Welcome to The Magnetic Woman Podcast
A podcast for thought leaders and visionaries to explore business mastery, maturation and the mystical so you can live your version of extra-ordinary.
A Magnetic Client - Using Thought Leadership to Meet your Next Level with Naomi Dacosta
The third in the series of celebrating some of the many incredible clients I get to work with, this episode introduces Naomi Dacosta, Design Recruiter & Founder of NDC Creative Recruitment. I’ve worked with Naomi in shorter containers over the years and in March 2023 she committed to spending 6 whole months in Expand to 7, with a focus of really honing in on her thought leadership and specifically on the platform, LinkedIn. What I love about Naomi’s journey is that the results she saw from her visibility in this way were almost instant with new clients showing immediately, one week resulting in a £30k week. This visibility strategy also presented other opportunities for her to step into, which whilst took her out of her comfort zone, felt like the exact next step for her.
A Magnetic Client - Accelerating Business, Self-Leadership and Changing the Landscape of Retail with Anna Woods
The next in the series of celebrating some of the many incredible clients I get to work with, this episode introduces Anna Woods, a Leadership & Business Coach and Founder of sustainable retail store, Positive Retail. Anna and I knew each other personally before she came into my world on a professional level. After working in a very specific way for years climbing the corporate ladder, she realised a year into launching her own business that she was operating in the same way she had back then. Knowing it wasn’t serving her in creating the business she had dreamed of owning - rich in values and with a sustainable approach - she joined The Expansion Accelerator. Fast forward six months and she had created a whole new way of working…
A Magnetic Client - Changing the Future of Online Courses with Sally Hatherly-Burns
I’m so thrilled to bring this episode to your ears today because it’s a very special conversation, with a very special client and friend - the one and only - Sally Hatherly-Burns, Founder and CEO of tech start-up, The Portal. Sally is currently in the process of getting funding and The Portal is set to be a globally known business. If you don’t know about it, you need to know about it. In this episode we discuss: important turning points for Sally in business, the current online course landscape, her CEO mindset and so much more..
38 Lessons in Life & Business (for my 38th year)
This week I'm celebrating my birthday week and when I was thinking about what to bring to the podcast, I thought it would be fun to share 38 lessons in life and business, for my 38th year on earth (this lifetime!). With 20+ years under my belt in communications and marketing, 7+ years running a now multiple 6 figure business (and set to have our best year yet!), and a whole load of ups, downs and messy middles, I've learnt some valuable lessons. In this episode, I'm sharing them with you.
How I Manage the Summer Months as a Mumma and Entrepreneur
I’m going to be sharing a little bit about how I’m navigating the summer as a mumma and entrepreneur. Nothing that I'm sharing today is groundbreaking, a lot of this is mindset and pieces around energetics really anchoring into trade offs of where I'm at right now and knowing ultimately what is right for me and sharing with you what's right for me and giving you some inspiration to trust what is right for you at the end of the day. What I want to start with here is not making yourself wrong
Overcoming Money Limitations and Scaling in the Early Stages of Business with Sofia Rose Bernardi
Meet Sofia Rose Bernardi, one of my fellow masterminders and a coach who supports other coaches at the early stages of business and their journey to 6 figures. In this episode we explore her journey and the turning points that got her to where she is today, the huge life experience that led her to scarcity mindset with money and how she got out of it, how she blends psychology, strategy and energetics in her coaching, how the coaching industry is changing and her thoughts on the future
How I Planned my Second Half of the Year on a CEO Retreat
I’m sharing with you the exact steps and process that I took in mapping out the second half of my year on my CEO retreat. I find it really powerful taking myself out of my normal environment to get into CEO mode and map out my strategy, so this is how you can do the same and get into your vision for 2023
5 Ways to Build Your Wealth Frequency
Business is a science, not just manifestation. If you are in a space right now where you’re not making the money you want, instead of affirmations and energetic work, I want you to think about the these things that you can do that will support you in growing and scaling your business
My Predictions on The Industry
The coaching industry is not going anywhere. Something we are moving away from though is the narrative that we can manifest 6 and 7 figure businesses. Business is not only manifestation and we are starting to see some big changes in the industry, so these are my predictions in the coaching space
How I Actually Run My Business
I love sharing a lot of the how when it comes to my results, my client's results, because I giving the context of the how helps you expand and helps you see how it's actually possible for you to grow your service or product based business. This episode is a break down of what I do yearly, quarterly, monthly and weekly in the business.
What Happened in Peru
Shamanism awakens us to our fullest potential and to remember the truth - our divine Nature. There is a new frequency and level of abundance that has come from anchoring into my light through this work, which I’m so excited to share with you in new offerings and one to one sessions. If you’re completely new to shamanism or curious to hear more about my own personal journey and how I weave it into my work, I hope this episode awakens something within you and inspires you to connect with yourself and life in a way you haven’t yet before.
How I Ran a 6 Figure Launch
I break down the behind the scenes of my recent 6 figure launch of my masterminds, along with the HOW I made it happen. I break this episode down into the strategy, business model and my business values that led me to this result and the money aspect showing you how this revenue is broken down and used in the business. I share what I was doing personally in my thinking, doing and BEing and the energetics piece and what this looked like to get this kind of result
Money Healing and Wealth Building with Emily Wilcox
Emily Wilcox is a money healer and business mentor on a mission to bring more conscious wealth to this planet through helping entrepreneurs heal their money wounds and call in big, signed, joyous moolah. In this episode, Emily talks about her incredible transition out of her cushy job in corporate America into an e-commerce business and now into coaching and supporting other incredible women and healing money wounds with entrepreneurs.
Stepping into Unapologetic Power & Reclaiming your Voice with Amy Rushworth
Amy Rushworth leads women to live unapologetically by dissolving doubt and pressure and stepping into ‘how dare she’ energy. We explore the turning points that got Amy to where she is today, her significant rebirth year in 2022 and her own reclamation of her voice over the years of entrepreneurship. We also explore the fear of being misunderstood, judged, or cancelled online and how we have both dissolved this fear to keep moving forwards.
How to Become a Revolutionary Healer with Amanda Hunt
Amanda Hunt is both a client and friend of mine. She is a certified coach, breathwork facilitator, ordained Shamanic minister and all round awesome human. In this episode we talk about the evolution of Amanda’s business and her journey of awakening and transformation to create an incredible business and revolutionary training that helps other coaches change the consciousness of the planet too.
How Visibility Has Changed in 2023. What you Need to Know
Visibility is now both marketing AND sales. It’s not just visibility on the front end to the collective, it’s also how you’re being visible to each and every person in your world. Anyone focusing on marketing without sales and sales without marketing might not get the results they desire right now because of how the industry is changing but this isn’t something to fear; it’s something to embrace! In this episode I unpack what you need to know about visibility in 2023.
Business Slow? Here’s what to focus on...
This episode of The Magnetic Woman podcast is packed FULL of insight into what is happening right now in the online business landscape and if business is feeling slow, what to do about it.
In this episode, you'll learn how the sales landscape is changing and what to do to keep your sales alive, the importance of nurturing your audience and how to do it and why tracking data is more important than ever before and much more!
Building a Brand Based on Energetics with Victoria Pippo
Introducing Victoria Pippo, Energy Healer, Soul Activator and Conscious Leader...
In this episode we explore energetics in delicious detail including what is it to work with energy, the myths and the mastery of energetics, the collective energy in 2023, conscious leadership for entrepreneurs and much much more.