How I Actually Run My Business

In this episode I’m taking you behind the scenes to share on what I do in my business, breaking it down from yearly, quarterly, monthly and weekly to the daily tasks that keep my business running.

I have so many conversations with female entrepreneurs about what ACTUALLY shifts the needle for them in their business and honestly, 9/10 it’s the consistency of the planning, strategy, visibility and intention (as well attention) that really moves things forward.

In this episode I share:

  • How I map out the year

  • The conversations I have with my accountant

  • How I plan my launches

  • How I reflect and refine what’s working and what’s not

  • The relationship I’ve created with money and my finances

  • What I’m currently optimising in my business

  • What I actually do yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily

Finally I share an invitation to come with me behind the scenes for two weeks in June so stay tuned for that!

I hope this gives you insight and inspiration into how to scale your own online business. It’s not always the big bold moves (although they do help!) but in fact the consistency of the things we bring our awareness to that make the big bold results happen.


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Check out my money mapping resource here

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Hello, hello and welcome to this episode of The Magnetic Woman Podcast. I am super excited to bring this episode to you. I've put actually in the title How I actually Run my Business because I wanted to give you a little insight into the behind the scenes, how I'm actually doing things.

If you know me well, (if you don't, hi!), but if you know me well, I love sharing a lot of the how when it comes to my results, my client's results, because I really feel like giving the context of that how helps you expand and helps you see how it's actually possible for you. Right?

So what I thought I would do in this episode is break it down yearly, quarterly, monthly, and weekly and daily what I'm doing in the business.

Let's start from the top, shall we? So, Yearly.

What do I do yearly in the business?

Well, first of all, I'm going to set those sexy goals. I typically work on a good, better, best, and this has been something I've been playing around with for some time, where I realise as a non-specific manifestor, sometimes using numbers actually is the thing that contracts me. It's actually the thing that makes me feel limited because it's just not a vibe. It's just not a vibe for me. And so what I started to play with is setting goals with that good, better, best structure. So what that might look like is 300,000 for the year, 400,000 for the year, 500,000 for the year.

That gives me a sense of spaciousness and it also feels really playful, and I know that as a non-specific manifestor and manifesting generator being playful is really, really important to me. It's also one of my business values. It's one of my values in life. Things get to be playful, so I will every year set those goals.

Then what I will do is I will bring that to a strategy document. I do love a spreadsheet and I will map that out for the year. I won't just look at what I'm doing in the business, I will look at what I'm doing personally. So I keep months free April and August for those months this year knowing I was going to be in Peru in April and in August, I'm going to take three weeks off to be with my little cub.

So I map out what I'm launching. The bigger launches, we do two launches of the Masterminds every year, and then I will map out if there's any builder offers or if there's any kind of smaller offers that I'm going to be doing, such as masterclasses or three day events. if I'm going to be doing any in-person retreats and I map it all out in a spread sheet.

Like I say, I leave months for me and I also leave months for surprise because I really, really love tuning into and having the time to be able to execute anything that I'm tuning into that feels really, really alive for me.

So I map out my goals in my year, and for me, I always have kind of a bigger intention for the business. For example, this year it was really about building more profit. So I will speak to my accountant, I will speak to my coach, I will tune in and really finesse the actions required and what's required of me in order to make that happen.

I'm really looking at the bigger picture when it comes to the year, and what this means for me, what this means for the business, what this potentially is going to mean for the team, and I will make those changes or those upgrades accordingly.

So that's what I do for the year.

Breaking that down then into the quarters.

This is where I will go into specific launch planning.

So what this looks like is, yes, another spreadsheet where I map out from start to finish, what that launch is going to look like. This will include when we're opening the cart, when we're closing the cart, when we're starting ads, when we are finishing ads, when our organic outreach and content is going start. Do we have early birds? When do they finish? All of the things, all of the dates, all of the pieces that make a successful launch, go into that launch planning timeline.

From there I will tune into the problem that I know that I'm the solution for, for this specific offer.

From that, I will then really tune into my conversion event and my lead magnet. So I'm really looking at that overall launch and then I'm honing into, right, what is it that I'm saying? What are the core themes that we're playing with for this particular launch? What's the messaging based on those themes?

Then I'm able to, knowing that I have tuned into the problem that I'm the solution to, I can make sure that either a conversion event and/or lead magnet is going to support the potential clients in the area that they are currently challenged with, knowing that I'm the solution to that problem.

Often I might do a little bit of market research at that point, and the reason for this is I might want to get more clarity on where my potential clients are currently at right now. What are they currently challenged with? And the reason I say this is because, the online space grows and evolves all the time and absolutely I love that I get to see the three stages of business from that kind of bird's eye view with my three masterminds and the women in it, but sometimes I will get a little nudge of, oh, I feel like this is a real theme that's coming up right now.

But I always choose to do a bit of market research to make sure that that's showing up for other people as well, knowing that once I've got that clarity and that confirmation, I'm able and better equipped to create a lead magnet to create some value for my clients and potential clients knowing that that is a genuine problem or challenge for them right now.

So always be thinking what is the problem that I am the solution to?

Whenever you are creating anything valuable, a lead magnet, an invitation to your world, a masterclass, we really want to make sure that we know that there's a genuine demand for that product or that offer.

So then the next piece is, I might tune into a builder offer at this stage. This might look like Magnetic Visibility, for example. Or I might do some kind of mini three day training. Something that is of a similar theme that's a builder offer. It's going to start to nurture my audience with information, with value, with support on that challenge.

That would be more of a paid builder offer, so not a conversion event, which typically is free, but a builder offer. Then from that space, and I'm really clear at this point, we'll start to map out our podcast content. The reason being, this is our hero content and we then base the rest of the content for newsletters and social media based on the podcast.

The way that we work with content now is the podcast is the hero, and then we break down the copy of the podcast into other spaces, and that is just time saving and brilliant because it means I'm never running out of content and obviously very strategic because I'm nurturing my audience with themes and value and support, knowing that there is obviously a space for them to move into should they want to deepen that work with me.

So map out the content. I don't write the detail of that content content on a quarterly basis. It's very much kind of top level overview, brainstorming different themes and then I might map that in week to week.

I will always do some money mapping for the quarter. That will look like looking at our revenue versus profit margin for that quarter. I'll check in with my accountant, see what we can optimise. I will look at what we were spending, what our biggest costs were, what came into the business, where did that come from. Which of my masterminds is generating the most income, but where are we also spending the most time so that I can really see if there's something a bit off there and we maybe need to look at what we can optimise.

I will always, always, always, every quarter do a reflection of what's worked within the business and also what could be better, and then I can get the team on taking action of on those things.

We are all about optimisation, and it's a big core thing for us, a core intention for us this year, so profit and optimisation.

I'm not launching a huge amount of new stuff because really what we've got is so solid and so the focus is optimising what's existing to make it even better. That looks like optimisation kind of on the front end. So actually tweaking some of the content, adding in more relevant trainings, but also behind the scenes in terms of our funnels and automations as well.

So there's the quarter.

Let's move into monthly.

So monthly is when I then write and record the podcast.

We're now working on getting these recordings done for the month so that we are always four to six weeks ahead of ourselves. I do like to leave room for something that feels really alive too, and I think that's important to share that whilst we are very strategic in our visibility strategy I do like to leave room for something that maybe comes through on a Monday that I get to record, and it's out by Friday.

I do like to leave room for some magic.

Then every month I read our accountability forms from the masterminders. We encourage them to give their feedback every month on where they're at, what support they need and that is really to make sure, again, that we are optimising anything within the business to support them and give them what they need.

That sometimes could be as simple as someone might reference, I'd love a clearer sales page template or I'd love some email templates that you've used before, specifically for selling a four week program. And if I've got that, then I will draft that content and make that happen.

Just to give you some context, everyone in my masterminds gets access to the Magnetic Business Method, which is the core portal with all of the different business trainings in there. I think there's probably about 50 at the moment and I'm tweaking and upgrading that all of the time. It's trainings from mindset, creating marketing, creating powerful messaging, how to sell. And then there's a whole bunch of different templates in there. So, scripts for sales calls, scripts for reaching out to people in the DMs, trackers for relationships and making sure that youroutreach is tip top and your tracking that.

All of the things. All of the things. So we are building that and optimising that it feels like every single week and that is always my priority. Because I want my clients to be meeting that next level of success, and so anything I can create and support them with, I'm going to do.

So that's the accountability forms and then I will also plan the month ahead. I will look at, we tend to have a bit of a theme for each month for myself. For example, the month ahead now coming into June is going to be website optimisation. I'm going to be rewriting some of the copy, changing some of the images, just, just optimisation.

I will plan the month ahead, so then I'll do week by week by week. Knowing, okay, here's the core things that need to be done this month.

What am I going to do this week? What am I going to do next week? What am I going to do the week after?

We also in the masterminds tend to have a monthly theme. For example, May was Magnetic Money Month so the monthly training was money. It was actually kind of similar to the context of today, what I do yearly, quarterly, monthly, daily, and the CEO activation for the month will be a series of prompts for them to really start tuning into, for example, their relationship with money or it might be focused more on something energetics. So what does expansion look like for you this month?

I keep my clients very accountable in terms of knowing their quarterly goals and actions and having reference to that means that I can keep them on track.

I'm very, very intimate with all of my clients in that way, and that just really works for me.

Let's go into weekly.

I will do a weekly CEO activation for my masterminds. Every Monday I chime in and it will be either a thought piece or a series of prompts or something to activate something within them and get them thinking about the week ahead, get them thinking about their entrepreneurial spirit and their CEOO leadership.

Then every week I will write an email. This is the one email that comes out that I do in real time, and it will be a weekly thought leadership email that I write typically on a Monday morning. That is a little ritual of mine to start my week and tends to be a cacao, a moment of sacred pause with the intention to hear and understand, what do I need to share today? What do I get to share to serve at my highest? Then whatever comes through, I will type up and send on its merry way to my newsletter audience.

If you are not on there, please get yourself involved here. The newsletter is where I give a lot of value, and I say, this thought leadership piece, you'll be notified of the podcast before anyone else. It's a nice space for me to go deep and just give a bit more value, just like the podcast.

Friday is my money date where I pay invoices, I check in with my pots to make sure that what's come in that week is in the correct place. I'll give you a bit of context to that. I work on a profit first method within the business, which means that for money that comes in, it goes into a series of different parts within my Starling account.

I work out my revenue and then I look at my profit and I put a percentage into that pot, my vat, 20% that goes into that pot, and then my tax and my salary. I move that all over every week, and then my expenses stay in that main account. So that's my weekly money date, which I love. Money, does love intimacy, and I enjoy tuning in with it every week. I do do that every day, we'll come to that.

In terms of actions, so weekly is where I map out the actions for each week, and I literally write Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday in my journal, and then what will be done each day. In terms of content that tends to be written weekly. So as I go, unless it's part of a bigger launch, in which case 80% is pre-written and scheduled, I love creating content kind of in real time on the go and that really works for me, but as I say, if we've got kind of a bigger launch, I will have pre-written and scheduled that content.

In terms of my actions, I have a week on and a week off in terms of clients and what that means is I'm not on Zoom, I'm not really servicing clients in calls, but I do service my clients through our Slack channels.

What that means is it gives me space every other week to be on the business versus in the business.

I can use those weeks to create or upgrade content. I can use those weeks to go into visioning. I can use those weeks to plan the quarter ahead. It allows me to get into the detail of some of the things I really need to get into the detail of, but also the space to zoom out and look bigger picture for the business.

So that's what I do on a weekly basis.

And then in terms of daily

I will check in with my clients daily. The way I do this now is I have set time in the morning and in the afternoon to check in with clients. I find that having that space means that I'm not responding throughout the day, and I can actually get other work done, but I'm able to fully service them in the morning, in the afternoon, every day, Monday to Friday.

I check in with my finances every day I will go into my Starling account. I'll see what's come in. I will check and crosscheck any payments that have come in on my spreadsheet. I'll also check in with the team.

I will check in with content. I will be visible every day, typically Monday to Friday. For me, it's a no-brainer, I'm a visibility coach.

I will also check in with potential clients. So I have a lot of conversations behind the scenes in my business, whether that's on email or in the DMs on Instagram. So, I'm always, always available speaking to people behind the scenes in my business, which I love.

I hope this has been helpful.

It's really fun to share kind of that breakdown of what am I actually doing? What do I do yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily.

And if you've liked this, if you've liked this and you want to know even more about what happens behind the scenes in my business, I'm really excited to bring behind the scenes my behind the scenes offer to life for June.

So this is basically where I add you as a close friend on Instagram, and every single day I show you exactly what I'm doing that day.

It will be examples such as, client lessons, iy will be how I'm formulating my content, it will be how I'm checking in with finances. I will share certain spreadsheets with you, templates. I'm going to be doing weekly q and a’s. So over the two weeks, you will Monday to Friday hear from me in a really, really personal and intimate way about actually what I'm doing behind the scenes in my business.

It is 55 pounds for the two weeks, and if you want it, come and find me on the gram @pandorapaloma_ and I can send you the link and add you as my close friend. Or if you simply want to ask me a question, you are more than welcome to hit me up in that space as well.

I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day. Sending love from my corner of the world to yours.

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