Are you Nurturing your Pipeline?

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Hi. Hi. And welcome to this episode of The Magnetic Woman podcast.

I feel like I'm going a little bit back to my roots with this episode where I'm gonna be talking everything pipeline.

So everything marketing.

You may or may not know, I have worked in marketing and comms for 20 plus years now and something I was sharing with my coach earlier today was as part of or a by-product of that is I have helped (and I need to work this out exactly), but it's minimum 30 women to hit 6 figures and multi-six, which is pretty huge. Right? And something I've been focusing on a whole bunch in the last couple of weeks is supporting my masterminders to really refine and define their marketing pipeline.

So we do monthly trainings in the masterminds every month. And so for Q4 of this year, the training that I did last week was very much and will be very much focused on pipelines and optimising them.

So I thought I would come in and share with you a little bit today about how my brain works when I'm thinking about the entirety key of my marketing funnel.

This isn't always the sexiest of subjects, but it is a really incredible way that we get to be playful in our business. I always see marketing as creativity. It's where we get to really go into our artistry, creativity, our playfulness, and ultimately share the uniqueness that is us. That's ultimately what we're doing here.

If you think about business and the the service that we provide, we are the solution to a problem, to our client's problem. And the way in which we solve those problems is really unique to who we are, the training that we have, the experiences that we've had along the way in the wild ride of life, and the way in which we sell and we sell well is being able to really speak to our ideal client, and through our messaging showcase why we are the person that they should choose to support them with that problem. So the marketing pipeline is so, so, so important. It's how I've built my business, how I support my clients to build their businesses. So let's start there.

The first thing I really want to share is that the reason why I'm speaking a lot about this right now, is times are changing.

Times are changing. And, of course, every year, we see different marketing trends. We see different ideas and methods that work. And the beauty of being an entrepreneur is that we'll see results when we stay in the game. We will see results when we stay in the game. And that means learning new ways to do things, it means being curious as to what's working and what's not working and why it's working and why it's not working, and create solutions within the business to grow and evolve with these changing times.

Now what we're seeing across the board right now is that there is a big priority required in how we are building trust with our audience and we're seeing this because the online industry is changing and growing and evolving. There's more people in the industry, so absolutely, it's harder for us to stand out online. Because we are seeing the industry grow and more people providing more services, us building trust with our audience is the number one priority.

If you want the secret sauce right now, it really is about how are you building trust with your audience?

How are you showcasing your unique method?

How are you nurturing your pipeline?

How are you standing out?

How are you being the most magnetic version of you?

Right? This comes, and you'll hear you'll have heard me say this so many times.

You're most magnetic when you are the living embodiment of your work.

When you live and breathe what you say you do and who you say you are. Resonance doesn't lie. And so you being so in the value, living the value of what you do will be so felt with your audience.

A really easy way for us to create trust with our audience is to keep being more of us, keep doing more of what we do, keep showcasing how rich in integrity we are.

So if you want to take one thing away from episode, make it that.

I'm going to break down for you kind of how are you nurturing your audience through your marketing pipeline.

So let's look at the pipeline. What does the pipeline look like?

The pipeline starts by really understanding your customer journey. From the moment that they come into your world, whether that is through your newsletter or your podcast a or an Instagram post that they see and they start following you, from the moment that they buy from you you have your pipeline. Right?

Now every business will have a different average of the time it takes for people to come into their world and buy from them. I have clients who have an average of 2 years. I have clients who have an average of 2 months. I personally have a really, really big variation on that. I have people that come into my world, they find me on Instagram, they listen to my podcast and within 2, 3 days, they become a client. I have clients that come in through Facebook ads and within 24 hours have bought something from me. But I also have people who have told me, you've been on my vision board for 5 years, I'm now ready. Sign me up.

I'm sharing this with you because it's really, really important for you to remember that all of the content that you're creating, all of the conversion events, all of the lead magnets, all of the knowledge, the resources, the content that you are creating across all of your platforms is important because it is the thing that helps you build that trust with that person.

So everything that you're saying, every resource that you share, every conversion event is helping build the trust.

And when people trust you, when they trust that you can support them, you can help them help be the solution to their problem, that is when you will make that sale. So the more and more and more that we're nurturing our audience with our wisdom, with our knowledge, with our gifts, the easier it is to obviously make that sale.

And it's more than the sale. Right? You selling to the world is what? And that's what I really want you to tune into in listening to this episode. Like, you serving the world does what? How does it change? What's the ripple effect of you supporting the people in your space that you want to support? Because it goes way beyond just the work that you get to do together, the transformation that you facilitate. It goes way beyond that. There's such a ripple effect of the work that we are here to do in the world.

So there's your pipeline, okay, start to finish.

Now in terms of a marketing pipeline, we have 4 phases.

The first phase is the attraction and awareness phase.

New people coming into our world, getting into the eyes and ears of the people that you would love to work with. So it's that real attraction and awareness phase. Now here you're going to have how you're nurturing your existing audience, but also how you're attracting new hearts into your world. A piece that a lot of business owners miss out on is that they're nurturing the people that are already in their audience. Right? But they're not doing anything from a visibility strategy point of view to get more people, new hearts into their world. So what can happen is they're speaking to the same people over and over and over and over again and that can be where we can hit that plateau of sales because we're not doing anything to generate more people into our space. Obviously, more people, more opportunities to convert.

So you really want to think about this phase of the pipeline.

How are you nurturing your existing audience, and how are you attracting a new audience?

Then we have what I call the education and nurturing phase.

This is where you're really bringing that value content that speaks to your ideal client exactly where they're at.

How are you showcasing your unique method? How are you showcasing how you can be the solution to this ideal client's problem? Right now, your audience needs additional personal touch points to help you stand out.

A big piece of what I've been supporting my clients with, I would say, in the last quarter specifically is really optimising their personal touch points or the personal touch points that they are using in their pipeline.

So then we have the connect and convert stage.

This is where we will see things like your conversion events.

So what I'm going to share here is that the industry has changed, and and a content only strategy does need an upgrade.

So what conversion events are you using to nurture your audience and help them see how your offer is the solution to that problem? How can we showcase your authority in your industry and give them some of the how that they want to know?

We've moved away from the old paradigm of marketing and visibility, which was very much, showcase that there is the problem, but then the how is obviously the solution that is your course or your one to one offer. What we're seeing now is that we need to showcase a lot more of that how in order to build that trust with said client, said audience. So, ultimately, what in that connect and convert phase are the strategies that you're going to use to help you make those sales?

And then we have phase 4, which honestly for me is the most exciting phase.

Of course, we've made the sale. Now we can often kind of put the onboarding on the back burner, and I very much am encouraging you to bring that forward. How can you create a really deliciously nurturing onboarding process that holds your client, first of all, in any potential buyer's remorse, which does happen, we invest in something and then we go, oh, actually, is this the right thing? What you do in your onboarding process can make or break the relationship that you get to build with that client.

I say that because there's nothing better investing in something and then being provided a safe space, being provided a process, a nurturing that really, really allows you to feel concrete in that decision and starts the process of the transformation that you get to give that client.

I really, really love kind of supporting my clients to help them make that onboarding process stand out and make people remember how you, how they made them feel when they came into their space. That's why when it comes to the onboarding process still in my business, running a multi 6 figure business, I still do the onboarding process. I still send the emails because for me, that's a really, really important way in which I know that I nurture my audience and and my clients and build that intimacy piece.

So there's the overview of the marketing pipeline.

Now Included in all of this is, of course, all of the different components and how we build on those components.

So let's say someone does come into your world through Instagram.

What we get to look at here is that all of the different components or different touch points that they get to experience from the moment that they come into your world.

So are you going to direct them to a resource?

Are you going to shared some additional support that could help them in your zone of genius?

Are you going to encourage them to sign up to a newsletter or listen to your podcast?

Are you going to invite them into your next conversion event, whether that's masterclass or a challenge?

Ultimately, what we're talking about when we talk about nurturing your pipeline is looking at every single stage of that pipeline and how you can optimise it so that you're really bringing value view to that person helping you to stand out and ultimately be the person that they remember when they are ready to invest in this area.

So whether you're a nutritionist or whether you're a business coach, you will have the stages of your pipeline, and in 2023 and moving into 2024, if you aren't optimising personal touch point strategies into your overall pipeline strategy you are going to be missing out on making sales.

The basis of our marketing strategy forms how we sell.

It's the base, it's the foundation.

It's the baseline from which we sell.

Why are they so important? Why are these strategies so powerful? Well, they decrease the time it takes for your audience to buy from you, and increase the average transaction value and, obviously, the overall lifetime value of each client without needing to spend more on ads to acquire new customers.

Now like I always say to clients, there's no point focusing on attracting more if the strategies you're using with your existing audience aren’t working. There's so much more that comes from doing this right. It increases that client loyalty. It creates easeful marketing and sales for you. It optimises the sales that you see and so much more.

So what I want you to take away from today is are you giving enough attention to your overall pipeline?

From the moment someone comes into your world to the moment that they buy from you what are all of the different components of that pipeline, and what are you doing to nurture and create those personal touch points so that you can be building trust with that person, with that heart, with that human?

Because that truly is the thing that is going to make you stand out right now.

It's so easy often to think that “I need to create another course or I need to create another lead magnet.” And I guarantee that if you take some time to think about this episode and what you can do to nurture your pipeline right now, I guarantee there is some easy ways you could optimise what is currently working in the business or optimise what's currently not working in the business without having to create anything new and see the results that you want to see in your sales.

So I hope this has helped because I'm obsessed with supporting you create better business strategies, do more of what you love, and make money from it.

I am dropping a brand new training / workshop called Pipeline Mastery: Elevating Sales Through Audience Nurturing.

I'm going be sharing how to build and nurture your pipeline, my most successful secrets of upsells, down sells, and cross sells, and give you a step by step action plan to help you stand out and make more sales by focusing on every single stage of this client journey.

You can HERE.

It's on the 10th October.

I'd love to see you there.

Thank you so much for tuning in today. I love these short and sharp episodes where we just get to go straight in, deep dive, get the solution, create the action plan, and on you go.

If you want to find out more, please do join me for this workshop. There will be scope and time for a Q&A as well to make it super relevant for your business.

If you have enjoyed this episode, please do hit subscribe. And even better, give me a review.

Give the Magnetic Woman podcast a review. It really, really helps to get this podcast into the ears of more humans.

Thank you so much for listening today. Sending so much love and magnetism from my corner of the world to yours.

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