The Secret to my 6 Figure Launches

There’s a certain level of behind the scenes foundations that I’ve spent the last few years building in my business that has seen me reach three consecutive 6 figure launches in the past 18 months. In this episode, I’m sharing the secret behind it, which whilst isn’t the sexiest of chats, IS the thing that supports this level of result.


The question is - are you ready to create a six figure launch tomorrow - do you have the infrastructure? 

And what does this look like? 

In this episode I break it down into the four key components: business model, systems, team and processes, along with adding the mindset I adopt and how I’ve built my capacity to hold this level of wealth and the increased responsibility such as more clients and more risk.

I explore: 

  • The growing pains when it comes to building a team, systems and ways of working

  • The systems required - from onboarding, the service itself and the off boarding

  • The mindset behind 6 figure launches 

  • How I play with receiving at the highest possible level

  • How and why I actually build my life around my business 


I wanted to be super honest in this episode because the 6 figure launch isn’t a walk in the park and ultimately when it comes down to it, it’s the infrastructure that allows for you to achieve it, keep it, and keep building on it.

If you’re nowhere near it, I hope it inspires you to play a little bigger and if you’re nearly there, I hope this gets you over the finish line for your next launch.



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Hello, hello and welcome to this episode of the podcast.

There has been a lot going on in my world and I've been moving, I have had a very profound experience on a retreat, like, the ultimate death and rebirth, and you may have noticed that we haven't aired an episode for a couple of weeks.

Whilst I talk about consistency and being a very consistent person, getting sick last week really threw me off and I want to share that first because, that is business, and I talk about the importance of consistency, and I prioritise consistency and yet still had a week where things just couldn't get done.

We are finding the solutions or the solution to that problem by batch recording more of the podcast. So at the time of recording right now, I'm about to record 2 episodes back to back, so just one of the ways that we continue to optimise the business.

Today I wanted to talk to you about the secrets to my 6 figure launches.

I feel really excited to be speaking about this subject today because I have recently experienced my 3rd consecutive 6-figure launch in a row and so I'm speaking to this now because I've had the 3 consecutive 6 figure launches in a row and a few more under my belt kind of very much approaching that 6 figure mark.

The reason I'm sharing this is because I feel like this sort of 6 figure launch success gets thrown around a little bit and, personally, for me, I feel like I can only really ever speak from authority when I've done things more than once. And, actually, because 3 is my favourite number and you might not know this about me, but I do everything in threes in life. So, once I have done something 3 times that's when I feel like I have an authority to really speak to it and about it within in the business, so here we are.

So The Secret.

I've obviously been quite sassy with this episode name. The secret isn't so much of a secret, and if you know me well enough you know that, nothing really is kind of one thing, but when I was really tuning into what I think is the the most important thing required to have 6 figure launches and continue to have 6 figure launches, it's this.

You have got to have the right business model.

It gets to be as simple as that. You have got to have the right business model, and I'm sure that there will be many of you listening who are like, I want that. I want that 6 figure launch. I want that 6 figure or multi 6, 7 figure business, and you have got to have the right business model because if you are trying to do all of the things, you're not going to get to that level.

If you are trying to speak to everyone, you are going to be speaking to no one. And I think this is really, really important to share, which is why I'm going to talk you through exactly what I mean today.

Let me start by, kind of, giving you an example of my business model.

My business model now is really simple in the fact that we have 1 builder offer, which is Magnetic Visibility. That is the £1500 price point. And then we have my 3 Masterminds for every stage of business, which scales from £3,500 up to £8,500 for the 6 months, and we also have that on a year offer now as well. Because so many of my clients were staying with me for long periods and staying with me for 2, 3 rounds anyway it made sense to have a 12 month offer. So that's my business model.

It's really very, very, very simple. Now, could you have a £1500 product and get to a 6 figure launch? Absolutely. You would need to sell 66 of them.

Could you have a £150 product and getting a 6 figure launch. 100%. You would need to sell a 130 of them.

What we're playing with here is just really understanding that every different business model is going to have different components and obviously then different requirements for how you build and scale that business.

If you're looking at that lower investment, higher numbers versus, a higher investment lower numbers, your approach and your strategy is going to be slightly different. Now, of course, the components are all the same.

So, what is the conversion event or what are the conversion events?

Are you using ads?

What does your funnel look like? What do your many funnels look like? We have funnels that we're building and continuously building new funnels, optimising old funnels that are all driving to the masterminds.

Referrals, your organic outreach, your visibility, your sales processes, all of these things are the components that build to a 6 figure launch. They're components that build to any figure launch and so this is really where understanding the entirety of your launch plan comes in.

Your launch plan, your offers and all of the different systems within the business that will get you the results that you want to see.

Now, under the bounds of your business model there is also your leadership.

One of the core things that I know has got me to a place where I'm creating 6 figure launches is my own leadership. So that’s self leadership, that's leadership of my team, it's my responsibility to go to or the responsibility that I hold to go where a lot of entrepreneurs maybe don't want to go' and I'm going to speak about how much I prioritise my business, a little bit later on in this episode.

It really is about sort of setting those foundations, so being the leader, knowing that in order to get those results I've got to set those foundations, I have got to get really, really tight on my trade offs, of which there are many right now in the season of my business as we kind of come to the end of 2023. I have really big plans for 2024. My trade offs are even tighter.

My self discipline. I am incredibly disciplined in terms of how I show up, my routine, what I eat, the the way in which I prioritise my business, the way in which I prioritise myself, knowing that I love to be the best version I can be for my business, for my clients, for my team, and really, being the version of myself that I know gets these kind of results.

So it's the business model and then are you modelling that for self first and are you modelling that for others?

Which is ultimately why people will choose you.

If you are in a service based business, your clients will choose you because of the way that you lead yourself.

I always say, like, resonance doesn't lie. And so I know that when I am disciplined, when I am leading myself in a way that I desire to be seen and I'm leading myself in my highest, people are going to feel the resonance of that. They know that I am going to be the person that is going to be able to hold them in their highest because I understand what that is for myself.

And so, there's a big, big piece here around being able, being the entrepreneur, the human, the heart, the woman who can hold these kind of results.

So many of my clients choose me to get proximity to that. To how I show up, how I handle things, running a multi 6 figure business in a way that no one else gets to see. What I do, why I'm doing what I do, how I do it, how I handle the hard stuff, the decisions that I'm making, all of it.

And especially at that level because what you will see is that when you get to the 6 figure into multi 6 figure mark, there's a certain level of infrastructure and self leadership that is required, and I've spent the last few years building that. Okay? Not a day, not just 1 year. I've spent years building that infrastructure.

So a question for you if you are listening to this episode and you're thinking: 'girl's going to get herself a 6 figure launch'. If that's you, I'm right behind you. I'm going to walk beside you because it is possible, but the question you really need to ask yourself is, are you ready?

Are you ready to create a 6 figure launch tomorrow?

Do you have the infrastructure in your business?

Do you have the infrastructure in yourself?

Because this really is the secret.

The secret to any successful launch, which is different from the success you've seen before, is that infrastructure in the business and in your world.

I'm going to break that down for you.

I'm going to start with team, systems and processes.

The reason why you maybe haven't had a 6 figure launch yet is because there will be a number of growing pains that you get to move yourself through, move the team through, in order for you to have that level of infrastructure that can hold that level of of numbers in terms of clients and wealth.

Something I see a lot with my clients approaching that 6 figure and heading into the multi sixes, what I call these kind of growing pains. They maybe don't have the right team. Maybe they have someone who got them to the six figure mark that just isn't the same person that's going to get them to that multi six.

And this again is where that self leadership comes in, because you are going to have to make hard decisions.

The growing pains can come from the systems in the business. You know, if you're using a system that just doesn't work for the numbers that maybe you're going to move into, that's something that is going to need you to build a new infrastructure from onboarding, the service itself, the offboarding, this gets to be sh*thot, but it comes with a certain level of infrastructure so that it feels seamless both to your clients, but also for you and the team.

There's also the ways of working, systems and processes. I'm upgrading this all, I shared at the beginning of this podcast that we had to take, a tiny, little, 2 week break because of a problem that we knew was in the business, which was that we were recording, kind of, weekly episodes every week. It's not working for us. So as a way of working, we're always looking at how can we optimise, you know, time, resources, the team's resources and podcast was one of them.

Actually it makes so much more sense for us to record 4 podcasts on one day, we've got it for the week and it means the team can be getting on with it, we're not chasing our tail.

In terms of that infrastructure, this is ultimately what we're talking about here. What do we build and have in place so that we don't feel like we are always chasing our tail?

And this is where the growing pains comes in, because during that growing pain period what might feel like a lot of messy middles really is a gift. It's an opportunity for you to see what needs upgrading, so that you can then build the infrastructure of a business that can have 6 figure launch and I always love to reframe it with my clients in that way of like, if these problems weren't coming through, they weren't coming up for you, they weren't coming up for the team, we wouldn't know how to fix them.

It's in fixing them that we're building the capacity for you to meet that next level.

So there's ways of working, and then there's also your access.

This is something that I think is really important for me to share here that you cannot have all access for all clients at the multi six figure mark, unless you are a high ticket offer kind of business model, of which you have maybe 5, 10, 15, 20 clients, depending on capacity as a human being at any one time.

So, let's say that actually you were charging £30,000 for the year and you had 20 clients, well then you would be making £600,000. You likely would be having those 6 figure launches. That's something that I really invite you to feel into.

Is there scope to prioritise the offers that you know you're going to build as your core offers?

And how ready are you to dissolve and move away from those that don't make financial sense for the business anymore?

And I've definitely been there before, where I've had to close offers within the business because they just didn't make financial sense.

You really, as an entrepreneur, as an entrepreneur who holds 6 figure launches, get to discern what is working and what is not and what is the easiest way for me to build into that next level without feeling like I'm having to do all of the things.

So, infrastructure, team, system, processes, the access that clients have to you and of course your offers.

The way that I do this in my business across the three Masterminds is within each Mastermind going up to obviously, your revenue bracket, you get more access to me and that means that I get to serve my clients from the early stages all the way up to multi 6 and 7 and do that in a way that they feel supported, but the processes that we use and the access that they have is different because, of course, there's only one of me.

Another question to ask is, if you were to bill to the 6 figure mark based on your current offers, is there any opportunities or is there any requirements for you to tweak or upgrade your offers in order to make sure that you are able to hold that next level?

The mindset. Of course, I'm going to throw in mindset support here.

Of course to be holding 6 figure launches is a big deal, and the not so secret, but secret is that I support my mindset every single day.

I talk things through with my coach, I ask for support, I tune into what I'm thinking, and I make sure that I'm aligning to the best possible thoughts.

Something thing I've been playing around with recently, as I end 2023 having had my best ever year in business. Is what does playing at the highest possible level look and feel like? What does receiving the highest possible level, look and feel like?

So what I'm doing here is I'm setting a vision at a whole new level knowing what I've achieved this year and knowing that if I can achieve this, this year what does that get to look like next year. And this would be a really beautiful time to do that, because we're approaching the end of 2023, the newness of 2024, so you get to tune in to, what would playing and receiving even at that highest possible level look and feel like.

I believe that right now, as I'm recording this podcast the last day of October, aired the 1st week of November.

I believe that there are 2 types of entrepreneurs.

There are the entrepreneurs who at this point might be thinking, “I'm just going to slow down. It’s nearly Christmas. People aren't buying right now. Yeah. I'm just going to get to Jan, and then I'm going to think about next year.”

And whilst they think that they can then rest at Christmas, they don't because, actually, they may be anxious about money or they know that they're going to be chasing their tail as soon as January hits.

And then there's the entrepreneurs who are like, “there are 2 months left of year. I'm going to make Q4 my most magnetic. I'm going to use this time to prepare for my Q1 launches.”

Knowing that Q4 and Q1 are often the most lucrative, certainly in the online space, and then they're going to be able to hit Christmas fully resting, fully recharging.

I want you in the latter.

So what are you doing now to end the year on a high?

And what are you doing now life to support yourself and your business as you go into 2024?

So the mindset piece, I choose to… I choose CEO mindset every day, and sometimes that's hard. Of course, I'm human, but it's like, what do I need to do today for myself? What do I need to do today for my business?

And I'm really able to understand how I can compartmentalise. So, when I am personally having a harder time, I'm able to compartmentalise. Okay, that's going on in that area of my life, but right now I also get to be CEO in my business.

So this leads me really nicely to the final kind of piece I wanted to speak to, which is capacity.

And, you know, I've shared it really is about, who do I get to be? Who do I get to be to be able to hold 6 figure launches in my business?

Something I want to share with you, which I haven't really shared before, but it's very relevant to this conversation and the results that I see, is that I actually build my life around my business and here's why.

I prioritise my business and what will move me forward in the business, because when I prioritise that kind of structure, I always live in overflow.

There's a lot around that self discipline. I'm a solo parent and because I have these things in place, and there are trade offs, right? My daughter is always at after school club because I need that extra 6 hours a week to be the version of me that holds this version of my business, but because I know that there are things such as I'm a solo parent, I don't want to be taking time off and then worrying about money. So that comes with me deciding to build my life around my business, knowing that my business creates that level of solidity for me. It gives me routine. It gives me structure.

And I work 30 hours a week over 4 days. I'm not that coach that has ever worked a 5 or a 15 hour week, but that's just never worked for me, and on the level of which I desire to be in service to my clients, but outside of that time that I work, those 30 hours over 4 days, I do switch off, and I am able to switch off again because I've prioritised the business. And in doing that, it's given me overflow.

It's given me overflow in time, overflow in money, overflow in space, and so my business gives me the opportunity to live the way that I want to live, so I've prioritised it first.

I haven't prioritised pleasure in building to this level of business.

I've prioritised the business knowing that that the result of that then gives the space to be in my pleasure.

I found that people, certain clients who have come to me that have prioritised pleasure often feel like they're chasing their tail because they're trying to rest whilst feeling behind or anxious about what money is coming in.

So I switched it up, and I've always kind of built my life around my business knowing that it would allow me so much pleasure once I got to a certain point, which I am now enjoying as I have reached this stage in my business.

I think when you prioritise pleasure, lead from energetics only without the solidity of prioritising the business and the strategy, you don't reap the best results and you don't then reap the best benefits from all of the hard effort, the work that you've put in to building your business.

So this really is the capacity piece, like what is it that you need to prioritise?

I often talk about trade offs, of which I said there are many, there are many trade offs, I prioritise myself, I prioritise my business, and from there, I'm able to see these kind of results which has given me overflow in ways that I never even thought I would be able to experience, but it's come with the trade offs. It's come with a certain level and amount of trade offs that we always say about trade offs, as long as you are comfortable, as long as you've made that decision, you can get behind it, because you know that you've made that decision for the bigger picture result that you want to see.

So if you want to build a 6 figure launch, a multi 6 figure business, your number one priority has got to be building your capacity.

Which which comes from support and that self leadership piece, and the infrastructure that you have built, or are building in your business to make it all possible.

What I will share is that, if you're not there yet, don't worry. This is something that you are building all of the time in all of the ways. Different things will show up. Just this week, something showed up in my business. It was like, 'Ah, that feels sticky. We need to find a better solution to that.'

I really wanted to be honest here in this podcast because the 6 l figure launch is thrown about, and, honestly, it's it's no walk in the park. It's taken me years to build the internal capacity, the external capacity, the capacity within the team, the capacity within all areas life that enables me to hold that kind of result.

So a couple of other secrets, not so secrets.

I really do live to be the best version of myself, for myself first, then my clients, the results that they see, and everyone around me in my life. So I really do go all in, and I upgrade my knowledge every year. Every year, every month, I am upgrading my knowledge to be even more of my best version and that doesn't come from a, ‘I'm not enough, I need to learn more', it comes from a, 'I get to be more, I get to know more.’

And in doing that, my clients will see better results. My life is easier when my clients see better results. It's that simple. I live more of my potential when my clients see better results, so I'm not going to ever stop doing that.

And then I think another piece is I'm laughing, of course, talking about consistency, having not done the podcast for 2 weeks. We’re going to let that one go.

But I really am the most consistent person I know and it's it's habit that I have had to build, the consistency of how I exercise, my health, what I eat, how I sleep, the visibility piece, how often, how much I show up in my business, how often I'm in my business, how often I'm in the business and on the business, how consistent I am with building the strategies, how consistent I am in looking at the data, how consistent I am at looking at our funnels and optimising all the elements of the business.

And I just keep going. I think if I were to tie it all in, secret of 6 figure launches is I keep going. I keep going. Not from a place of fear, not from a place of, like, hustle. It's just like, ‘I get to do this. I get to do this again and again and again and again.’

I keep going for myself, I keep going for my clients. I keep going for women in my world who know that they want to create something more for themselves. That's what gets me out of bed in the morning.

It's knowing that when more and more women create new and more results for themselves they get more choices and more freedom and that is my love language.

So, if you are looking to build your 6 figure launch, 6 figure business, multi 6 figure business, think about your business model, the infrastructure within yourself and within the business, your teams, your systems, your processes, the mindset and your capacity and what you're prioritising in order to make that happen.

I hope this has landed in your heart today and given you some juicy inspiration. If you have any questions, I always love hearing from my community.

You can find me @pandorapaloma_ on the gram.

Have a beautiful, beautiful day. Sending love and magnetism from my corner of the world.

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