What Happened in Peru

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I’ve just been on the biggest initiation of my life to date - a 3 week trip to Peru meeting the Qero Paqo Shamans - and so in this episode I wanted to give you the lowdown on what went down, how I’m feeling and what’s ahead after this epic journey of transformation.

In 2017 I went on my first training with Alberto Villoldo, Founder of the Four Winds Society, Shaman, psychologist and medical anthropologist who has studied the healing practices of the Amazon and the Andean shamans for many years.

Fast forward to 2020 and I started my own path on the Shamanic Medicine Wheel and since then have brought more and more of this work to life in my world of coaching.

In this episode I share more about the power of the Shamanic Medicine Wheel, my intentions and lessons from the trip, what it looked like facing my own fears and allowing my ego to die many deaths and the meaning behind being stung by a bee at the top of a mountain 4300 metres above sea level!

I share more about deepening my energetic mastery and what it looks like for me now as I live  in ceremony with life and how this has impacted my business. 

Shamanism awakens us to our fullest potential and to remember the truth - our divine Nature. There is a new frequency and level of abundance that has come from anchoring into my light through this work, which I’m so excited to share with you in new offerings and one to one sessions. 

If you’re completely new to shamanism or curious to hear more about my own personal journey and how I weave it into my work, I hope this episode awakens something within you and inspires you to connect with yourself and life in a way you haven’t yet before. 


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