A Day in the Life of a Multi-6 Figure Coach & Entrepreneur

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Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to this episode of the Magnetic Woman Podcast.

I thought it would be fun today to share with you a little bit about how I spend my days.

If you have been following me and listening to these episodes for a while, you'll know that I speak a lot about consistency and also the things that we do daily. The small kind of what I would consider mundane, really simple, really normal things that we do daily that I believe really do have the biggest, biggest impact in our business.

So I thought I would share with you today how I spend my time, what my days look like, what the routines are that I have in place in order to hold and run a multi-6 figure business.

I'll start by sharing a little bit of context as to actually how my month and years are mapped out.

For those of you who know I am a parent of a five and a half year old, a little girl called Romilly, and me and her dad split when she was about a year old. Since that time, we've worked through various kind of setups, but the one that we find works best for us now is a week on and a week off. So that means that my working weeks look really different from week to week. I have 2 very different types of weeks. So I'm almost going to share kind of what I do on my on my Romilly weeks and what I do on my non Romilly weeks.

Let me start by sharing what I do on my Romilly weeks because my Romilly weeks are also my client weeks. In terms of that month long calendar have 2 Romilly and 2 client weeks. I have a week in the month where I will put additional calls and anything that sort of overflows. So if there's any client strategies that I'm working on, if there's any additional calls that I need to put into the calendar that happens on that week. And then at the time of recording, actually, I am on a Monday morning of my week where I have nothing in the diary.

And the reason why I do that sort of really kind of calls for 3 weeks and then a week without is it makes me living one of my values of travel and adventure possible because I know that I always have a week every month where I'm able to travel without disrupting anything else in my life. It's also the week that I am able to go into my CEO mode, the week where I plan. It's the week where I build my own strategies. Maybe if I'm creating a new course a lot of stuff will be done on those weeks.

Across the month, I am available to clients who have access to me on our Slack channels between 10 and 4 Monday to Friday unless of course I am away, which I very, very rarely actually kind of take time completely offline, but I definitely try and get 2 to 3 weeks of that throughout the year.

So on my Romilly weeks, my natural, very natural alarm clock is, my daughter, and we wake up between half 6 and quarter past 7, generally. Those mornings tend to be a little bit more fast paced. We always always always light an incense, and we set an attention for the day. She loves blowing them out. She calls it “mummy I'm gonna make a wish”, and I will always make her breakfast, have a coffee. We tend to listen to some music in the morning and to get her ready to go for school and I drop poverty quarter past 8 and I'm back home by, say, just before half past 8.

Now I don't officially work until 10 am, so that gives me a really delicious hour and a half where typically, the kind of thing that I'm doing right now is I will either go for a run or I will do a pilates session. I've just started doing pilates with Fluid Form, which I'm loving because I can do it at home, I've bought the gear, it’s 20 to 25 minutes. I don't think I've done one that's longer than half an hour. So it's just a really easy way for me to get that exercise in and fit it into that morning schedule.

I will then either journal or meditate, sometimes I’ll do both, and I will shower and get ready. Sometimes I'm very much kind of listening to my body feeling what I need in that moment. Sometimes I spend those mornings actually just reading my book and having a second coffee.

The reason for is when I tune into the version of me, the next level version of me, when I'm thinking about my own vision, my own kind of level of success in business. One of the things that came through for me was that version of me reads a lot of novels, and I find this really funny, and it's why I'm sharing it, right? Because we often think it's like, I've got to be doing these massive things. And when I tune in to that next level version of me, I'm like, no, she just she just reads a lot of amazing books because it's one of the things that I love to do. So sometimes I spend my time that on those days doing that.

I then start my day, my working day at 10 AM. Now the first thing that I do is I tune into my Slack and I look at any private messages from my Expanders. The Expand to 7 masterminders, and I look both of my channels so The Expansion Accelerator and The Magnetic Business Method. The Magnetic Business Method doesn't have access to me on Slack throughout the week, but the TEA container and Expand to 7 does. And certainly with Expand to 7, I have the group chat, and then I also that one to one.

So a lot of my days are spent, supporting my clients in those channels. So that's the first thing that I will do.

And then I the second thing that I do every single day without fail is I check my Starling account check my business account, I look at what's come in, and I check my Stripe dashboard to see what's coming in that day, what's coming, what's coming in and I look at what the future payments are so that I can just check-in with my finances. Often if a bigger payment has come through, I will transfer more into certain pots I have in my Starling account.

The way that I work with my cash flow is I have a VAT pot, a tax pot, and then a CEO salary pot, and then I have a profit pot. The reason that I work in this way is I kind of run my business on a profit first method, and very much my priority is making sure that this is a profitable business. So as such, I put profit aside to make it a profitable business, and that helps me when I'm making financial decisions for the business.

At this point, I will then either be coaching clients throughout the day.

So on Mondays, I do all of mastermind coaching calls, so a 10 o'clock, an 11:30, a 1:30, and a 3 o'clock, and that is my day. What I may have in some of those weeks, so one of those weeks for sure, I have my Expand to 7 monthly one to ones, and I put those always into my Tuesdays and Wednesdays. And then on Thursdays, I tend to have things like my Magnetic Visibility group coaching. I have additional calls for The Expansion Accelerator, I do a monthly mastermind sort of training for all of my masterminders, and then I'll also have additional trainings in there.

So, every quarter we do a 90 day planning session and sometimes if I feel like there's something that I really want to share with the group, I will do an additional training that might be on finances it might be on kind of marketing trends, just anything I think is really relevant. So I'll often add that in. So that's my client weeks.

I then picked my daughter up at 4:30. She does after school club Monday to Thursday. And we love cooking. We love kind of a beautiful way that I sort of finish the day and start my evening is to cook. And we don't do kids food, adult food in this household, we very much kind of we eat the same things. And as much as I can, we eat at the dinner table, although Romilly does love to eat on the sofa, watching Mr. Bean, which is something that we kind of found ourselves in that I'm working to get us out of. And, you know, being 5, she's, you know, she wants to play, she wants to do things, and I'll often set her up with some colouring in while I'm cooking It's beautiful at the moment the place that we're sort of renting as we're in between houses, it's really open plan, so it really allows us to sort of accommodates for us to be in the same room and her doing what she wants to do and me, obviously, you know, getting into food, and making a delicious meal for us both.

Health is a big, big priority for me.

I know that when I'm giving myself the best food, the best rest, the best meditation, the best space, the best exercise. It really does set me up to be able to hold what I hold in the business. Now I will often, obviously then put her to bed, would be bath time, bedtime, read a book. I tend to do that around 8 o'clock. And at this point, I may check-in, with Phelia, who is my Online Business Manager. She's based in Australia So, it actually works really, really well for us time zone wise because I tend to sort of, you know, let her know that evening what I need her to do the next day and by the time I have woken up, it has been done. It works really, really well for me having someone supporting me in the business on a different time zone, because I am someone who works very, very well, in a very quiet space. I'm very particular about the environment that I work in. I like it to be very quiet. I like it to be very spacious. I like it to be beautiful. I believe that our environment shapes reality.

So it's a really big deal for me and in not having someone who's on the same time zone, it means that ultimately I go into my day, I work, I get everything done, I tick things off the to do list and then at the end of the day, I'm thinking about the next day and I'm able to pass those things over without having a huge amount of need for communication throughout the day. So it really, really works for me. In that way. It does mean, every other Monday, we have quite an early morning call. Sometimes it's 8 AM, sometimes it's 9 AM dependent on the change in British Standard Time, but that works really, really well. So at 8 o'clock, I will often just check-in and leave for Phelia note to say, here's a few things that happen today, and this is what I need you to do this tomorrow.

Now we also, as I say, have these fortnightly catch up calls where we look at the month ahead, the next 2 weeks ahead, and then the week ahead. We have everything, project management wise in Asana. So that's how we work on kind of the tasks that need to be done. Especially in kind of launch mode that we're currently in right now, we map everything out and look at what needs to be done in oversee on what timeline. So if I don't have access to Phelia because it's obviously the middle of the night for her, I'm able to check-in and see what is being done o the Asana portal.

So my evenings.

I have a little rule that 1 or 2 evenings a week I do what I call extracurricular activity.

That is where I'm either doing some course that I'm on or I'm watching a replay of something that I really wanted to watch, whether that's kind of an Instagram video, an Instagram live that I wasn't able to make live. At the moment right now, I am furthering my marketing skills and business mastery with a data course and also a Facebook ads course. So I'm spending a couple of evenings a week learning more about data and Facebook ads, which I'm absolutely loving.

I tend to do that sort of 1 to 2 evenings a week within the week and then the rest of the time, I will either watch TV or I read, and that's something that I love, love, love, doing. At the moment, I'm currently about to purchase Romilly’s and I’s new house which needs a fair amount of refurbishment so a few of my evenings are spent on Pinterest gathering my vision boards looking at fabric companies, looking at carpet companies, getting samples, that's sort of a lot where my time is spent right now, and I love it.

I tend to then have a chamomile tea I am in bed by about 9.30, 10 o'clock, so quite a simple day on those weeks.

Let me now share with you what I do on my non client weeks and my non Romilly weeks

Now, my partner lives in London, so I tend to spend the majority of that week in London. It means that my life has a very, very different pace. I'm a lot more social on those weeks, and I do a very different kind of work.

Typically I will spend sort of Monday and sometimes Tuesday just decompressing from my client week, my Romilly week. Obviously, it's a busier week. I'm on calls a lot more, I'm parenting. So I take a couple of days for myself just to rest, to pause, to land back into a slightly different pace and I typically, on the Monday, that will be my CEO day, and that's where I'll map out the week ahead, the fortnight ahead, I go into strategy, I will go into content, and I will really just sort of be mapping out things like cash flow and looking at the the bigger things in the business, I tend to go into data run those days, so I will be looking at our open rate for emails. I will be looking at our Facebook ads. I will be looking at Instagram and the content that we've shared and what worked, what was doing really, really well and I'll also be looking at site conversion rates on sales calls and just kind of running a lot of numbers and a lot of data.

Now on the Tuesdays, I tend to have that earmarked my day to tune into my clients. So behind the scenes, I am often looking at my client's content, specifically on their socials. I will be looking at their 90 day goals and reflecting on where I think we're at on those go based on, obviously the coaching sessions that we've had. And I just make sure that I'm keeping them accountable keeping us both, both coach and coachee on the correct timeline and that means that come the following week, where we're going into those group sessions again, I'm able to be really on top of, I know we've re we mentioned that we were going to do this, where are you at with it?

So I'm very on kind of the data in that sense of understanding what my clients’ goals are and where I think we're at with that so that I can be checking in, holding them accountable and obviously in that moment, if things aren't moving forward in the way that we want to, able to give other suggestions in order for us to get the result that obviously my client wants. So that tends to be what I do on a Tuesday.

And then on a Wednesday, and I actually do this every Wednesday, I edit my client's copy. So for The Expansion Accelerator mastermind and also Expand to 7, my clients have my eyes on their copy every Wednesday and I tend to spend the majority of my day on a Wednesday, editing content. That can be social media content that they put into a Google doc, can be their sales pages. A lot of my clients work with corporations, so it might be a PDF document that they've pulled together to pitch a workshop or a or a series of things, and oftentimes it might be their own strategy documents that they want me to look at just to see if there's ways that I feel that we could optimise it. So Wednesdays tends to be kind of a copy day.

Personally, if I've got anything that I'm creating, I tend to do it on that day as well. So if there's a sales page that I'm writing or an email sequence, I tend to do it on those days. I find that Wednesday is that creativity day, I'll often, leave the house on that day, and I will go either to Soho House in Shoreditch or I'll go into town or I take myself somewhere to a café, but just a place that I know again, environment shapes reality, I find that I sort of really get into that creative mode when I'm in a creative space and sort of surrounded by creativity. So that's my Wednesday.

Then Thursdays tend to be a day of just sort of catching up, any kind of remaining business, really.

And then I take Fridays off.

Now on the weeks where I'm not with my daughter, not live with my clients should we say, not on Zoom calls with my clients. That is the time where I socialize, so I might go see a gig. I'll catch up with friends for dinner. I don't tend to work as long hours on that week. I may be stuck sort of more like a 10:30 and finished at 3:30 because I can. That said, oftentimes I am firefighting, with my clients, there is stuff going on for them and when needed, I am online for as long as I need to in order support them through what it is that they are holding in that moment. So I kind of have an idea of what my day will like, but of course, it's very dependent on what is presented to me, with my clients in The Expansion Accelerator and Expand to 7 because they have access to me on Monday to Friday.

So you sort of have a gist now of how different my kind of weeks are, but the one thing I will share is how consistent I am with that morning routine with the really small things that I do like exercise, drinking lots of water, eating well, journalling, meditating, or doing some form of a self development tool, let's say, that is really, really consistent for me. You'll also notice that there's a lot of consistency in a/ how I'm checking in with the business, in our systems, in our processes, in our strategies, and also in clients' businesses as well.

It's not just about them having access to me on Slack and asking questions, I'm really looking at their websites, their content, their strategy documents, their 90 day goals and action and making sure that I'm keeping them on the timeline that they want to be on in order to get the results that they want to get.

Of course throughout all of this, I'm super, super consistent on how often I show up.

My personal kind of theory, strategy with content is 2 to 3 newsletters a week, one being the podcast, one being a Monday morning thought piece and then one being something that is more of a sales email, 2 to 3 posts on socials and stories every single day. O f course, if I'm going to preach visibility, I know I'm obviously going to be being visible myself.

The podcast, we tend to batch, as much as we can, and that's actually for Q4 of this year. So Q4 of 2023, one of my own personal goals in the business is to spend a whole day recording a podcast so basically I can have everything sort of mapped out and recorded for, you know, 1 to 2 ideally even 3 months ahead, which feels really, really, really good.

One thing that I have been implementing recently is taking 1 weekend a month at least completely offline.

That is very, very supportive in having me be the CEO that I need to be. I find that having that deep, deep rest and just really switching off from the world very, very powerful in how I'm able to show up, in the coming week. That's kind of become a bit of a non negotiable and a priority for me.

Something I want to share about sort of typically the time I give myself is I take a day a week for me. I take a weekend every quarter and at least a week every 6 months.

What I mean by me is total alone time, just me, just my book, just some music, somewhere lovely, sometimes that's my home, and I really, really allow myself to deeply rest and switch off and again it really, really serves me in in holding everything I hold in my life and in my business.

I hope this has been helpful.

I think, it's always super, super interesting to know, like, what exactly do you do? And I always say I do live quite a simple life, and the simplicity of that means that when I want to go and live my value of freedom and adventure, I'm really able to. So as I said, as I'm recording this podcast, this morning on a Monday, actually flying to LA this afternoon to go and see a very, very dear friend of mine who she was my intern many, many, many years ago when I worked in PR and marketing, and she is she's my sole sister. She's due with her second, so I'm flying out for the week to be with her. I'm fully able to do that in my business because I've created, you know, a calendar and the systems and processes to make that happen.

As you can see, the rest of the day to day is really very simple and just a case of being in a routine and being consistent with how I deliver the service that I promise my clients. So I hope it's been helpful.

If you have any questions, please do come and let me know over on the gram. You can find me @pandorapaloma_

And my final thing to share is that at the time of recording and about 10 days away from the next round of the masterminds launching, we have a handful of spaces left.

So if you are looking to scale to your next level and you're looking for a mastermind that is going to have you walking beside myself, someone who has definitely been around the block a fair few times, and you really want to upgrade your visibility and upgrade your business mastery to take you to next level, please do come and say hi again over on the gram @pandorapaloma_ and I can give you the see details of what mastermind could work for you.

Thank you so much for tuning in, sending you so much love and magnetism from my corner of the world to yours. Take care.

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