landing pages, sales pages, and content, and our emails that actually speak to the problem that they're facing, not the problem that we think they are facing.
I cannot emphasise this point enough.
Three questions that you can ask your audience this August to support your market research:
What is your number one goal in [INSERT HERE] for the rest of the year?
So you know what's their focus, what is it that they need support with.
What do you see other people doing that you want to know how to do?
Let's say you're a meditation teacher and you ask, what do you see other people doing in their meditation that you wanna learn to do? And they come back with subconscious reprogramming meditations. Well, then you know how to serve. Right?
If you could make one hire or change one thing in your [INSERT HERE] right now, what would it be?
The one common mistake that I see in an underwhelming launch in September/October is missing out on this pre-prelaunch phase, i.e. the stage that unpicks the actual problem rather than jumping straight to the solution.
So how do we manage this?
Well, you want to maximise your market research. So, this is going to look like collecting and analysing feedback, your comments, your questions, concerns from your audience to truly understand the language, their needs, their pain points. Not that I'm a massive fan of the term pain point, but, we are solution providers. We are service based solution providers.
We solve problems for our clients. And so the more that you're really speaking to that,
the more conversions that you're going to get.
And then the final piece of what you can do to make August a a revenue generating month. Well, actually, there's two things.
One is asking for the sale.
You know, that thing that we get to do on the free platform, that is Instagram. You know? And it could be something as clear and concise as I'm looking for five female visionary business owners who are at the six figure mark, or approaching the six figure mark and are ready to scale to multi six in the next six to twelve months.
And that is something you will be hearing from me as we open up some spaces in my Expand to 7 Mastermind.
And create a conversation with people.
The more clear you are about what that desired outcome is and who it's for, the easier it is for someone reading it to identify themselves in them. You know?
So one thing that you can do is actually be clear on who it is that you're looking for and how you're looking to serve them.
And then the next piece is use this time to build out the assets. Once you've done your market research, build out your landing page. Build out your sales page. Build out your emails. Get it all ready. If you've got the time.
A lot of my clients don't have children, and they're like, oh, August is just such a good month for me. You know, I just work from the beach or, I actually prioritise my business more because I just tend to have more space and time.
Use the month and the time that you have this month to support yourself so that when it does come into what we know is a great opportunity season for revenue and revenue building, you actually have everything in place.
We find that August, although I work less, a lot of the work that I do do is bigger picture work. We tend to optimise the website during these months and optimise some of our sales pages. It's a real opportunity for market research, optimising, laying the foundation so that come September/October, we are really good to go on on our launch plans, and our activation of our vision for the rest of the year.
I hope this has been helpful. If you have any questions about how to make this relevant to your business, please do come and find me over on Instagram @pandorapaloma_. I would love to hear from you.
And if you are looking to make more sales with less work without feeling overwhelmed, dysregulated, out of sync, and you want to have resources to support you to build out your launch plans for Q4, we currently have the Magnetic Live Launch Method course, on sale, with £300 off, I'm gonna pop the link in the shownotes for you. It is your one-stop shop for all things launches, automations, and assets. Everything from landing pages, sales pages, sales sequences, optimising your funnels for different price points or offers.
There's a content portal full of templates for every possible launch asset that you would need, from financial planning to checkout pages.
So you have everything that you need to slash down your implementation time.
If you have any questions, let me know. I hope this has been super helpful. Wishing you a lovely day or a lovely week.
I'm sending you big love from my corner of the world to yours.
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