3 Ways to Increase Revenue in Q4

The countdown is on till the end of the year and there’s a lot of stories in the online space right now that people aren’t buying, which I really want to share simply isn’t true.

What IS true is that buying behaviours have changed and the usual strategies that once worked, need some upgrades. 

What we also know is that Q4 is actually a really good time to up your sales game. People generally spend more in this time period and whilst we won’t have the data until 2024, as a business owner why wouldn’t you go all in to end the year on a high. It’s time to unleash that entrepreneurial spirit.

In this episode, I’m sharing three strategies for how you can make more money online in Q4, with a focus on the sales strategies that are working right now.

The good thing is you can take these strategies and weave them into 2024 too; I predict these as trends for next year.

I share how right now is the perfect time to really focus on your overall sales strategy and all of the ways you can optimise it. The way we are able to do this and understanding exactly what we are selling, and why and how you can up your game in attracting and nurturing your audience.

I share why understanding the real problem and solution is key, how to incorporate upsells and downsells and also weaving in more additional personal touch points that we are seeing really working right now.

And I also dive deeper into some of the strategies I’ve used to have my best year yet in 2023.

Please remember that anytime is a good time to sell. Mindset is key, as well as understanding these three key areas.

I hope this episode gives you insight and inspiration to make 2023 your best year yet.


Love and Magnetism

Pandora x



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Find me on Instagram @pandorapaloma_


Hi. Hi. Hi, and welcome to this episode of The Magnetic Woman Podcast.

It's a short and sharp one for you today where I'm just going to be taking you through 3 ways to increase your revenue in Q4.

We are officially in the last quarter of this year, and what do we know about Q4? Well, there's always opportunities in Q4. We've got Black Monday. We have Christmas. Plus, and this is, something I see year on year time and time again, is that it's a really natural time of the year where we might look back on where we were at the beginning of the year and where we are now. And we might think, eek, I'm in the same place. I'm not where I wanted to be.

For me, as a business coach, I find Q4 is often the quarter where I get a lot of clients come to my world because they know that they want to set that foundation to make the next year, in our case now 2024, their best year yet.

I thought I would share some really practical, applicable steps that can ultimately help you make some revenue or additional revenue in Q4.

Now everything that I'm showing here will, yes, absolutely help you plan for a sustainable profitable quarter, but also strategies that you can weave into your 2024 strategy to make that your best year yet. Now I'm not going to go into granular detail here on purpose.

Obviously, your business is going to work in a certain way.

No one strategy is a one size fits all.

If you want some support with that, you know where I am (@pandorapaloma_)

The first thing is map out your sales system.

I find it's really, really helpful every single quarter to go back to basics. What is the sales system? What is the process that I am going to use to bring in clients in this quarter? It's really about getting crystal clear on how you will generate clients from the awareness stage of your marketing and sales funnel all the way through to the sales. What does that pipeline look like? Now as part of that, the really core piece here is is to know what you're selling, yeah, to be really, really clear on this is what I'm selling, and therefore, this is the process or strategy that I'm going to use.

So let's say that your focus is 1 to 1. What is your current lead? What's your lead magnet here? Is there a conversion event attached to that? Is there a Live Launch? Are you going to be using Facebook ads? How is that funnel going to work? What is it going to look like?

You really want to think about from start to finish, how are you attracting that audience? What is in the middle, ie, the value, the education, the problem solving, which we're going to get onto next, and then what is the conversion event that allows for that sale to happen? All of these stages are equally important.

As part of this, just as an extra little bit of secret sauce.

Based on what you're selling, is there an upsell and a downsell or a downsell to that offer? So let's say, for example, that actually your core focus this quarter is on a live live launch for a 2 month program or a 3 month program or a 6 month program. A really, really good way for you to increase revenue without having to do more necessarily is to attach to it an additional upsell.

Maybe as part of that 3 month course, 6 month course there is an opportunity for 3 or 6 one to ones that comes, of course, with an additional investment price point. So based on what you know you're currently selling, is there an upsell to that common offer, and is there a downsell? And this is really important because it's a really, really easy way while we're in the process of speaking to people about our offer that if it's not right for them, there is an option to downsell. If this is not right and you're not quite here yet, what about this? This is gonna be the starting point to get you to be ready for the next version of this or the the next opportunity, the next cohort. And if people are a full body, yes, but you know that there is a way that you can optimise the service that you're giving, give them an upsell.

You know, that attachment to one to ones or attachment to, perhaps, more and more access to you. It could be like a Slack channel or a Voxer channel where they get access to you Monday to Friday, for example.

So map out your sales process and think about all of the different elements that will support the sale that you want to see, the human, the heart that you want to bring in.

From the awareness stage through to the sale, what is your strategy? And then what is your upsell and what is your downsell? This is going to be a really, really easy way for you to just sit that sit with that foundation, get things in place and really know how it is that you're launching the thing.

Now what's going to be really, really important, this is point 2, is that you

really understand what the problem is that you are solving.

Every great business is based on solving problems for people and you, as that business owner, are the solution.

What I see, again, which can trip up a lot of entrepreneurs, is that they're using in the same messaging around that problem solution. The reality is that that problem has changed for their ideal client, for that potential client and so this is where we get to tune into, first of all, a little bit of awareness, is this still a problem for people?

Secondly, have I done market research to understand whether or not this is a really true problem for people right now?

So let's say, for example, you have a course or, you know, a program based on creating reel content. A year ago, that was probably more relevant because reels were pretty much newer to the platform, the Instagram platform. There were a lot of people who were really challenged with kind of building that kind of content. But now it's kind of done. We're in that process. And, actually, we're not seeing reels be kind of part of the way in which the algorithm is loving us and there's lots of talk of static posts coming back and carousels.

So I think people are very much like, you know what? I don't need to create reels all the time. Actually, I'm going to kind of diversify my content. So you're not really solving a problem anymore. However, if you were to upgrade that and maybe incorporate something like how using AI can support your reel content. Maybe a bit more of a problem solution. Right?

Because a lot of people are talking of AI, but do a lot of people really know how to use it? I know for me, I've really learned the craft of, like, using AI to support my business, but it's taken me, some time to understand and to educate myself on how I can kind of get the results that I want to see from AI.

This is just one example, but, ultimately, looking at what you're selling, do you really understand what that problem is that you're solving? Because if you can't answer that, then it's going to be really, really hard to sell it. This is increasingly important now.

What is really working in the online space is very, very or speaking to very tangible outcomes. Okay? I'm going to help you get in flow. It's just not going to cut it anymore. And I say this so respectfully and so lovingly, but people really want to know exactly how your program, your offer, your 1 to 1, whatever that is is going to help them with the real tangible benefits attached to that. And let's be real, this has always been really important.

Your messaging, the messaging in your marketing has always been important, but as we're seeing the online space shift and and grow and evolve and a lot more people in the room, we really need to be clear on the problems that we're solving and how we do that.

The third thing is accelerate your results with personal touch points.

I'm going to give you an example of this.

I have had my 2nd 6-figure launch this year, so the second in 6 months. It's my 3rd 6-figure launch. Now, obviously, I'm going to be sharing a whole load on the mindset behind that, the strategies that I was using in a separate episode or maybe a few separate episodes.

But what I want you to know is the key thing that accelerated these results this year was incorporating personal touch points.

What we, again, are seeing in the industry right now is that building trust has to be a priority.

And it's funny, my coach and I have been sort of laughing and just sort of opening the conversation that actually marketing right now has never been so easy. And the reason for this is, ultimately, we just need to be building trust.

For those of you who have really cultivated trust with your audience, for those who prioritise building trust with your audience, you will continue to see the results that you want to see. It's a priority because of the way that the industry is growing and evolving and changing. Where we had a lot of, “I've made this amount of money, and I'm going to show you how” or “join this mastermind, but, actually, you're never going to have your question answered, and it's going to feel really chaotic”, which let's be real, and this is not me downplaying kind of other people's work, but that has happened, and that does happen and will continue to happen in the coaching space.

So where you really get to stand out is, being the living embodiment of your work, caring really, really deeply for the people who are in your community, whether they are someone who follows you on Instagram or someone who pays you £10,000 a month, treat those people, treat those humans equally, and you will see a really, really different result in your business. You will also live in a different frequency. You will live in a frequency of gratitude and service. And that in itself, because what we focus on expands, who your being is what we attract, will inevitably allow you to see those results as well.

And so what do I mean about personal touch points? So personalisation.

So if you have someone new coming into your space, give them a welcome.

What can you be implementing in your sales strategy which gives people access to you?

I'm going to give you an example. We did and launched a Visibility Audit back in August where I basically gave some of my time to look at people's bio, the overall messaging, and their copy, and I gave them some additional resources. I gave them some options of how they could optimise those 3 things, and kind of gave them, obviously, opportunities of how to continue working with me.

I saw incredible results from that, not just in terms of, how I was converting people into the Masterminds about how people felt really seen and witnessed in my space, and that's really important. I want people to feel like they belong in my space, and this is a way that we get to build a real connection with our audience.

So question for you.

How can you build in some personal touch points to your sales and marketing strategy?

If you do that, you will start to see those different results. And I absolutely need to say here that, yes, this is putting in a little bit of extra work here. However, if you want to see a different result, you have to do things differently.

I'm telling you now across the board, I work with women across early stages to multi-six figures. This is working at every single stage.

I hope this has helped today.

It's a bit of a short and short one, but I just wanted to give you a bit of a bit of a pep talk and inspiration for your Q4 of this year.

Now, of course, all of these strategies, you can bring in to your 2024 strategy as well.

If you have any questions, you know where I am. You can come and find me @pandorapaloma_

I love, love, love hearing from people if you want some insight into, how ultimately you can use this to support your business.

Obviously, every strategy is going to be different business to business. And, actually, why not? I'm going to open this up.

If you want me to do a Visibility Audit on your business, then get involved HERE.

Have a beautiful day, and sending you so much love from my corner of the world to yours.

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